What the fuck was it's problem?

What the fuck was it's problem?

Attached: ayylmao.png (550x418, 297K)

it needed to take a dump but had no holes

literally me taking a huge shit

is this reptile from mortal kombat?

Dancer of Boreal Valley

>"I have to go now, my planet needs me"
>interstellar brrraaaaaaaapp

it just watched the movie and had to take a shit for how bad it was

redditors praising it didn't help it

>*braps intergalactically*

What video game is this?

You cut your pals stomach open and see this. Wat do?

Attached: annihilationworms.webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)

Made for the low bar squat.

if it started copying me could i have sex with it?

put dick in it

>"What if ayylmao wasn't just a story?"
>ear shattering fart noise
>ayylmao slowly rises up from Microsoft XP screensaver pattern
>movie is just two hours of ayylmao destroying a lighthouse
>ends with ayylmao BRAP at the sky

im just waiting for a twerk edit

He was time travelling from his year 2020 super-power and needed to cosmically poo in the terrestrial loo.

Attached: PajeetStreet.jpg (1024x768, 106K)

showing us how to properly take a shit

>hop on

>portman climbs on
>ayylmao piggy backs laughing portman into space
>credits roll

I can see it

>his poop is more coiled than the dogs
bravo, ad agency, bravo

Neta-lee Hershlag needs to subert a whole new planet of goyim.

What sane person would cut their friend's stomach open like that to begin with? Even if it looked like a bag of undulating pebbles? And sticking his hand in, show some respect.

well yeah it makes sense cause they were literally going insane

I haven't seen the movie, but from the summaries I've read, this scene is footage found by Portland, and everyone was driven savagely, sexually insane, Cthulhu-style, by the ayylmao, while it was mutating them.

*Portman, lol what a Freudian slip.

>ear shattering BRAAAAAAAAP

Iʻd give it a hole if you catch my drift

No, it was your phone's autocorrect.

I'm on desktop, user.

Attached: WhatIf.jpg (397x525, 43K)

Please explain your fucking sentence to me

Attached: 1520547279420.jpg (720x575, 39K)

>I think my dog has autism

>in the movie the thread and relevant webm is about, "Annihilation"
>Natalie Portman finds camera showing webm.
>In the Cthulhu stories, the spoopy alien demons (slang term "ayy lmao") cause people to both go insane and sometimes biologically mutate

Attached: Whatjak.jpg (550x550, 48K)

Yeah I just noticed you misspelled Portman. Kek

Portman/Portland, aint much difference.

Attached: Cookied.jpg (550x467, 60K)

what did she mean by this

Attached: Annihilation.2018.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DD5.1.x264-NTG[N1C].webm (1280x534, 2.15M)

The movie is accurate in showing women as being physically weaker in men, ofc ppl think its some feminist propaganda cause most of the main characters are female. It even made a point to show how all of them freaked out and could barely aim when the croc attacked them.

>Ore wa o chinchin ga daisuki nandayo

>fun fact

that ayylmao the asian fuckbot waifu from ex-machina


not enough fiber

>goes on reddit
>cares about reddits opinion

hate to break it to ya, but you are redditor

Attached: noPXVNvo_400x400[1].png (400x400, 162K)

Will this image become an epic meme?

hop on!

Movie has women as lead
>feminist propaganda

movie has black man lead
>leftist diversity propaganda

movie has white lead
>white supremacy

movie has a gay person
>leftist liberal agenda

I don't know who should die first, the people spreading this bullshit or people who buy into it. How about taking a movie for what it is - a fucking story for you to enjoy, and it's not a fucking political statement or a stand against something.
God I hate this estrogen soaked generation.

It just wanted to be like her.

>Dude, I'm gonna mimic your every movement unless you're trying to escape, in which case I'll simply stop you
>Dude, I'm gonna let you give me the grenade
>And I won't mimic you anymore
>And I won't try to stop you from leaving like I did before

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Did anyone else jerk off to the alien because it had Nattie's proportions?

literally me: the alien

It wasn't a perfect copy yet.


>i want to learn from you
>so i wont let you leave
>oh you're complying now how nice
>and you're giving me something?
>will this help me learn?
>ok ill take it #yolo
>omg wtf is happening ive never seen this before wait why am i alone
brainlets need to leave

Retard, they were all scientists, none of them knew how to handle a gun properly except Lena. Of course they wouldn't be able to shoot accurately at it.

Attached: puss ayy.png (621x683, 495K)


I thought his intestines had become a separate living creature.

Yeah, I just watched this thing, and I didn't get the feeling it was all fem bullshit. I felt like whoever was making the calls on who to send in was like
>Fuck it, send a bunch of whores in there, I don't even care anymore, nothing else is working!
It's not like the woman team did any better than the male teams or anything, they all made it to the same place.


Yes, thats my point, it was accurate in showing them vulnerable and ignorant in certain areas instead of mary sues which one might expect from a movie pushing a "female empowerment" narrative.

If they were men the scene would have been just the same though.

That's all I could fucking see at that moment.

I'm not sure I get your point. One of the military men carried that weapon in, so why would he suddenly think it was too heavy to carry anymore?

But he was an actual trained soldier who carried it

>fucks black guy
>this was a mistake

I forgot that you had to be trained in being a soldier to carry heavy things. My bad.

I kept my mouth shut, but ended up saying to my gf at that scene "Of course, it's got to have the race mixing too.."
All just tokens so obviously placed they're hard to ignore and ruin the movie.

add over the top audio effects then go viral

Never seen a man's insides. Assume normal and put skin back. Go on with day.

The reptile that molested Kyle Odom got stared in a movie?

This is the only thing that bothered me. Not because shes fucking a black guy. But because it had no bearing on the story whatsoever. It literally had no reason to be in the movie.


Just a trick of the light

It was explained in the book, but the movie didn't do much beyond mention that the team was all women.

Kino if tru

>ayylmao slowly rises up from Microsoft XP screensaver pattern

Attached: 1497995872156.jpg (217x232, 30K)

Roastie detected

the movie was worth it for the trippy sequence near the end alone, does anyone have a gif from when the thing exits ventress and draws lenas blood?

it adds an interesting angle to their separation. he went on the suicide mission because of her infidelity, so she probably had some guilt.

it also factors into the theme of "built-in self destruction" which a number of characters talk about throughout. the woman has cancer, they talk about aging cells, etc. That scene just extends it to self-destructive relationships.

it wasn't really illustrated more so you're still kinda right but if you unpack the story it's there if you want to analyse it.

it was too heavy for her to carry, jesus christ user it's not that complicated

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Isn't that why Kane went into the shimmer though, as he knew about the affair?

It was supposed to explain why her husband was being "Self destructive". He was being cucked and felt like volunteering for the mission as a result of his life getting shitty.

you speak from experience. Now go back with him faggot

>It literally had no reason to be in the movie.

Why do you think her husband signed up for a guaranteed suicide mission? The fucking shrink spells it out for you in a conversation with Portman even, for those in the audience too thick to put two and two together. Where you paying attention?