
Now that the dust has settled, give this movie a score upon 10.

Attached: Annihilation-header.jpg (633x356, 173K)

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I wanna creampie the dyke/10


flawed but very interesting and intriguing sci fi
unsettling visuals and scenes
memorable but also meh

would rather watch Under The Skin again/10

they should have each been with a strong muscular black male character then it would have won an oscar. exspecially if there was an IR sex scene somewhere with some cuck white guy watching through a peep hole. would have probably won multiple oscars for that alone.

the dust hasnt fucking settled the people on this site are way too fucking stupid, christ, it came out just now the dust hasnt even flown up into the air

uses the mystery of the shimmer as a cop-out for bad writing
example: girl irrationally flipping out on the others and tying them up because of a "lie"/omission


best 5.11 advertisement ever made/10

thats the joke. jpg

boring and underdeveloped characters apart from the main one, cool visual effects though, and the finale was really great, the parts leading up to it not much.

some parts are very hard to watch.... I had to hold my boyfriend's arm at times. He hated it lol

>cool visual effects
nigga the cgi was terrible.


downplayed hershlag is best hershlag

My thoughts exactly except I'd bump it up to a 7 just for the finale.


Monster movie meets Bjork video. All the horror is visceral, the existential themes are half baked. It's also rips off Stalker and Solaris. Pretty colors though.


Worth watching once if you like sci-fi. Good visuals and mostly good performances. It could have been a 9/10 if it wasn't crippled by being a narrative trainwreck of inconsistencies and plot holes, many of which have been pointed out here over the last couple of days. It's mostly down to poor writing both in the original and in the adaptation.

Go ahead and watch it and enjoy it for what it is, just don't expect too much.

not him

nah its good, the wavey instagram vaseline lens effect is intentional

the ventress fireball thing at the end was so legit mesmerising to look into


The bear looked terrible in some shots.

>movie opens with a university lecture from the protagonists about the overrarching theme of the movie
are you fucking kidding

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>would have won an oscar
>Release Date: 23 February 2018
>implying it wont

the bear scene was fucking spooky

more like shot of (((hijabi))) being intellectual

pol has ruined my ability to enjoy things

sure I don't have a problem with those. but the cgi crocodile and the final ayylmaos look like they were rendered in the 90s. took me out of the movie desu.

I also had a huge problem with the cinematography (highlights are constantly blown out and the night scenes were way too dark and there's tons of bloom lighting for some reason). it made it look like a cheap tv production.

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Kino as fuck.

meh. worked for Arrival.


>Ruins your premise
>Shatters your narrative
>Destroys your script
>Exposes your plot holes
>Triggers normalfags
>Upsets autists
>Leaves your flick within the shadow of doubt

Steel cable

Why didn't they try?

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It had more than enough flaws from a movie-making perspective in editing / transitions / acting etc, but I still really liked it that much


7/10. Really liked what they tried to go for, but the execution had flaws.

i wanna bleach that mulatto

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More you're a deluded plebbitor, or a faggot that think that some dirty water in the desert must be the drink of the gods.

Less you're a dumb capeshitter


it has its flaws but honestly the rest of the movie is so great it does not ruin it for me

Was it rape?

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Bad cgi
Bad acting
Bad ending
Cool mistery
No worth for

They dyke dropped a few points when she starting walking around in a tank top and I noticed how fat she was.

It was nice to look at bu unfortunately it was nothing like the book
annihilation the book is like stalker meets solaris
the movie wasn't anything like that
the music and noises were great tho

Good take on the Color out of space story.
The set and the design where pretty good imo. It wasn't the typical body horror mutation style that grosses you out immediately. The flowers and the tree-people where really beautiful and even the guy in the swimmingpool seemed like he became something of beauty in the end.
Good Lovecraft adaptation.

Though one has to question the fact that the US army allowed an ever expanding alien intruder on their soil for 3 years without nuking the absolute fucking shit out of it.

just roll on the ground, what the hell is she so stupid? the script of this movie is retarded af



It could've been 8/10 if the concepts were more explored and it would've sat at 6/10 until it picked up near the end.

