"Richest person in Gotham meet 3rd string news reporter

"Richest person in Gotham meet 3rd string news reporter.


What did Zack Synder mean by this?

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wow its almost as if Lex knew who they both were..

>What did Zack Synder mean by this?
He's showing that Luther knows their secret identities. Did you even watch the movie white boi?

He already knew who they both were you dolt. Maybe stick with Marvel movies if you need basic shit dumbed down for you.

am I the only one who thought it was contrived to show Lex with luscious hair only to lose it in an attempt to be a sort of LEX LUTHOR ORIGINS of how he became bald?

DC defense force

shill harder

how he lost his hair is the DEEPEST of DC LORE. That deserved it's own movie in my opinion.

no just terrible writing.

Everyone already knows who they both are. Fucking worst Batman, just tells everyone who he is

Superboy saves his life but the fallout Lex goes bald.

Clark asks who Bruce Wayne is.
He has been on Earth since infant-hood and is a reporter; why would he not recognize Bruce Wayne, a gazillionaire who lives in the neighboring city?

Its been years since ive watched this movie so I dont remember, but how did Lex know their identities again?

but it's easier to have him arrested and shave his head....because DC is beyond caring at this point.

He literally just does because of reasons. He knows who all of the Justice Leaguers are, because of reasons.

he is very very very smart

Because he's like Trump. He has, like, a good brain.

Your post is autism

>get something wrong
>get correct
>m-muh shill

Snyder's Superman is a self absorbed dunce.

More at 11.

I've got the biggest autism, just the best. Very autism, very good

No, my retard alert went off so I was trying to help one.

>Ow..Wow! That is a good grip! You should not pick a fight with this person!

Did anyone else catch this subtle foreshadowing in how Superan actually fights Batman? Snyder is a genius.

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this is your brain on MCU

I laughed and nudged my seat mate in the ribs, as if to imply something might happen later between the two. haha

>liking capeshit unironically
>muh brand is better than yours
waste of life

>retard alert
I know the "go back to plebit" meme is old as fuck but goddamn it, it's still relevant. Like why do you think you can come here and mess up our shit?

Rich people are not necessarily celebrities.
I bet there's a lot of rich assholes fucking around in the Hamptons none of us ever heard.

>our shit

Yeah, but Bruce Wayne is rich in a way that real world people aren't.

>our shit
>goddamm it
lmao think someone needs go to rëddit, yeah

It's also a setting with flying aliens. Nobody would care about him outside his social circle, and he did spend most of his outh learning martial arts and out of the spotlight.

>Nobody would care about him outside his social circle
Well I think Clark knew who Bruce Wayne was, he just didn't know what he looked like.


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the funniest thing to me about the cape shit vs thing is that marvel movies are quickly forgotten meanwhile dc movies still invoke rage in some geeks for whatever reason. Im just upset they used steppenwolf and thought that was a good idea for an antagonist. who the fuck is in charge there and how disconnected are they to think that would be a hit.

How did Lex know that Clark is Superman?

well yeah he's that universe's mark zuckerberg

there is a difference between not knowing who someone is and not instantly recognizing them. clark clearly knows who bruce wayne is, he just asks "who is this person who i can't immediately place that everyone seems to know?"

it's more than implied that bruce wayne is not as active publicly as he might once have been. there's no reason someone not as familiar with high-rise society like the other reporters there would instantly know who he is. you probably wouldn't recognize warren buffet if you crossed him on the street

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If Luthor is so smart, why didn't he keep notes detailing the step-by-step process by which he figured out the formula?

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>yt can't understand his own movie