Leave this board and never return if any one of these apply to you:
>you watch sci-fi/fantasy >you think Robert Bresson is good >you barely know your classics >you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level >you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected >you think french new wave is better than french expressionism >you need subtitles to watch foreign films (i.e. not bilingual) >you watch for the plot >you watch for entertainment >you rarely watch documentaries >you don't have a solid grounding in parallel cinema >you don't have at least have some understanding of the Lumière and Méiliès films >you have little to no understanding of film outside of your cultural horizon >you have little to no understanding of film within your own cultural horizon >you haven't seen all of 你是个大人物's documentaries >you mostly watch contemporary (post-1950) films >you believe 'the auteur isn’t dead' >you make your film analysis proceed from ideology >you think italian neorealism is good >you think intricate cinematography is 'pretentious' and that the filmmaker 'should just get to the point' >your rarely watch structural films >you have a hard time explaining why you like a given work >you think the 60s, 70s, and 80s were peak cinema >you have a hard time forming structured and relevant film criticism >you tend to refuse to judge works for yourself, rather relying on the opinions of film authorities >you rarely watch for more than four hours straight
I'd pay to see your top five favorite films, willing to bet that BR2049 is in there.
Ryan Wilson
>you don't have at least have some
Jacob Sullivan
shut up kike
Austin Lee
>you rarely watch for more than four hours straight NEET detected
Easton Ortiz
>more than four hours straight people actually do this?
Gabriel Edwards
>you watch sci-fi/fantasy Of course I do. >you think Robert Bresson is good No idea who that is. >you barely know your classics Wasn't around to enjoy them. >you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level I don't care about "artistic" anything. >you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected Nah. Not yours, for one. >you think french new wave is better than french expressionism No idea what that is. >you need subtitles to watch foreign films (i.e. not bilingual) As if bilingual means you can watch all foreign films. As if anyone here speaks English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Swedish, Italian and German, and that's just the major languages for film I suppose. >you watch for the plot I watch for the movie/show. If it has an enjoyable plot, that's nice. If it's a comedy or mindless action movie, that's all right, too. >you watch for entertainment Literally the only reason. >you rarely watch documentaries Why the fuck would I? For most of them, it's hard to tell if they're legit or just the creator's views. >you don't have a solid grounding in parallel cinema No idea what that is. >you don't have at least have some understanding of the Lumière and Méiliès films No idea what that is. >you have little to no understanding of film outside of your cultural horizon There's nothing to understand. Watch a movie, enjoy a movie, watch movies like it. >you have little to no understanding of film within your own cultural horizon There's nothing to understand. Watch a movie, enjoy a movie, watch movies like it. >you haven't seen all of 你是个大人物's documentaries No idea who or what that is.