Brings gun to school

>brings gun to school
>gets caught
>literally the only punishment he receives is ONE fucking day in saturday detention

The white privilege in this film is fucking unreal, holy shit. If he would have done that in my school, he would have been expelled on the spot.

Also, for the record, nobody learns a fucking thing in this movie. Jock gets the "weird" girl when she gets all pampered up. Bad boy gets the popular girl. Virgin loner stays virgin loner, except spending a saturday morning with the 4 other dweebs cured his depression.

Wow great film, 10/10. John Hughes is a genius.

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>Chad Always Wins: The Movie

It was a flare gun and it went off in his locker. Not really a one to one comparison.

I wouldn't be surprised if this pisses off the virgins.

Since Chad gets the girl with mad dandruff, who gets dolled up at the end. Wow Ally Sheedy a cute! NOT!

He was going to use it to "commit suicide" so it could have obviously killed someone. Stop trying to defend this shit film.

Give him a break, his "A" average was ruined!

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>contemplates suicide over a B grade
>smokes weed at the detention he is serving for bringing a gun to school to commit suicide with

Wow, this guy is a real rational fellow. Or, John Hughes is just a hack writer.

Nice job ignoring the flare gun part

Don't forget when he talks like a black jazz musician. What a shitty fucking dude.

>nobody learns a fucking thing in this movie
The characters realize that despite their vastly different social backgrounds, they all have problems in the end.

it was a different time

>The characters realize that despite their vastly different social backgrounds, they all have problems in the end.

Like I fucking said, the white privilege is FUCKING UNREAL. Holy shit, these kids are in a suburb of fucking CHICAGO, how could they not realize that already with they way the Southside has ALWAYS been.

But this is exactly the point. Bender is pissed at them for appearing to be spoiled little shits, but in the end they're all messed up in their own ways.

it was the 80s

teachers still had paddles they spanked students with . WHITE ONES

your thread sucks

"Messed up" is a relative term. You know damn well they are privileged little white trust fund babby shits. Even Bender. IIRC the school takes place in Winetka, Illinois, literally the RICHEST place in Illinois. Fuck this movie.

this movie was so bad i don't think i ever finished watching it
i actually didn't mind sixteen candles

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>takes gun to school
>shoots two jocks
>gets a slap on the wrist

The 80s man

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>Winetka, Illinois
It's in fucking Shermer, Illinois

You see us as you want to see us… In the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain… …and an athlete… …and a basket case… …a princess… …and a criminal.

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I know what you're trying to get at, but this is basically like saying that your suffering is meaningless because starving kids in Africa have it so much worse.

Is that the guy from Heathers

>and a criminal.

He's a criminal because he wears a denim jacket and smokes weed. Lol.

this movie was filmed in the mid 80's when america was like 85% white. long before multiculturalism killed america in 2001 and left us all in a post white 56% hellscape that you call home today.

Why did he think shop class would be easy?

What is this "white privilege" you speak about?

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smoking weed in illinois is still a crime to this day

that makes him a criminal. good post breh

Man, I expected the other girl to be a goth or something, but in the end she was just autistic

John Hughes fucking sucks

How do you kill yourself with a flare gun? Does it work like a regular gun but messier?

>"Messed up" is a relative term.
Yes, exactly. That's the point of the movie.
Everyone, even those you think are perfect and privileged, can be miserable in their own way, and that image of perfection is just in the mind of the observer.

You might learn a thing or two from the movie.

i want to see a comedy crime noir thriller with judd nelson reprising his role as john bender

i always wanted to see just how funny he turned out to be

Smoking weed does make you a criminal, faggot. No one's saying it's moral or immoral, but it's against the law and if you break the law you're a criminal.

If a white kid brought a gun to my school, he would be the next poster child of the NRA, and be rich.

When all the bitching is over,

I'll be there....naked...wearing only a cockring

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Well two of them were abused, one was just a reject and another was homeless or something

So... A naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm and a two-foot salami under the other. She lays the poodle on the table...

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It was literally just a prank, bro

Only if you're a pussy

The point is that, it doesn't work.

Did you watch the movie? Emilio was the chad, this guy is pre-neet virgin

This always confused me. What the heck's a salami?

Wow you are one salty negro. How was your shitty school experience? How was it growing up without a father?

Nevermind, don't bother, I don't care.

Feels good to be white ;-)

Yeah, the 80s didn't really have school shootings. The Orion Program hadn't really started running these ops yet. I wonder if movies like Heathers and Fight Club were laying the cultural groundwork to prepare us for what was to come.

>I just didn't have anywhere better to be on a Saturday
...Really? You didn't have anywhere better to be than DETENTION?

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>le white privilege meme

fucking kys jew cuck

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bad b8, bad attempt. good movie


Is there anyone in the entire world that likes the weird chick more after the makeover?

My high school experience was pretty average, it had it's ups and downs.

I had one saturday detention and it was NOTHING like this movie tries to portray it as. There were like 3 of the school's security guards there to babysit us, and 30-50 students in the cafeteria. We could get away with chatting quietly, but they would walk around and tell you to shut up or work on homework if you got caught talking to someone. It was basically mandatory study hall on a saturday. And we didn't have to write some dumb essay about what we did wrong. Hell, the only reason I was there, was because I missed a regular after-school detention because I had driver's ed that day, and you couldn't miss more than 3 days or they'd kick you out.

