Liking this film really comes down to whether you have lived in or near Midwest cities like this. If you have, the vignettes will immediately connect to feelings from your life, and almost every scene does this.
Taking apart the scenes like you would in a normal movie will not divide the emotions into intellectual parts. It's just have you felt those kinds of tensions or not, and if you have, the vignettes as a unity of abstract and dream-like elements will recreate that feeling inside of you.
The most simple way to see this is with the fight scene between the brothers. This kind of tension appears everywhere that masculinity exists as an integral dimension of the culture. Anyone who has seen this scene will recognize the feeling of it--two men testing their toughness under the guise of play-fighting, edging closer to that punch that is a little too hard, flipping the switch into a real fight. This sort of masculine testing exists everywhere, and that feeling of tension you get being the odd man out when it is happening is perfectly captured in Gummo. More nuanced instances of Midwestern life are captured in the same way. Not liking the film for technical and mechanical issues are fine objections, but it still doesn't undermine the feeling the movie produces for people that have lived these vignettes. The cat-killing and other gratuitous violence is a condensation of a lifetime of bored exploration and formative moments into a single scene. It isn't just in-of-itself about cat killing, it is an expression of the long durations of time in these bored cities yielding impulsive and primitive pleasure. Of course people who live there aren't acting in this way everyday--the vignettes are articulating a feeling that takes many years to develop. You don't just decide to kill a cat, you have to be bored out of your mind with nothing ahead of you but time to turn to such options for entertainment. That underlying principle is the feeling of the movie
Liking this film really comes down to whether you have lived in or near Midwest cities like this. If you have...
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>Liking this film really comes down to whether you have lived in or near Midwest cities like this.
you're wrong.
>be rich as fuck mountain jew
>still like this movie
it's fucking hilarious. Laughing at burgers never get's old.
I guess I mean that generally the criticism ignores knowledge you would have if you lived there. But of course it isn’t exclusive
I didn't live in or near Midwest cities but I still didn't find it particularly shocking because I could identify with so much of the stuff in the movie.
wh*Toids are pretty subhuman was my takeaway
great film. will watch it again soon.
gummo hella litty af
Fucking awful. Basically Leolo done wrong.
they just needed some black excellence
>Liking this film really comes down to whether you have lived in or near Midwest cities like this
No, it doesn't. I can see how that would enhance it, but this is a ridiculous claim to make
This movie is comfy. Great summary OP
At least they have food
BBC cum is hardly food
I have no desire to watch this because the thought of eating spaghetti in the tub just irrationally disgusts me. OPs screenshot is disturbing
Nobody drinks semen for sustenance but you faggot
I live 5 minutes from where this movie was shot and I think it's bad. The whole movie basically just dude poverty lmao.
What else is there to eat in europe?
I connected with the film and I'm not even american. Decadence is universal.
Fun fact: In the US in plain numbers way more white people than black people are on welfare at this point. That is also mainly where the ongoing resentment of blacks comes from, although most fags on here don't want to recognise this and project their existential racist reflexes on the rest of society.
So this is why white people let in so many refugees
Because in plain numbers there are more whites than blacks retard.
Now let's talk about proportions
>In the US in plain numbers way more white people than black people are on welfare at this point.
wait are you telling me there are more of the majority than there are of a minority?
Non medieval present day ideals, economic considerations.
What's the percentage though?
This doesn't change anything in this case. The poor people living in precarious situations are the ones likely to flock to simple mechanisms of explanation and ideologies of the past. Same with ISIS as is with neo nazi movements.
>The poor people living in precarious situations are the ones likely to flock to simple mechanisms of explanation and ideologies of the past.
no one is arguing with this
>This doesn't change anything in this case.
you mentioned it for a reason. you wanted to make a point - the point you were making is stupid
Its not just Midwest. Anyone who grew up in any white trash town can identify with this. The South is filled with towns like Xenia. The film was shot in Tennessee.
generally i didn't like the movie, but your post is 100% insightful and persuasive.
Proportions of relativising the numbers against each other doesn't change anything in the context of the plain number of people that are very more likely to foster racist ideas and worldviews won't change for the nation and the group of people as a whole.
My point wasn't to make you feel defensive for whites in terms of them being so many living on welfare, user.
Tldr lol
Nice pasta
For a British equivalent to this film, watch the tv series This Country, it’s about young people growing up with no hopes or dreams and fuck all to do. It has a similar kind of humour to it
>Not liking the film for technical and mechanical issues are fine objections
But they are completely ignorant ones. The editing in this movie is actually its main achievement, OP. Korinne is splicing together footage of different qualities without you even noticing it/it even irritating you during the flow of the film. The editing alone in it is outstanding.
