Faggots deserve to die

If you are a faggot, you deserve death

Prove you're not a faggot

>Prove you're not a faggot

I get (You), not (OP)

>Prove you're not a faggot
I fucked your mom

Good, good. You will be safe in the coming purging of niggers, faggots and Jews.

Stay straight.

I'm not a fucking leaf

I'm not a faggot, I only like feminine penis.

I am a faggot. Fight me, pussy.

Amazing. Canada, in all seriousness, deserves to be nuked off the face of the planet.

Its entire population is arrogant, atheist, queer, and totally hellbound. Bunch of losers.

I like fornicating with the opposite sex

Jew here go fuck yourself faggot

Im fuck guys in the ass. Im not a faggot. OP is

If liking traps is gay, why don't genuine gay men like traps?

I suck dicks! Eer I mean I dont. I dont suck dicks. Phew.

I like guys, what now?

Im not OP, also check my flag, saged

>Prove you're not a faggot

I fuck your da!

>Prove you're not a faggot

Gladly. Every queer deserves to get knocked the fuck into oblivion.

I'm supporting Trump.

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This isn't even Sup Forums related.

Leaf fucked OPs mom but is still a faggot confirmed

well. He is certainly more of a fag than you.

I like to stick sharpies up my ass and post the pic on Reddit, redditfags can tell Im a guy because of my feminine hips. 0

The only males I am attracted to are qt traps.

>Prove you're not a faggot

I like boipucci and qt traps.

I like pussy and beer.

but I am gay

Please stop posting.

Queers always have wicked smiles; they know they are fooling you.

Faggots are pure evil.

Tim Kaine has a target on his head.

Don't be like Tim Kaine.

Because he is too shilly to admit it.

I can stick three dicks in my mouth and sing the national anthem. Checkmate, faggot.

I'm catholic
don't mind the flag,

no u


I'm genuinely impressed. You pass.

I'm not a fag I promise.

See you on the VDV day :^)

Since you asked nicely.

i want a long term consensual relationship with another male but aside from that I'm conservative leaning on most issues, I'm much less of a threat than the people who are crafting and pushing sjw liberal agenda

I know it's scary because the gays but you should consider people individually instead of generalizing

you faggot

Im muzzle

I only fuck feminine guys

If you're gay, you're going to Hell, and while you live you push atheism onto the world. Gays are the #1 threat and deserve to be exterminated, regardless of their individual characteristics.

Homosexuality is a plague.

if you say so

i like traps does it make me gay?

>I want to live in a theocracy
>muh freedom

No. Unless what you enjoy most about them is unnaturally large dicks. Then I might have some news for you.

op is a fag

if you hate freedom so much why dont you fuck off from america, turn into muslim, dress up in heavy full body cloth in dessert and enjoy your zero tolerance laws where disobeying means death and you get exploded in a transport because somebody got paid 200 to wear explosive belts by ISIS

I ride a DR650.

>Prove you're not a faggot

I've only jacked off to one trap this
whole week

I am gay, why u mad though?
Don't get enough pussy?
Are you secretly gay as well?
Just leave us alone, people like you are an eyesore.

No best traps are ones with feminine dicks and feminine figure.
In fact, traps are moe feminine than even women.
They also have DFC.

Then you prolly aren't gay. Just kinky straight.
Post boipussy

I only fuck women and fap to futa, pretty sure I'm not gay

Delicious flat chest.

>Its entire population is arrogant, atheist, queer, and totally hellbound. Bunch of losers.
That's funny when censuses show Canadians and more religious and straighter than you, desu.

>1.7% gay
>3.6% gay

>74% Christian
>70% Christian

are more*

Vote for a cunt, not Trump