Take a look at this faggot. They don't even try to hide it anymore...
Take a look at this faggot. They don't even try to hide it anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
This guy is a literal child
>Look what I did!
>Hilly for jail? Nuh-uh! Trump for jail!
Just buy another one put it over it.
Fuck this guy.
That's it, I'm a #CruzMissile now.
False flag by some Pol-tard, look at the name
>Supports and Authoritarian
These faggots are the ones poisoning libertarianism.
>our only choice is to silence all opposition
I don't really see how that isn't a declaration of intent to commit violence.
really makes you think
What about it? It all checks out, clearly a butthurt kike
He's a troll account you fucking retards.
this is when you start reporting this guy to the police for inciting violence
>damages private property
These people suffer from serious cognitive dissonance!
I believe it's a chrome extension that automatically applies those ((( ))) to any surname of Jewish descent.
He is just asking to be gassed.
uh, dumbass leaf, he's one of the good guys
he supports hillary and not the racist sexist demagogue that spews violent hate at women mexicans and trans people
is this guy real or not i cant tell anymore
jews have been doing that to themselves since the articles about coincidence detector came out
>silence all opposition
Have any of you read through his tweets? He's totally anti white.
They don't even try to subtly do it anymore they just say it..
>I'm not a puppet
>Y-you're a puppet!
>I like to vandalize pro-Trump stuff
>I know, I will post this on Twitter with my full personal information
How are liberals this dumb? If you commit a crime, don't post it on social media.
>implying she isn't a puppet
Every day you reaffirm my decision to filter your flag. Thank you.
Right. An actual Hillary supporter would've keyed the fuck out of the car, not just written over the sticker.
It's obviously a fake twitter account, retard.
Jesus christ. This guy is a meme.
>commits violence against people whose opinion he doesn't agree with
>one of the good guys
Pick one.
I know you're trolling but ffs the left's perception of its moral license to do whatever it wants is becoming increasingly threatening.
>hurr people that want people of all races, genders, and religious beliefs to be equal are threatening my archaic white pride!
get bent retard
((( Bernstain )))
Now that I think about it, I think everyone ITT is right in that he's a troll/intentional meme.
Well time to put another jew on the list
>implying drumpf supporters aren't insufferable retards
You people amuse me
>implying Evey jew does not automatically have a place on the list
>hurr I shouldn't perceive people who promise to "silence ALL opposition" as a threat
Whether you're trolling or not, go fuck yourself. The entire 20th century is a single story as to why that attitude is a fucking problem.
wew what a fag
Dont bully him guys ;-;
Kind of ruins it with the big asian head.
Really gets those neurons firing.
Stupid niggers deserve it
This one really stimulated my hippocampus
Maximum kek
Jesus, he really IS a mental child. Pathetic.
he surfs here retard, hes mocking us.
Obviously one of us, cmon guys.
>Donald Trump Jr's comments are awful. My uncle's wife's son was literally killed in a gas chamber. Doesnt trump remember the 17million???
It's just it's so hard to tell apart who's legit and who's a troll anymore. That's how retarded (((they))) have become.
>the 20th century sucks because all my racism caught up to me and now im on the wrong side of history
dont you have a klan meeting to attend, loser?
Charge your phone! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
if he is jewish insult him as white,
jews count on their jew joker to not get insultet by swjs as "white males".
And what he did was typically arrogant white male behaviour,
if you brand him as 100% white the damage for him is probably higher.
That looks like a useful tool for showering! Thanks for sharing
Eventually, they forget the distinction between where their own shitposting ends and their desperate shilling begins. They redpill themselves by chronic exposure.
It's like a man trying to dampen the sea by jumping in and pissing. The only one who gets wetter is he.
>Destroying property and violating the NAP because someone is using speech he doesn't agree with
I hope he gets shot for it, and the guy walks.
the 20th century sucks because hundreds of millions of people died as a direct result of a few men thinking they had moral license to use violence in pursuit their utopian vision, you dolt.
why don't you go ahead and tell me how your utopian vision is somehow different.
source is ai shinozaki I think, might have the wrong nip
>the 20th century sucks because a bunch of racist white bigots like trump got into power and people like you want to stop them!
just stop drumpfkin you're embarrassing yourself.
