Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of this?

Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of this?

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Spam this every time Moonlight is mentioned in a positive light

It's good to use at baitposting

Fitting since it's the epitome of bait for the middlebrow masses.

>La La Land wins Best Director, Best Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Original Score, Best Original Song and Best Production Design
>Moonlight wins Best Supporting Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay
>Moonlight gets Best Picture
Someone wanna explain this to me? By their own metrics La La Land is superior in basically every way, how does Moonlight get best picture?
That must be one hell of a supporting actor

What makes it weirder is that Shape of Water had the same Guild success as LLL yet only Shape of Water WON.

>comparing KINO with oscarbait

This video is meant to be criticism?

What did Asian cinema do that was new

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Cinephiles love to GLOAT over how foreign films influence Hollywood, yet they turn a blind eye when it comes to Griffith.

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often best picture goes to a movie that the academy deems ultimately has some current and outstanding overall impact/message/worth, rather than technical merit

I demand a legitimate answer. Why do cinephiles worship everyone but the medium's forefathers as prime innovators?

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La La Land was NOT Oscarbait. La La Land didn't have a literal political message to pander to the limp-dicks at Hollywood. La La Land loathes Hollywood.

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Fag shit, just like La La Land.

Shut up, microdick.

My biggest problem with this is how almost nothing is remembered of Moonlight other than the sandy handy at the beach. There was nothing outstanding about Moonlight in any technical way and it won Best Picture

>aesthetically steal from other films
>use characters to to voice personal opinions about society
Why is Jenkins praised for the qualities Chazelle is denigrated for?

overall I liked it, it managed to set a really good mood
the pacing was good as well, it was a great looking movie, and from what I recall the cuts between his life's moments were super on point and delivered the right effect
was a good movie desu

Fag detected.

Call Me by Your Name with niggers. Hence, oscar. Both movies are degenerate shit.

>it managed to set a really good mood
>the pacing was good as well, it was a great looking movie
>delivered the right effect
You crave entertainment.

*projectile vomits in your FACE


>You crave entertainment
I'm not sure I understand user
if you're implying I had a shallow take on the film, I was really saying that the way the movie was made was such that I was involved in it, its story, and characters
eventually that's what really matters and most of everything around that only exists to make the story and characters more compelling and the message more impactful

i think these kinds of movies are not for everyone
but to nominate them for awards just too look progressive in front of your liberal friends is dishonest.

>I was involved in it, its story, and characters
>story and characters more compelling and the message more impactful
>that's what really matters
Yeah, if you want entertainment.

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Empathy is for the weak.

To hate your audience. To challenge your audience. That is what cinema lacks. Empowerment is a cheap facade.

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Why the homophobia?

This is why cinephiles hate La La Land. They want investment. They want a musical circus. They want entertainment.

I thought it was well shot and made. But nothing was really memorable or stood out to me in anyway. It's like a smooth, polished rock: interesting and above average, but ultimately forgettable.

literally never heard of it until it won a gay award or something for being about niggers