If you are a faggot, you deserve death
Prove you're not a faggot
If you are a faggot, you deserve death
Prove you're not a faggot
>Prove you're not a faggot
I get (You), not (OP)
>Prove you're not a faggot
I fucked your mom
Good, good. You will be safe in the coming purging of niggers, faggots and Jews.
Stay straight.
I'm not a fucking leaf
I'm not a faggot, I only like feminine penis.
I am a faggot. Fight me, pussy.
Amazing. Canada, in all seriousness, deserves to be nuked off the face of the planet.
Its entire population is arrogant, atheist, queer, and totally hellbound. Bunch of losers.
I like fornicating with the opposite sex
Jew here go fuck yourself faggot