Describe the downfall of The Simpson in one word.
Describe the downfall of The Simpson in one word
That makes it appear to be a more gradual process. To me it seems it went south rather quickly, like over a series and a half.
These FUCKERS are ruining my comfy Simpson’s thread
The reason the simpsons got worse was because a lot of the writers left to do other things, and celebrities appearing for no reason
That was the subtle transition between Simon’s departure and elf jockeys, but if you want one word to describe when the Simpsons’s quality went from high to questionable, it’d be he’sgotourunderwears
These are the only objectively correct answers in the thread.
What is this?
>based as fuck mods deleting THOSE posts
Mods are gods
_ _ _ _ _
Everything after that is just the corpse of the Simpsons being danced around on sticks.
Just report them, I’ve been doing it and they always get deleted
Mods have been blessing us this week with their presence in our comfy Simpson’s threads.
Bless the mods, the jannies, and the holy hot pockets.
What was it
>movie came out in 2007
>between seasons 18 and 19
It sucked long before that
Garden and Farmin
Epic. Simply epic. Holy wow!
>tfw sneed poster gets regularly rangebanned because of reylo
you cant make this shit up
are comfy simpsons threads back on the menu?
your underage sneed friends getting massacred user
literally all me
soon user, I tweeted hiro about this sneed raids and somehow they getting btfo
So what's getting deleted, sn**d?
On topic,
That's a symptom, not the disease. I'd say Flanderization.
Come gather 'round, children
It's high time ye read
Yes, mods are finally doing their jobs
about a hero named Jannie
In one word: stale
Sitcoms are generally short lived. A long sitcom might run 8-10 years. You can't have a normal sitcom that runs for as long as the Simpsons
Also, this is unrelated to the Simpsons but I wanted to ask it since we know the mods are in this thread. Can you guys make a John Mahoney sticky so the ghost-posting autist stops his crusade?
in an alternate universe bane posting gets banned and _____ posting gets stickies
Baneposting used to get you banned for spamming newfag
baneposting is funny. ____posting isn't.
>redditors crying about muh bad words in muh precious threads
>congratulating mods
can't make this up
I was going to call you a retard, since the simpsons were always a massive global phenomenon, but then you made me wonder, can something be massively popular but not mainstream? thanks for the brain food user
The show peaked around season 8 or 9 and then it was a slow descent after that. However I recently watched the seasons I had refused to watch before, like 18 and forward. Honestly it's not that bad, it's certainly not as good as the first ten season but it's definitely not as terrible as most people think.
citation missing on that first line, champ
Simpson was already less mainstream by the time it started going downhill. I'm wondering if it's because the good writers started leaving to do Futurama episodes.
I guess it depends on what you mean by "massively" popular because I guess you could say your question describes cult cinema/tv, in that they have strong followings but outside of the usual mainstream or commercial space.
fuckin eh
>the autistic fifteen year old spamming sneed was defeated on this day and probably rangebanned
he's 15
he posts sneed
that's literally all his life is
As long as we keep reporting him
I usually try to remind people atleast once a thread how old he is
that way if a mod's around they'll rangeban him because of his age
I can do it in three, and it's the same problem facing most comedy. Counterculture becoming culture.
you do realize that you being 15 will get you banned right
oh wait, you're phoneposting too.
Simpsons was never counterculture
sneedposter, i'm currently jacking off to the thought of you being banned by the mods and all your shitty posts being cleaned up by janny
i hope your austistic 15 year old ass is angrily screaming to mommy
Fuck you, that's a classic episode.
Literally all deleted, based jannies
>mad sneedposter who's currently ban evading
Autistic samefag
>it's the tried and true tactic of the sneedposter who ban evades
and i hope to see you in a week, my 15 year old friend
>assblasted sneedfag got btfo by reylo
you cant make this shit up
I'm talking big, true massive, like the simpsons are since at least '91... a big commercial success.
they were never ever an underground thing BUT they had this refined sensibility that we could not describe as mainstream, it was just too nerdy, too cultured, too well-engineered... they were never just a sitcom, but somehow everyone feel entitled to consume the show, because it has something for everyone... truly a strange thing
Nah, look at the filename. It's a reylo autist who, after being called out for having reddit/tumblr filename, mashes some numbers together because she doesn't know how Sup Forums filenames are derived and hopes to look like an oldfag.
Case in point
you can't hide
Wow, that's fucking pathetic.
I revisited the whole of seasons 15 and 16 in the last month or so and they are about 95% forgettable. In fact I just had to look through wiki to remember the episodes and only three strike me as worth watching: All's Fair in Oven War, She Used To Be My Girl and the Artie Ziff episode.
I'm trying to establish where it should genuinely have been nuked. Definitely by S15 but I'm going to check 14 next.
he admitted it months ago
and he is you
who's 15. hates the simpsons, and has no other excuse for autistic sneedposting. Goodbye!
Lmao they literally deleted the evidence fucking pathetic. This is who you're standing with comfyfags, nice
keep complaining, sneedposter
It peaked in season 6.
Doesn't require archivefagging at all to notice strange filenames that pop up after someone gets called out for having newfag filenames.
whoops meant to type season 11* how did that happen.
You type like you've been here for two months at most
>gets called out for having newfag filenames.
>caring about filenames at all
>>>r/Sup Forums/
>the sneedposter cannot think or act like their is a unified resistance against him, because that would confirm his belief in his pathetic crusade to destroy "comfy simpsons threads"
>observe him here accusing myself and four other posters of being a samefag
go away teenager
>autistic sneed projecting hits hard
>t. you
>two months
Try two weeks.
Sweetie, your tumblr is showing ;)
man this sneedposter is one mad nigger
>Fuck you, that's a classic episode.
He's not wrong though