NBC's "Jesus Christ Superstar: Live"

>jesus was black and had a white gf
When will it end?

Attached: superstar.png (641x510, 292K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>it's ok when Judas was black


he shouldnt be black, nor white
he should be arabic shitskin like

>When will it end?
Thermonuclear war.

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Oh no, Sup Forums is triggered by popular media again.

>This time on Alt-right frequency we will be examing how black ...

>genz christian fags getting triggered just like stupid oldfags back when it was created

it's like poetry

dont be so simple minded to think that because people who currently live there are 'arabic like' that the people thousands of years ago would have been too. they were christians, romans, jews. they may have looked caucasian or asian, or like some of those white afghanis or white syrians. there are hundreds of million white people living around georgia, kazakhstan, south eastern europe, southern russia, former USSR & central asia that could have looked like mary and joseph

when was judas black?
and it wouldn't be okay if he was


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And, yet, Jesus would still be Middle-Eastern. Go figure.

Also, present Egyptians are what ancient Egyptians were, genetically. They weren't darkskin niggas like people want you to buy into.

doesnt this happen all the time with stage plays? the casting is pretty open to anyone


>caring about the race of jesus christ


I know your entire worldview is based on a grand Jewish conspiracy, but this is Jesus Christ Superstar. I think you can give the Jews a pass on this one.

why do you purposely seek out shit to be angered by?


except Hamilton.

>Not even getting a wig.

You guys do know what Jesus Christ Superstar is/was, right? Getting this bent out of shape over an Andrew Lloyd Webber music is fucking peak microdick aggression.

The fuck is that shit? They took all the ham and are taking it seriously


The 70s movie adaptation

Theater and musicals have always been like this. Would you deny africans to put on a Shakespeare play?


I bet you would be the first to be out banging your drum if they made a story about Mohammed and made him black african

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>Jesus was white
The state of burgers lmfao

Good joke, no one would ever make a movie actually featuring Muhammad

No, Jesus (((Christ))) was a jew. The ride never ends.

Middle Eastern folks aren't white

It's pretty dumb to have him portrayed by a white guy as well, senpai.


Becuase we would all know what would happen

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>if they made a story about Mohammed and made him the correct race
oh noez the horror

Funny how you only see Sup Forums crying about this shit every fucking day here though.

No you wouldn't you little bitch.

t. newfag

>Also, present Egyptians are what ancient Egyptians were, genetically
False. Present-day Egyptians have a lot more Turkish and Arab blood than Ancient Egyptians would have had thanks to the Islamic caliphates.

>people mad about Jesus being black are the same people who think Jesus was white


[citation needed]

Attached: Charlie Hebdo.jpg (964x434, 85K)

>implying French communists don't need to be killed

I am in no way hindering your argument, retard. Just stating facts.

Are you implying the Anons you're arguing with are the Hebdo terrorists?

>Just stating facts.
[citation needed]

we are free-speech absolutists on Sup Forums, sweetie

>implying humanity doesn't need to be killed at this point
there is nothing left user
>but muh muh

>Just stating facts.
While apparently being unable to provide sources?

mods please ban this sharia blue shill


wtf I want the entire world to be Soviet Sodomy Sunni Surveillance Somalia serving Starbucks(tm) now

Here you go, faggots

Just a reminder that the alt right isn't real and you're a retard if you think they are.

s n e e d

>Genetic analysis of modern Egyptians reveals that they have paternal lineages common to indigenous other Afroasiatic-speaking populations in Northeast and Northwest Africa (Maghreb and Horn of Africa), and to Middle Eastern peoples to a lesser extent
So basically modern Egyptians are indigenous North Africans with little Middle Eastern admixture

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redditos BTFO

Reminder there are people who self-identify as alt right

this but unironically

That's what I said, you rural and suburban retard.
>lesser extent = little

>the alt right isn't real
No one thinks it is an organization. Its a bunch of teenagers looking for something to belong to and something to be outraged by because they feel their lives should be more interesting. Its not a boogeyman but it is very tedious to sift through all that shit to talk about movies.

do you even /x/?

Christianity is a Jewish religion.

delete this

Ancient Egyptians were African Americans full stop.

Everything is Zionist COINTELPRO including Trump, the Republican Party, the Stormer, and Sup Forums.

holy shit

>jesus was black and had a white gf

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I'm an agnostic atheist because it makes the most sense.

Go back to fucking tumblr jesus christ

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Jesus was never real lol


you mean jewish

anyways who cares, the entire premise of jesus christ as a superstar is already blasphemous and wrong

Imagine anyone did something like this with a jewish tradition

>mods delete sopranos thread
>leave this abomination up


Like the rugrats hannukkhah speccial?!

They use people who can sing with a proper voice for musicals, dumbass. If it's black singer, you'll get a black Jesus.

Judas has been black in nearly every version of JCS

Jesus wasn't real so of course he can be portrayed as black.

holy shit this looks dope

>jesus was black

Well he was arabic and jewish. He certainly wasnt white like the italians made him out to be

they would be brown as fuck. Stop making shit up

That's where you're wrong kiddo

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>Well he was arabic
No, he wasn't, fuckwit.
>and jewish
That is highly debatable. Educate yourself, retard.