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Flatso, how unfortunate.

haven't seen it but looks like shit/10

correct ordering:

blade runner 2049 > ex machina = arrival > edge of tomorrow > annihilation > interstellar

Also it is a 7/10, could be a 9 if it had more scientific appeal to it and less cringe moments. Also less dykes would help

here's a (you)

The Last Jedi > Annihilation

that's everything I'm gonna say

what for?

Is this another ghosstbusters? I ignored the movie until now because of all female cast but screenshoots looks interesting. Is there a reason for 5 female army officers or is it because of girl power?

Upload when?/10

The ventress thing was a disgrace, looked straight out of a buffy episode

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interstellar is the only good movie you listed. hang yourself. you are an authority on nothing you dumb bitch

nigga you joking? its incredibly detailed. Rendering that on a machine for production would have taken days or even weeks.

>Is there a reason for 5 female army officers or is it because of girl power?
There were no more male soldiers after 3 years of continuous suicide-missions and they said "fuck it lets try this" maybe?

Evolution + Femaleghostbuster + The last of us OST + = Annihilation

more like straight out of Dr Who
>I'm regenerating WAAAAAAAA

>Annihilation better than Interstellar


7/10 is right, it needed to be tighter with pacing and explore the phenomenon in more detail. Characters were also pretty meh, psychologist was the only one i genuinely liked.


PLEASE be bait

Expectations: 5/10
Compared to Current Movies: 7.5/10
Satisfaction has decreased each day after watching. Unlike BR2049, it hasn't lowered my appreciation of the director, because Garland smartly understands how to change up his filmography's aesthetics, tone and color palettes. My disappointment is in his miscalculation in using spare minimalist structure and a dour understated tone against the alien awe of the Shimmer. It creates a low-energy atrophy in the movie, that seems to rub off on the performances and the action scenes.

A cool aspect of the books, that Garland misconveys, is that Area X is made formidable and freakier because the Southern Reach is an underfunded bureaucratic shit hole, so compartmentalized by secrecy, that the tepid mundanity of employee relationships seem profound and fascinating, like water cooler talk at the apocalypse. But Area X is awesomely described, including all that's been tried, like pushing a hundred rabbits into it iirc. The movie tries to play it cool and minimalist here, but it's underrealized, mildly quixotic, not mysterious.

But Garland reduces the female group to moody sketches while giving them first names, unlike the books. He does this, I guess, to express how females are broody like males, but compare to the all male team in The Thing. The thug girl is awful. Almost offensive satire for an ill equipped woman and undereducated minority.

And somehow, unlike the first book, this team seems to travel less across this Florida backwater than in The Thing, which is self contained. Garland seems hindered, and each pit stop and creature attack feels forced, like a script beat. Also, Natalie Portman is no Emily Blunt or Rosmund Pike, who would be perfect. Portman just feels spoiled, incapable of loving anyone, the nig or her husband. Faux-damaged. Eva in Ex Machina has more personality. And a big fuckup was shooting this in the UK, and not the US. It sucks out more optimism, from a movie I was the audience for.

>interstellar is good

rolling on the floor laughing

theres a legit reason, they were trying out new permutations because nobody has returned and it was implied this is the 1st all female team because hey maybe the zone hated guys

Solid 5. I don't think I've given any film, ever, a 10 so trust me when I say 5 is acceptable. I really feel like the urge to use 5 females was a mistake. Even though I support women being in film, like it so often does, diversity is more about getting even than anything else. The whole time I was watching this, I was thinking, they should've done 2 dudes and 3 chicks or vice versa. The idea was interesting, I liked what was here creatively but overall just okay due to huge glaring flaws.

is this a meme?

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Interesting, easy-to-follow but still keeps you guessing
Unsettling scenes and visuals(cutting open stomach to reveal moving intestines - that was pretty good gore)
Great soundtrack
Finally an Alex Garland movie that doesn't fall apart in the third act

I'd put it on a list of rewatchable sci-fi.

Barely passable flick that gets propped up because it has some body horror and interesting visuals

She's in Westworld. Can't remember if she went naked.

i was obviously talking about the fireball that ventress turned into. No the ayy lmao.

what was the alien at the end
why did he teleport?
why did he hit her with the tripod while he was mickmicking her just 1 second before?
why did he try to suffocate her against the door?