((((((((((OY VEY))))))))))))
>silence ALL opposition
>btw fuck fascists am I right?
Do these retarded Jews know that nobody believes they're anything other than Hillary shilling faggots?
Does none of you tards not realize that some of these are posted by the liberal faggots on here to get you to attack them?
>9/10 will continue to be indulge the troll
I think you might have missed a few high school history classes if that's what you think the 20th century was.
Again, go ahead and explain why it's acceptable to use violence to pursue this glorious utopia of which you speak.
>good guys
I have news for you burger... they're all bad guys, for you are under the dominion of the jew
uhm drumpf literally wants to torture non-whites until they fall in line and pathetic tiny dick white bigots like you masturbate to the thought of "making america white again" because your feeble racist views are all you have in a world that is advancing beyond racist hatred and moving to equality.
again, just go sit in a corner and shut up drumpfkin. you're embarrassing yourself.
Holy shit that's brilliant
Trump is the real CTR candidate. The amount of shilling pol does for free is unreal, with the most recent "text your vote" thing.
It's bad for the battery to just let it sit in the charger when you're not using it.
Again, go ahead and explain why it's acceptable to use violence to pursue this glorious utopia of which you speak.
>not knowing the low battery meme
Triggering is the whole purpose.
>Hillary is going to torture everyone.
>This includes you for being such shit at shilling, and shitposting in general.
>the 20th century sucks because hundreds of millions of people died as a direct result of ((((a few men))) thinking they had moral license to use violence in pursuit their utopian vision, you dolt.
Fucking faggot.
>uhm drumpf literally wants to torture non-whites until they fall in line
I missed that speech, but it makes me want to vote for him more.
Fucking shitskins have fucked with our white civilization for long enough.
>Donald Duck detected
thats wrong,
its better to go never lower as 20%
Here's your proof that drumpfkin are violent racists, leaf. Go sit in a corner and wax your little baby carrot to your carrot hero while you imagine your all white utopia.
Meanwhile, intelligent people of all races, genders, and creeds will be backing hillary and moving society forward, instead of backwards.
>hillary isn't male so that must mean she's going to torture people!
>we haven't had a woman president before so I'm scared!
Join leaf over there in the corner and just jerk eachother off. Not much else for you broken drumpfkin to do, whites are becoming obsolete.
Is this a roastie? Been lurking. Only roasties use embarass yourself this often and try to emasculate through dick jokes
Again, go ahead and explain why it's acceptable to use violence to pursue this glorious utopia of which you speak.
>he's so upset about his irrelevance to society as a white male he's become a broken record
All you have to do for this conversation to move forward is denounce political violence.
And why the fuck would I care about this stupid shit? White males fucking dominate skilled trades. Welding, plumbing, electrical, the works. This is where the real money is. University degrees are basically fucking worthless in this economy, not to mention the huge pile of debt you accumulate.
>tldr; whites will never be obselete, because they're strong, smart, hard working, and practical
I denounce drumpfs violence, too bad you alt-reich babies wont do the same.
nice b8
Fellow leaf, this one doesn't understand how to properly refute.
>it's wrong when the other side does it
is it okay when your side does it?
I'm gonna denounce my cock into your mouth.
I guess it depends which phone. I've heard such is the case for Jewpple products.
>a leaf using logic and reason trying to debate with a fucking retard plebbit fag
The tables have turned. Please excuse my fellow (((burger))).
I think I'm done with Sup Forums. You fucking retards can't even realize it's a troll. Why do you think his name is '((((Bernstein)))'?
What I'm telling you is whites don't get to be the only kid on the block anymore. I know the idea of sharing scares you baby drumpfkin, but the days of whites subjugating minorites, women, muslims, and trans people are coming to a close.
>hard working
yeah I'm sure its so hard having all that privilege.
You don't seem to have trouble with your white racist drumpfkin buddies threatening anyone who isn't a cis white male christian rethuglican with physical violence or destruction of property just because they aren't cis white male christian reputhuglicans.
Meanwhile there are some minority groups that are powerless to do anything but fight back agains ttheir racist opressors because they're forced to live under a system that removes from them any power to do anything else because they aren't white.
Hillary will fix the broken system.
All the violence will end.