Name a better Vietnam movie
Name a better Vietnam movie
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Apocalypse Now. But at some point, there's no use comparing, as each film has its own merits
this on both points
best post ive seen in weeks user
have a (You) (on the house)
There are none. Apocalypse Now, Platoon, and Born on the Fourth of July come close, but none are able to match the emotional impact of this film.
Tangentially, also maybe Taxi Driver.
I think there still hasn't been a great Vietnam film. The Big Four (Deer Hunter, Full Metal Jacket, Apocalypse Now, Platoon) all have their moments but are deeply flawed. I hope someday directors return to 'Nam films, cause there's definitely kino potential there.
Return Of The Jedi. Those Ewoks!
>but are deeply flawed
in what way ?
its also important to look at them with the mindset of the times they were maid in
>deer hunter remake would be about arab americans instead of russian americans
could be kino
True, they all have merits, but Apocalypse Now still has the greatest scene ever filmed.
Yeah, both WW2 and the modern middle east wars all have plenty of exciting propaganda movies. All Vietnam movies are depressing anti-war stuff. We Were Soldiers is the only exception, but Mel is the exception to everything.
Yes, the plantation sequence.
>All Vietnam movies are depressing anti-war stuff.
>anti war
jesus is disappointed in you user. try taking part in an actual war and them come back to me
Taste is relative, but Platoon and Born on the Fourth of July aren't anywhere near the same class as Apocalypse Now. They're Gump-tier. As for OP's question, I'd say Apocalypse Now, but The Deer Hunter is a close second.
You missed the point. War movies are fun when they aren't realistic. You can't tell me that watching Deer Hunter doesn't make you feel depressed, with all the horror the experience? I wasn't trying to say war is nice.
I thought it was weird how Mike's personality completely changes once he comes back from Vietnam. It's kind of hard to believe he would come back less crazy than before leaving. Apparently in the earlier drafts it was Nick who came back but they decided to switch his plot-line with Mike and didn't bother rewriting the first act.
*it ain't me starts playing*
Rambo II
This is my favorite. Not saying it's the best but it's maximum comfy for me.
Army Dog
It's not a movie but Generation Kill is tons of fun while still being realistic.
Apocalypse Now. Thats unfair though since its also the best film ever made.
The idea that Russian roulette was that big really takes away from the film.
Reminder that the second half of Full Metal Jacket is the greatest pleb filter of all time.
>We Were Soldiers
Great movie. Based Mel
Apocalypse Now is the best movie ever made.
the second half of that movie is much better than the first half
This movie kicks ass.
For me Platoon is the ultimate Vietnam film followed closely by Hamburger Hill. Apocalypse Now and The Deer Hunter are a bit too surreal or treat the war in an ancillary sort of way. With Platoon and Hamburger Hill the war itself is the star of the film.
I unironically liked it as well.
it's not particularly kino, but Hamburger Hill has such no-nonsense, no filler MOVEMENT as a movie, that it holds the spot as my favorite Vietnam war movie.
It makes me sad though. Black people used to make the best American music.
Apocalypse now
Full metal jacket
Disliking the second half is a meme. It's genuinely great,
Đi mau
Sneeds Platoon: Chuck Squad
such a sham, literally no one was ever forced to play russian roulette in nam
it's a good movie but vietnam it ain't
almost any
It's a metaphor you dingbat
WAIT A MINUTE! Wasn't Travis in taxi driver a klepto because he'd just got back from nam? Mabey de niros character in deer hunter went on to be the taxi driver after the events of the film?
also name a better movie about working in the metal industry. god i love being a fabricator
>it's a bad movie cuz de niro has a black wife
Gee, sure glad I'm not as sensitive as you
Recommended me some good Vietnam films that aren't extremely famous and haven't been seen by everyone and their mum 100 times. They don't have to be kino, just decent. Pic related was cool af.
the one with It Ain't Me in the soundtrack
>putting Platoon on the same level as FMJ, Apocalypse Now, or Deer Hunter
It’s really not even close to the quality of the others.
Bullet in the head. Highly underrated John Woo kino
I saw the russain roullete as a metaphor for the chaos and randomness of battle. Instead of filming battle scenes with exterior foes, they went with interior battles with chance and luck, but both end the same way. Getting shot dead