He made over 80 movies.
He made over 80 movies
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And yet not a single movie made him.
And I've watched like half of one of them.
Deconstructing Harry is the only one of his that I love and it's not on Bluray!!!FACT!!!
To molest thousands
And they're all shit
To make millions of dollars
I remember one movie of him. It had a giant tit rolling over the hills. It wasn't that good tbqh
And they all come across as movies made for a class by a film student
And they're all the same.
At least a dozen of them are very good. He's a quality over quantity guy but he made some gems.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this meme?
to save millions!
if he wasn't a kike Sup Forums wouldn't hate him
woody while not the best he did make a few good movies jew or not
Has he ever made a big budget movie?
All his movies seem so cheap
ultracontrarian Sup Forums would blow his clipped cock nonstop since his films never really appealed to normies
>killing millions
>to save billions
Sup Forumsacks don't watch any movies other than big blockbusters
I liked Sleeper.
Broadway Danny Rose, Husbands and Wives, and Hannah And Her Sisters are my favorites.
He probably is going to double the digits before he drop dead !!!
Good for him but I've genuinely never seen one
I've heard of that one he made that is name-checked by hipsters and described as "genius," but I can't remember what it's called
Pretty much sums it up really
probably Annie Hall
but if you never saw even one of them your point is not really valid user
I wasn't making a point
And they are all the same exact shit
Fucking disgusting kike
>Broadway Danny Rose
my nigga
usually when you have an opinion about something you have a point user.
unless your artificial intelligence in which case i apologize
I can call you a faggot and still not have a point
An opinion is not an argument, and this isn't debate club
He killed millions
and i haven't watched a single one
He's hated by Sup Forums who never watched a single one of his flicks.
He's my hero.
Play It Again, Sam is my favourite of his and one of the few he wrote and starred in but didn't direct
Blue Jasmine finally gave my waifu the Oscar she deserves so I like him for that.
You don't have to be Sup Forums to hate am incestuous kike pedo.
Pedo kike or a based man?
Wonder Wheel was shit.
Those aren't mutually exclusive.