What happened to Kylo Ren's obsession with Vader?

What happened to Kylo Ren's obsession with Vader?

Attached: Kylo Ren.jpg (1401x788, 90K)

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It got subverted.

Rian happened

because they decided to shit on tfa and make it irrelevant

And that's a good thing! (LOL!)

Remember that time he was emotional, unhinged and had regular violent tantrums?
Now he's so in control of his emotions he can trick Snoke who is literally reading his mind.

My expectations have been successfully subverted

He surpassed Vader in TLJ, killed his master, became ruler of the galaxy.


it didn't fit the anti-white narrative so we had to shut. it. down.

Attached: merchant mouse.jpg (734x816, 39K)

TLJ exposed this shitboard for the brainlet hive it truly is. You can't even understand a Star Wars flick lmao

oh, he got over that as soon as he discovered Linkin Park.

>Destroy the past, kill it if you have to
There it was that easy OP

That was quite possibly the stupidest angle that JJ threw into TFA. One thing I'm glad that Rian just ignored altogether rather than making some clumsy reference to it.

you didn't understand how to watch this movies. You have to forget EVERYTHING you saw in previous films

He's big black and phallic

Fuck off rian Johnson

And thats a good thing!


rian would

What the actual fuck is going on with his posture there

It's fine except for how shittily executed it is, making it a pathetic edgy adolescent phase instead of subtely explaining kylo turning to Vader because his family tried to hide it and ironically fucked up.

He's just hunched. His cape or whatever make his shoulders look higher up than they are.

Fuck off Rian

Attached: SUBVERSION.jpg (421x360, 43K)

>Watching and discussing childrens movies

>The Chad George Lucas and his harem of writers/handlers create a universe that rhymes
>The Virgin Mouse buys it all and completely butchers it one film in

Remember how he was asking his grandfather to show him the power of the darkside AGAIN? Implying he was talking to some spirit, whether if it was Snoke manipulating him or actually Anakin?



>i SO wanna be evil
>but I feel the call of light

Why do you care about anything that happens in the new trilogy? Honestly. They have shown nothing but contempt for the audiences. They don't have a story to tell, they just want to sell you the facade of entertainment that they have passed through an AI algorithm to give you a pleasurable but shallow experience.


Can someone edit this into Rian?