Was it rape?
Was it rape?
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I wouldn't mind
should've showed the puppies when people still cared about her
Only if he's female
Imagine if a 33 year-old male artist tricked a 19 year-old female auditioner into a kiss
She easily could go to jail for that under full use of the law
yes but the victim isn't a woman so no one will take it seriously
>global super celebrity isn't special enough for your first peck
I can't tell if it's ridiculous or seriously fucking badass
Yes, but unironically
>my first kiss was katy perry
what kind of literal fag wouldn't want to be able to say this? Although he kinda looks gay
>saving it for someone special
Katy Perry BTFO
It would be significantly better a few years ago. Now she's obnoxious as hell as she tries to stay relevant.
If I were that guy I wouldn't want to waste my first kiss on Perry in her current state of decay.
>wanting lips that suckled russel brand's microdick anywhere near you
She's kinda old looking now. Prime katey though would be great.
Just don't clarify that it was 2018 and not 2008 and you're golden
What a bitch holy fuck
Exactly. Obviously I wouldnt give a shit if Katy Perry kissed me, but you're right, if a fucking mid 30s male judge kissed some 19 year old chick on the mouth out of nowhere on a TV show it would literally be the biggest story for a month and he would be in jail.
>the whole situation made him uncomfortable
well good for him that tabloids are plastering his awkward situation all over the internet
Off yourself, celebrity worshiper.
what law lmao you stupid fucks
hollykikes are untouchable
so, where's the video?
LITERALLY during #metoo as well
>Saving it for someone special
Who does he think he is? George Michael?
He is a big guy
Katy is a modern powerful womyn, the contestant was fucking a white male.
He raped HER.
she is fucking ugly dude, old and withered
Between him and John Mayer, Katy must be ridden with STDs.
Sounds like a faggot. Also he can tell everyone for the rest of his life his first kiss was katy perry that's more memorable than 99% of most peoples first kisses.
I'd fuck her but probably wouldn't wanna kiss her desu
>He thinks there's unscripted moments on tv
You are a Shep. Top Shep.
Katy Perry has gone on record saying he is the best lover she has ever had and that the sex was fantastic.
niggers BTFO I guess? Microdick wins.
>female and male sexuality are the same
I know you're a mentally ill, epic memester millennial, but you're being really retarded right now. Kill yourself.
>if I pretend someone isn't world famous then they don't matter
I couldn't give half a shit about this woman, the fact remains that she still is a massive name
>its ok if a woman does it
Gross. Imagine the ammount of cum those lips drank. I bet if you pile the cocks she received you can go to the moon and back twice.
If you think men aren't the romantics ones, they're you're a fucking retard. Women love romance for the attention and social capital.
>men and women are the same
>men and women are not the same
oprah is a fucking global super celeb too, why dont you give her your 1st kiss
>literally "it's okay if women do it"
was it just a friendly peck on the lips or what?
>judging a man by his flaccid cock
you fucked up m8
Reverse the genders and her career would be over.
where is it?
Maybe he's a grower
>he fell for the grower meme
male musician who's still a virgin, even unkissed, at 19? who's also confident enough to audition? come on.
he's gay.
I thought American Idol ended years ago
>being a mentally ill millennial
God speed, anons.
Because she's a fat ugly gorilla cow
unironically lock her up.
>the fact remains that she still is a massive name
So what? What the fuck does that have to with romance, autist? Or do not understand what the guy means by "special"?
What an absolute fucking queer.
"no" it wouldnt be
female chastity is threaten as a joke by normies
theyd be like "hah no biggie"or "about time haha!" or even "damn shes lucky!"
lol underage out
dumb animeposter
yeah its this
>Muh equality.
>Men and women are different.
Idk maybe women should get back to the kitchen then.
its ok for some old hag to make a young kid uncomftorable by kissing him, but its not ok for an old man to make a young girl uncomftorable by kissing her
>muh millennials
If you're not a millennial you're too old or too young to be posting on Sup Forums
Have a (you)
>Killed a nun
>Violated a virgin
Rough week for Katy
Not an argument, dumb GenZer.
I once went without sex for three weeks and I felt like I was gonna start growing a vagina. Imagine three whole weeks.
That was really mean
>he thinks katy isnt fat and ugly too
l m a o
homeboy has to have some Pym Particle shit going on down there for that to not at best be an average erection
>perfect grammar to the comma
>double spacing
>defending whores
boy oh boy...
I don't get this "grower" thing, doesn't everybodys dick get bigger when they go hard?
>having to associate your first kiss with Katy Perry for the rest of your life
She's fucking beat.
tbqh that would be awkward as fuck, obviously if you were a teen girl having an influential man do that to you it's socially acceptable to be weirded out and they'd be the creepy one, but the only socially acceptable response from a teen boy getting kissed by an influential female is to be amazed at your good luck and if you don't feel that then tough shit it's pretend you do or time to be judged negatively for being gay, or worse in this day and age, not hypersexual
its a meme you dip
I have seen guys with 6 inch flaccid dicks that make you go holy fuck but then they don't actually get any longer when hard
some get 5 inches bigger, some only 1
I thought American Idol got cancelled?
>killed a nun
you mean god striked her down for lying in court.
the jury and judge know 100% katy perry and the archdiosis are in the right now
>19 year-old
what a cunt, that poor boy
>perfect grammar to the comma
Nothing wrong with this aspect, you phoneposting ESL.
>wants equality
>Just joking, I only want equality when it suits me
I legit hate you right now
It was off air for two years
That's like wanting your first kiss to be to Jane Foda
Remember when people weren't such fucking prudes?
I find it ironic that in this day of hypersluts and overly open sexuality that millennials are simultaneously and paradoxically bigger prudes than their morally stronger forebearers who prided themselves on being socially wholesome and keeping stable marriages.
It's absolute insanity.
I feel like it was all ok until she made him sing "I kissed a girl"
He seemed really uncomfortable and it was pretty clear he didn't really know the words
some grow more than others ya dingus
might be true but its still a sign
He probably has mouth herpes now.
>women only have agency when its convenient for them
>DUDE why wouldn't you want to kiss Katy Perry LMAO are you a fag?
that photo is fucking disgusting
fuck off
Hmmmmmm. I'm not sure I trust you. Are you a homosexual?
right after this, she made a new song