Poast favorites. Everyone give reccs, discuss, etc.
Note: I used Topsters2 for mine just cause it was fun.

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Still kinda pleb but getting there.
Next up: Kubrick's filmpography

What if I only have one movie I could say is my favorite?

I've seen all his films. I've seen lots of shit. These are just my favorites.
I like Gremlins more than anything Kubrick ever did, sorry.

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Hitler: A Film From Germany (1977)
Edvard Munch (1974)
Beware of a Holy Whore (1971)
Thundercrack! (1975)
The Baby of Mâcon (1993)

Midnight Cowboy
Catch Me If You Can
Cool Hand Luke
The King of Comedy

La Dolce Vita
The Godfather Part II
Barry Lyndon
A Brighter Summer Day

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What a bunch of fags. Watch at least some manly films from time to time.
This. LMAO.

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20 years old and just discovered "muh deep films"
Badlands is great.
C'mon man.

Woman in the Dunes
Trouble in Paradise
Bridges of Madison County

Lmao, deep? Nigger, I put Gremlins, T2, and An American Werewolf in London, Aliens, Fight Club, and Evil Dead 2 on there. Not particularly deep.
These are mostly movies I grew up with.

List changes constantly. Also in no particular order:

Inglourious Basterds
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Boogie Nights
Eyes Wide Shut

My nigga, I found that movie on a random list somewhere and figured "fuck it, I'll give her a go."
Pure fucking Korean Kino

Suspiria is the shit.
Deep Red is my favorite Argento, but The Beyond is the Italian horror GOAT

It really is the best Korean movie in my opinion, and I've seen quite a few. Memories of Murder is close, and I'm about to watch Mother since I've heard it's even better.

I love Suspiria.
I have The Beyond locked and loaded, just downloaded it today.

MoM is near perfect. Mother is pretty good too.

>Maybe if I insult other people's taste and not share my own I'll reach the state of Patrician!
Also fuck off, samefag

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Way of the Gun! Love to see that pop up. That movie fucking rules.

It's my all time favorite action movie.
You'd probably enjoy The Raid, Dredd, Heat, Flash Point, and End of Watch if you haven't seen them. Wind River is a bit slower, but it was really good too.

You'll enjoy it. Its a hell of alot of fun

Don't get caught in your feelings senpai.

Have you seen Hell or High Water?

I have, it's from the same writer as Wind River, a trilogy of sorts with it and Sicario. I'd rate it in second place with Sicario at the bottom of the trilogy. They were all pretty good though.

still haven't seen Gummo. Would you recommend it based on my taste?

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there will be blood
one flew over the cuckoos nest
american beauty
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
manchester by the sea

no bully pls

It's a good movie imo, not OP. I dunno if I could recommend it based on those movies though. It's basically 90 minutes of itinerants acting filthy

you are 17 and european

Based on the films on your list I've seen, I would.

fight club and t2 are great, dont care for the rest

here's mine:

tier 1 (shit im always happy to see again)
jack reacher
oceans 11 (this is the king; probably seen it 11 times)
scott pilgrim
princess mononoke
the man from earth

tier 2 (shit ive seen many times and still love, but I need to be in the mood to see again)
no country for old men
casino royale
iron man primarily, but some other marvels as well (raimi spiderman 1/3, avengers 1, cap 2, homecoming)
the illusionist
i could probably put t2 here; ive watched it many times throughout my life
the matrix
other miyazaki stuff
all lotr stuff
oceans 12 (the first half of it is always fun, 2nd half drags)
dark knight

tier 3 (shit ive seen once or a few times and really liked, but dont really want to watch again)
star trek (2009)
deep rising
fight club
people like us
butch cassidy and the sundance kid
running scared
ferris bueller
coming to america

been sitting here for 15 minutes, so I guess thats it

>Lolita remake
Is it any better than Kubrick's?

I've heard it's worse, I've actually been meaning to watch Kubrick's version for ages.

Last movie that a pic didn't come up for is Ran

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Manchester by the Sea had to have been one of the most well written dramas I've ever experienced. Kenneth Lonergan is a God

wow someone who actually knows what the best tarantino movie is

20 and european
what made you say european tho?

It's Jackie Brown boys.

Margaret is one of the best movies of the decade

margaret didn't stay with me like manchester did. it was good and i liked the ideas it played with and points it made but overall it wasnt as entertaining or emotionally captivating