This is literally one of the most horeshit things I've ever seen on TV and I can't handle or deal or process or intake...

this is literally one of the most horeshit things I've ever seen on TV and I can't handle or deal or process or intake the fact people think it's the best thing ever and that it has 9.9 rating on IMDB

Attached: battle of the bastards.jpg (970x545, 157K)

Most kino battle since Kingdom of Heaven

What did you not like about it?

Are you just talking about the battle or the show in general?
Either way you're right, the recent seasons of GoT are quite possibly the worst TV has to offer

The script is rubbish, but the directing and production value is top-notch.

9.9 on imdb ?
i never saw a rating that high ever

This was supposed to be Freys + Boltons vs Stannis, but then they took elements from that into this and the wight capturing mission.

The only reason the show was ever good was the source material, and Beinoff & Weiss decided to shit all over it yet the masses eat it up.

People that act like the finale of S6 was the best thing ever are the ultimate plebs. BoB was just all kinds of retard and Meereen was just Dany BTFO people with her dragons. But hey, muh action.

All the technical aspects are perfect. It's pointless though because of the absolute dogshit writing.