>tfw you'll never bust a nut on that smile

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The movie was filmed at New Trier high school in Winetka, Illinois, IIRC, so excuse me for not knowing shitty John Hughes lore.

cute, being herself

gross, trying too hard for chad

Yeah, but what does Winetka being a rich suburb in real life have to do with the movie? I was just saying what the town is in the movie.

Oldfag here
We didn't really have shootings
But they did happen in the ghetto schools (where I went)
But no one cared about us inner city whites
We also had a lot of stabbings
I carried a long screwdriver in my pocket and made sure the niggers knew I had it
I never got stabbed

The town is clearly an upper middle class neighborhood, don't even try to deny that.

Fuck, even the Home Alone house is in Winetka. John Hughes clearly had a hard on for Winetka, so it reflects on his films. Also if this is correct, then the Home Alone house is clearly in a rich neighborhood, so fuck you.

According to Class of 1984, schools were burned out and students were constantly killing each other.

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just 3 security guards to whip you unruly kids into shape?
tisk tisk.
Here in white canada we don't have security guards in schools. No need for that. We actually learnt something from those 'dumb essays' about personal responsibility.

I haven't seen Breakfast Club in a while, but I don't think they even show the town. They just show the outside of the school and the football field. I'm sorry that you decided to think the shooting location dictates what kind of town it is in the movie.

By "security guards" I don't mean they were armed or anything. They were either big fat guys or tall black guys who were there to break up any fights that might happen during regular school hours. Never heard of a fight happening during detention though. Most fights happened during lunch hours.

I've rented cheap apartments in nice suburbs. This other guy doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.

It's never stated where Home Alone is filmed, so it may not even be Shermer (Winetka!). Jay and Silent Bob are talking about Hughes' teen movies, not his family movies, like Home Alone. Judd Nelson (Bender) does not exist in the Home Alone universe.

The home alone house is a mansion, no doubt about that

Listen here dip shit. Every single one of those faggots in The Breakfast Club are middle to upper class whites, do not even try to deny this. Just because Bender's dad is an abusive drunk doesn't mean he is poor. My friend who had wealthy parents had a really abusive dad who did even worse shit than Bender's dad did.

>'dumb essays' about personal responsibility
We don't even write those dumb essays. We get kids all the way to college and they cant define personal responsibility.

As a side note, my parents taught me personal responsibility. We didn't write essays, we read about moral virtues and discussed the implications. But its great you have the government to step in and make kids write about it.

What's your point? Those kids may come from rich families, but it doesn't mean the entirety of the town is all wealthy whites. All I've been saying is that the household income of people living in the fictional world of Shermer Illinoise is not dictated by where it is filmed. In the Shermer universe, Benders dad could just be a drunk. He bought Bender a carton of smokes for his birthday and then hit him. There is absolutely no evidence that he comes from a well off family.

Go fuck yourself, you pinko socialist fuck.

why are you even arguing about this


Because his dumb ass is saying that where a movie is filmed dictates the demographic of town in the movie.

> They were either big fat guys or tall black guys who were there to break up any fights that might happen during regular school hours

literally american education system holy shit

why can't you stop trying to kill each other all the time?

Because American schools are overcrowded due to lack of funding. They are like prisons.

you sound very agitated baka desu senpai

the constant threat of violence gives us our hunger for burgers. it's a the circle of life.

>Ally Sheedy
More like Ally Sneedy

You fags are still at it?

>when it starts over

>getting this mad over a movie
Good thing cinema is white mans invention at least until niggers trash it up like they do with everything else so it didn’t have to try and appeal to pavement apes and instead relates too suburban white people, I guess that’s why it’s called a coming of age movie

What the fuck is wrong with having security guards lol...? Literally all they did most of the time was stand around in the halls between periods telling kids to "hurry up, get to class". There were rarely any fights, maybe 5 at most a year. What the actual fuck is the problem with a school having security guards? Kids and teenagers fight all the fucking time, don't even try and deny that it didn't happen at your magical canadian school. It's better to have trained security guards to break it up safely, rather than a teacher who isn't necessarily equipped for that situation, especially female teachers.

Formerly Chucks

>*does nothing wrong*

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he shot blanks

It’s better to not have negroids and their degenerate culture in your country that inspires this kind of gross activity

Class of '84 was based as fuck.
>we're the only niggers who sell drugs at this school!

Bitch please I know you canadian's have a ton of somalian refugees, as well as degenerate "first nations" people. Don't even try to deny your country is devoid of degeneracy. Your fucking prime minister is Justin Trudeau. Fuck right off.

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>Wahhh this isn't how itd happen at my nigger school. Bad movie

molly ringwald in breakfast club has the best lips in the game

Patsy's hot as heck too

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Just google it.

Mollthony Ringtano best teeth in the game!

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>looks worse than she did before
Whoever's standard of beauty that was had shit taste.

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shop class (in a rural high school) is the easiest class of all time. you fuck around and drink beer in the bed of your pickup truck with your buddies most of the time, or use an angle grinder to make ninja stars that you throw at sheets of plywood

Damn, Christina Hendricks with downs looks like THAT??

>white kids bring guns and bombs to school because they're wacky and quirky, usually going on to fill the STEM field
>white kids bring guns and bombs to kill as many people as possible due to advanced psychotic symptoms, usually having the FBI called on them first

what happened

we outlawed corporal punishment of children

that's probably not the reason, I honestly have no idea how we got to this point

hyper-feminized social structure stifles natural male development, boys become twisted with no healthy outlet for their masculinity.

I was on the rifle team in high school. Target shooters and hunters would bring their guns to school.
There weren't any cops or fences or metal detectors. Things stayed the same up until columbine.