This is the best film I've ever seen.
This is the best film I've ever seen
So whats it about?
You haven't seen many films, I guess. It was surprisingly enjoyable for sure.
I also love that movie.
downloading 720p version now. ty looks interesting
ninja perverts and being in love
>You haven't seen many films
What's the best movie you've ever seen?
The cinematography in this is fucking rancid. Looks like some trashy TV drama.
It was shot with a digital camera. It's not the best quality, but the composition is more than fine.
Big Black Cock
I realized it was one of my highest rated films recently. It's one of the few Japanese films that feels like an anime but not in a bad cosplay kind of way.
It was good, but the vaseline photography made it look really cheap. Like I get this wasn’t some massive budget studio film but it still bugged me
The first act is comfy. The second act is terrible and ruins the film.
Yea, I'd also say it's firmly in my top 5. It's a pretty unique watching experience, it's sort of like a lowbrow execution of a highbrow film about a lowbrow subject. And it somehow doesn't drag despite being 4hrs long.
I've seen films with better storytelling, with better acting, with nicer cinematography and better technical execution. But Love Exposure is still more memorable than any of them.
Gj Sion Sono, you've earned the right to un-ironically wear a fedora without me immediately calling you a faggot.
Also, I do have a soft spot for anything that directly references 70's exploitation films.
Japanese perversion in both the literal sense and more social decay senses such as misapplication of religion, trendy cults and marriage losing power.
I remember I watched this the first time and did not like it much but then I watched it again and I was sucked in by each of it's characters, it's 4 hours but it feels like 2
Grab Tokyo tribe while you're at it
its been a decade since ive seen it. i cant remember a damn thing about it other than pantsu and that i loved it
i remember liking this when i was 16, i rewatched recently and it was pretty shit lol
it has some funny parts in the 1st act mostly, but over all is an essential reddit-core
I've liked all of Sono's movies that I've seen. Except for the hair extensions one.
The Godfather.
I have to agree with some others here. I loved this movie as a teenager, but now I think it's complete shite. And it's hideous to boot.