If you're given a chance, will you fuck her?

If you're given a chance, will you fuck her?

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dove cameron? hell yeah



my dick got hella hard during that scene

I don’t remember Rey shaving her head in the new star wars movie?

Why do they always go for the eyes wide apart instead of close together?


Close = retard
Apart = ayy

most definitely im so very horny

Nigga i fapped to this scene

Would Ren inevitability rape me?

Too human, no good.

is that britanny venti?

Is this thatnjenny girl who shills her shit Disney content here al the time?
What happened to her hair?

>tfw no chimera babies

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Is that the girl from the goat film?

this explains things

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Sauce me up senpai

Couldn't stop looking at her thighs. Yeah I'd ve had her. The other female lead wasn't doing it for me.

>fuck a girl ayy
>xhe turns into a guy and fucks you right back
new fetish

the best part was when she (he) raped the woman.

its impossible not to jerk off during this movie

Is that Devin Townsend?

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>all these retards in this thread who want to fuck this creature are the same people who criticize the shape of water for being degenerate

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watch more movies you fucking redditor

this board is legit garbage

I watched this in high school at a get together with my friends and some girls we were all collectively trying to hook up with, so it was kind of like a 5v5 date.
>We decide to watch a scary movie
>The only thing my idiot friend knows about the movie is at one point the monster rapes a girl
>This happens at the end of the movie
>The entire lead up to the movie he's making alien rape joke
>Girls politely ignoring him, we're all nonverbally apologizing
>Movie starts
>EVERY. FUCKING. SCENE. he goes "Is this the rape?" "Oh she is totally gonna get raped" "Where's the fucking rape scene"
>He thinks he's being funny but its seriously ruining the vibe
>Finally the rape scene happens and he's suddenly very quiet and intensely watching
>Everyone notices how into watching it he is
>Movie ends and the host says "Well time to go see you guys"
>Rapey guy gets in his car and leaves, we pretend to leave and actually stay to shit talk him with the girls
>No one ever hangs out with him again

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Nice blog, faggot.

Thanks man really hope you liked it

It kind of sucked, bro

>autist just wants to enjoy a fictional movie rape scene
>normies & roasties start complaining
You sound like a piece of shit normalfag

>plot twist: user was the guy

not gonna lie I really liked this movie just because of how fucking unsettling it was

Wow how fucking uptight were you kids?

plot twist: user was a big guy

for you

sounds like me tbqhf (to be quite honest famalamadingdong)

It's 2018, we're all big guys now


sarah polley walking in on brody fucking the mutant got some of the biggest laughs i've ever heard in a theater

even when the cam rip was put online, you could hear the audience crack up during that scene. it was great.

You are now aware that the lady scientist in Splice is the little girl from Baron Munchausen.

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thanks for ruining the rape scene faggot
i was about to fap and red your shitty normie story and now i don't wanna anymore

Should've taken him into the other room and coached him on his spazziness.

Autists deserve the rope.


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That guy was you, wasn't he? I'm sorry your friends don't want to hang out with you any more.

*would you

not "will you". the proper way to write this is "would you".

Why are people so fucking stupid?

You shut your fucking mouth when I fondle with my puritan cock


The question is in present tense, so "Will you" is appropriate.

Is this from the last scene of The VVitch?

Not everyone is a native speaker of english and the language no longer belongs to England to set the rules. English is now just the language of the internet and you're is barely even "you are".

Maybe english is not his first language

No, because it's a hypothetical question, so you would use "would", not "will".

If you were dead, will you smell?
If you were dead, would you smell?


Right, it was a bit ethnocentric of me to assume OP is stupid and not just foreign.
Just making an assumption based on where we are posting...

Sounds like someone got raped


Your a faggot

>where we are posting
You mean a Bangladeshi kite testing forum?
You have to go back, newfag.

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At that point of the movie, yes, her
Too much down the uncanny valley


teebeeache movie was pretty decent

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Looks like a bald Melania kek

He's retarded for not even being able to check the filename, but don't pretend that this flick is a must-watch.

did we make it?

I think I only didn't like this scene because I was watching it with my mother

English is my second language actually.
Tks for a lesson anyway. It was useful.

I guess that answers that question.

la creatura...

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We are posting in a website with visitors from all over the globe

No problem! Hope your day is swell, friend
I learned a lesson too: Don't be so mean on the 'net!

why did no one just say 'hey man relax with the rape stuff were trying to watch'

By "where we're posting" I didn't mean fucking America, retard.

I said it was ethnocentric of me to assume OP is STUPID. Making that assumption based on where we are posting. I was basically joking saying people who post on Sup Forums are stupid.

With you, it's not a fucking joke, since I had to explain that.

So fucking dumb.

>being this new
I 'member my first thread too, user. Just give it a rest

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Lol, aight bro
You don't have to tell me twice

You've assumed the "'re" stands for were and not are.

If you are given the chance, will do you do it?
You lose cock boy.

(((adrian brody)))
Jews will fuck anything!

lmao i know this feel when you have to pretend to leave cause the fucking idiot is ruining everything

>replying again
Give it a rest, "bro." Holy shit, embarassing

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It's universalist vs tribalist ethics. To the tribalist, "Good" is what's good for the tribe, and nothing more or less.
To the tribalist, porking an ayy is good, but letting your mute janitors get egged up on FISHED . com is bad.

>implying they both don't look retarded
Why not just make a symmetrical creature design?

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Er, I think you lost me maybe?

"If you were given a chance to meet TaySwift, would you eat her legs?"

"If you are given a chance to meet TaySwift, would you eat her legs?"

"If you are to be given in the future, a chance to meet TaySwift, would you eat her legs?"

"You are given the chance to meet TaySwift. Will you eat her legs?"

All correct. Notice the last example implies certainty. That is when you use "will" over "would".


of course!

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People on Sup Forums misconjugate verbs all the time, often deliberately. But they never correct grammar. Things might go over better for you if you just admit to yourself that you’re a clueless newfag and slink off back into anonyminity for a while. Watch. Watch and listen. You’re on the boards now, son, and we’re definite watching you.

I would definitely fuck the wide set eyes and I wouldn’t fuck the close set eyes.

>Non-verbally apologising

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>man fucks human dna hybrid who forms an actual relationship with throughout itd life

>woman fucks some sea creature

You're really dumb, friend

Its basically the same reasoning behind women being cool having sex toys, but men are beta virgins for having them


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>"Rape guy" is a Kinographer
>you and your friends are beta normies who watch flicks
>this is indisputable