Wow, this really makes you think.
Wow, this really makes you think
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Wrinkle in time wasn't really a book that needed a movie adaptation. I guess they did well for what it is.
Criticism is dead. Socialist fascism on the way.
>A wrinkle in time was awful, and here's why it's good
(and thats a good thing)
>Why should movies be good?
Socialist Fascism? Fuck me that's a terrifying concept.
Films are by their very nature flawed. Nothing will be liked by everyone.
>the movie was bad, and that's a good thing
So, Fascism.
It's adorable how you spend your time crying about movie critic reviews as if that's going to lead to society's destruction, and the not demographic replacement that's been happening in every western nation for the past few decades. But I'm sure the US, UK, France, Germany, etc. become non-white majority, the'll be first world nations and won't crumble into third world shitholes like every other black/brown majority country on the planet throughout all of history.
Read the article you morons, they're saying why does it have to be a film.
What does it take to be a film critic ??
So if you can't even bring yourself to say it's a good movie you can pretend criticism never mattered? How can critics then justify publishing their reviews?
Have you ever talked amongst real friends or been in a pub?
You cant have a good conversation without a bit of exaggeration. Communal fascism is a thing though.
You have to be willing to lose what sense of self worth you have and suck Disney's dick, then be able to spit mouse cum in every one else's face afterwards.
>why does it have to be a film
Because it was filmed and put in theaters
Fascism is right wing, Socialism is left wing. They can be similar to the point of identical though.
>muh horseshoe
what is it then if not a film?
A bit like conservatives who say they are against regulation but want to regulate videogames.
is right
Man they really do bend backwards to justify their agenda. I’m actually appalled at the state journalism is in.
but that's the dictionary definition, we've seen it happen over the last hundred years, too far either end of the political spectrum is cunt town, it's just different gates to get in through
Then explain "Get Out", or "Black Panther". Perfect movies and perfect scores on Rotten Tomato. You racist Nazi fuck.
>there are people on this board who are genuinely so pleb to think that Black Panther was in any way decent
>there are people here who are older than 18 and still watch capeshit
Aside from that i can't believe how black people are letting themself be niggered again. Now a dozen of them star in capeshit and other trash films, i guess racism and indirect apartheid is gone now! Atleast they are participate in the sphere of consumerism as equals now, oh wait, it's the whites and jews who rake in the money of the movies. Bad luck niggers.
>a winkle in time is awful, and the internet LOVES it
Go to film school in California, get pozzed by the right people and then maybe you'll get a gig at Buzzfeed
But how does it compare to the 2003 TV Movie, A Wrinkle in Time?
>>there are people on this board who are genuinely so pleb to think that Black Panther was in any way decent
No one thinks this, this is an art board. We have shills but that's it
A flick
>Okay, it's not your Citizen Kane or hoighty toighty Japanese arthouse film. But it's fun for the entire family! And that's OK!
>No one thinks this, this is an art board. We have shills but that's it
That could have been a somewhat legitimate claim 5 years ago, today it seems more like floating on 4 layers of irony
>A Wrinkle in Time isn't a great film or even good...
>And that's a good thing!
>american political spectrum
>Socialism is left wing
i would have liked to see you say that in Russia in 1968. they would have had you in the hole before you could finish speaking the sentence.
So basically it's okay if movies are bad, but only if they're diverse?
socialism is largely an economic position, while fascism is associated with degree of statism/authoritarianism with little economic connotation
A Wrinkle in Time was Dogshit and that's a Good Thing & Here's Why You Should be Worried
Ask me how I know you're still ass-blasted that Black Panther was a success
I'm detached from capeshit and hollywood cinema. It just saddens and also amuses me who blacks let themself be fucked and cucked again and again, always fooled into a new illusion of equal participation while being fucked over by reality day after day.
>$200 Million Budget
>$45 Million Worldwide Box Office
why are critics defending Disneys latest tax credit
oh yeah, people like Anita Sarkeesian are huge conservatives I bet
this but unironically
Both, however, are pieces of shit.
>expecting Sup Forums to read
What an absolute dumpster fire of an article
Why does it need to be a good film? What REALLY matters is that there are black people in it.
When can we replace "journalists" with some news writing script machine?