Soy, the movie
White trash here and this film was the first and only thing that ever made me feel like my culture had been appropriated
Funny how China, an actual soy-culture, is reaching out to kicking your ass while you whine about monkey levels of individual dominance. :^)
I agree with that. The seamless transitioning removes all temporal barriers between you and the vignettes. You just materialize in one and then the next much like a stream of consciousness. I think, though, to be charitable to the objection, that usually such techniques are utilized by hacks that claim the inscrutability of such abstract techniques is actually meant to be interpreted as “ahead of its time” and the “you just don’t get it” kind of a thing, when in reality it’s just shit. Gummy definitely doesn’t do that, but I think some people see it that way because they want to deny that such techniques ever effectively work.
I kind of think of this movie as more of a nightmare rather than an accurate representation of anything.
I don’t disagree with that. The movie isn’t a documentary. It’s trying to accentuate the feelings of everyday life for these cities in a short amount of time, so it has to condense many emotions, instances, culture, etc. into impactful scenes.
This is essentially why I think it is good, though. Not only is it effective at condensing them, it also leaves a sonorous note with you. It adds up to more as a unified whole than its parts. Each vignette is good, but all of them aggregate into this nightmarish, surreal movie that in fact is hyper-realistic, and leaves this deep sense of sadness and connection.
I pretty much pity people who can't appreciate and value this in a movie. It's like people not being able to taste nuances in foods or drinks, I guess.
why bacon taped to wall?
If you like Gummo you should watch Gothic King Cobra
cuz murica
im murica and i never eat wall bacon. i eat plate bacon, sometimes pan bacon if im feeling lazy
Midwest? It was shot in Nashville.
>Patrician Harmony Korine film coming through
I agree.
It's the epitome of a plebfilter
>Liking this film really comes down to whether you have lived in or near Midwest cities like this
It absolutely doesn't though really.
Right. I just mean that if you have lived in or near one, the film will strike a nerve of authenticity. The tensions are present everywhere there is poverty, so it isn't essential to know the Midwest well.
Its a R rated napolean dynamite
Chinese eat fermented Soy. Straight Soy aka found in Soy Milk is the Problem.
And you're an E rated pleb
Lol. Yes, keep telling yourself that of all things that's the problem, you retard
>This Country is a mockumentary sitcom
I've lived in western PA for most of my life. No, there's really nothing redeeming about this movie. It's trash.
>nothing redeeming
>pure trash
>western PA
Like pottery
Maybe you grew up in a coal mine
absolutely fucking based
>Percent of welfare recipients who are white / caucasian | 16.8 % | 11,405,000
>Percent of welfare recipients who are black | 39.6 % | 26,884,000
No I actually grew up in a cake eater town. Surrounding towns are dumps, though. That's besides the point. This movie is shit and has nothing to offer.
Why do you think that?
>This movie is shit and has nothing to offer.
But other people like it.
>no they don't
Oh, okay.
What you originally said was
>Fun fact: In the US in plain numbers way more white people than black people are on welfare at this point. That is also mainly where the ongoing resentment of blacks comes from, although most fags on here don't want to recognise this
You were implying that because more whites are on welfare than blacks that this fact is inconvenient for people that resent or criticise blacks for going on welfare so those people try to ignore this fact.
However it was immediately pointed out to you that whites are 5 tines the population of black people in the USA so you would expect them to be the majority of people on welfare.
When you look at the % of white and blacks people on welfare you find that black peopke are more than twice as likely to be on welfare in the USA .
So yes going on welfare is more of a problem among black people than white peopke because they are dramatically over-represented
In fact , these numbers show that your raw claim of more whites being welfare recipients than blacks is flat out wrong too.
this desu, the picture makes me want to puke. Absolutely vile.
Liking this film comes down to how much you like Sleep and Eyehategod and seeing dirty people drown cats.
Which, for me, is a lot.
Joking aside, this movie hits me right in the gut. Makes me very emotional.
Here's the thing again. In actual numbers -as in percentage of people in a country that receive welfare- this changes nothing. Sorry you are not getting this.
>if you can relate to it, you'll automatically like it
I fucking hated Borat because it was reminding me waaay waaaaaaay too much of my actual life.
>those rape and murder statistics tho
It's okay if you're the coolest monkey in the jungle, just take it to Sup Forums
the fuck are you talking about?
I think this is a very well done film. Korine got the actor after seeing him on some Maury Povich show about survivors of paint huffing. To get that tier of cast and pull off what he did here took some major skill.
It's an important film, and only contrarians will disagree, regardless if you liked it or not. And OP, even though I'm midwestern, I dont think you need to be midwestern to like it. But I would attribute my liking it to being able to identify with a lot of the feelings the vignettes, as you put it, evoked. a lot of uneasy familiarity here.
not nearly as good, but alright
Clearly it's not nearly as good; it was shot on literally no budget by a single person, dude
I've seen a few portraits of and interviews of Harmony Korine. The man has a way of approaching people and working with them. Especially with kids. He comes across as a pretty nice guy, too