>Though one has to question the fact that the US army allowed an ever expanding alien intruder on their soil for 3 years without nuking the absolute fucking shit out of it.
After expanding so much they would have nuked it.

she did, there are tit shots too iirc

Now that the cotton has settled
Give this movie a score up to 10

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he wanted to rape her, but he found he hasn't a dick

it is said in the books that they have nukes trained on the area x should it expand or react in any way but when it does they do nothing, it is assumed they use nukes and they just vanish like anything that approaches the area from anyplace other than the gate

>BRAAAAAAAAP the soundtrack

Jewmynji: Shalom to the Jungle

She swung the tripod at it first, missed and smashed her own dumb skull into a devastating ayy shadow boxing punch

>shimmer reflects everything, light, radiowaves, dna. animal dna, plant dna
who wrote this shit.


>Also, don't you see the real Natalie Portman 'nade the alien and run outside to safety, all onscreen? There's no logical way to reverse those positions

None of that happened in real time in the movie. That entire sequence was as told by Natalie Portman in the interrogation lab.

Why would you simply assume every single thing she said was true when there are clear motives for it not to be. (that she's an alien replacement)

>Stock the blimp with scientific equipment and a crew of researchers
>Fly above the shimmer, which is spherical so you can fly over it without interacting with it, doesn't matter how high it is, modern HAA's have almost no ceiling
>Fly over the center until you are directly over the lighthouse
>Lower a basket down from the blimp with a investigative team of five people, cameras and sensor equipment pointing in every direction, as well as flying and rover style robotic drones
>The entire team is in constant contact with the scientists on board the blimp through the telephone/data line inside the cable which is being used to lower the basket
>This connection also feeds the scientists in the blimp real-time feeds from all the cameras and sensors and allows them to control the drones
>Entire flight time from takeoff to literally stepping into the lighthouse is under and hour instead of walking through the jungle for a week
>If the team experiences any mental changes they will be observed in real time by the scientists outside the bubble, if the team experiences any biological changes they will be observed through the bio-metric sensors they are wearing
>The basket can be brought back up at any time, in fact the first few times they could just lower it down for a quick look around and then go back to the ship and report, so even if the signal in the cable was disrupted for some reason they can still bring information back to the ship in almost real time
>If the team all lost consciousnesses for some reason the scientists could still explore, take samples and enter the lighthouse with the drones

Solved. Wow sure was hard to figure out. Guess I'm smarter than the entirety of the US military strategists, intelligence agencies and academic think-tanks they had working on this in the movie.

Or maybe I'm just smarter than the people who wrote this tripe.

Attached: shimmer_mission_super_blimp.jpg (800x600, 61K)

because Ventriss and Kane's speech at the end shows that the aliens have some human sentience/memory.

it's totally possible that she's telling the truth. the "swap" would've happened when her dna gets mixed with the glowing orb thing. She has some alien dna, which I guess replicates while she's being rescued until she's 50% alien at the end or whatever.

you can't just waltz into the area x from any point
there are only special points of access
it's inaccessible from above or below ground

>That autist who is obsessed with this movie.

iirc its implied that ALL data is scrambled inside the zone. It didnt matter if they were wired or not. They showed a guy sticking a camera on a stick into it and it jammed up

That's fine, they can just lower the basket and bring it back up and get reports. Can have a schedule.

>go on a suicide mission on an alien burble
>things are going mad
>ok, let's kill my partners

Yeah, sure. Real scientific minds... what a great movie...


>things i just made up because i'm mad my shoddily written movie was just torn in half

>Extreme stratosphere basketing


ey, what was the problem of the group with Kane being the husband of Portman?

you are going insane, crazy shit happens. shiny shimmy mess with your body and mind, dna mixes everywhere, you lose memory, maybe part of your memories are absorbed from another source, maybe you're turning half animal half bear half monkey or whatever, worse than an acid trip with mushrooms as dessert, and you wonder why people flip out?

retard. The rays were literally changing their dna and cooking their brains. You'd go mad too if your mind was dissolving and things were moving inside of you

>I can't suspend my disbelief because i'm too autistic and need everything explained to me.

I can't even remember if it was specified in the movie but this is how it is in the book
they did a field test with animals and unless you are going through one specific spot that is like 3 meters across you vanish from existence