Iron Man 3 is the best Marvel movie

Iron Man 3 is the best Marvel movie

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It's actually one of the worst.

Finally, a man of taste

that is what normies thing, yes

shane black can do no wrong

why are you guys on here if you watch capeshit? Seriously you have to realise you are bringing down the quality of the board when there are other places on the internet that talk about this crap all the time

warmachine needs to go and stay go

i am OP but i am also you

Top 10 Marvel, Top 5 MCU, easy.

At this point it would be better to ask why are you here if you genuinely don't want to fling shit with retards 24/7?

Well, I have to see that new Predator film first before I say that

That was an Iron Man movie?

are you even remotely cautious?

im not

capeshit goes: 1. Spiderman 2 2. Batman Returns 3. Iron Man 3, and that's final

more like

1. Watchmen
2. Dark Knight
3. Spider Man 2
4. Unbreakable
5. Iron Man 3

and THATS final

(if you dont think Unbreakable belongs on the list, i will grant you that)

It's a very good movie and the Mandarin twist is pretty brilliant. I think a lot of people would like it more if Guy Pearce was a better villain.

I'm going to see it because it's my man Shane, but I'm not going to judge before I see it


Batman Begins is also better than Dark Knight. Unbreakable belongs on the list, but Watchmen doesn't. At least not at the top spot. Maybe 5

Too bad all of Tony's decent character development is thrown right the fuck out in his next movies.

>sssshane black
>iiittttt wassss bad on purpose
hahahahaha. Iron Man 3 was so bad it bad iron man 2 retroactively good

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not bad, but watchmen is an uninspired adaptation of perfect source material, and Batman Begins is better than the Dark Knight

>Batman Begins is better than the Dark Knight
>Batman Begins is also better than Dark Knight
what in the fuck

Nothing is better than the Dark Knight.

t. soyboy

last time I watched them was about half a year ago, and I would stand by that 100%, for me anyways I cared way more about the characters in Begins than I did TDK

yea, i mean, i get being a contrarian & all, but by no measurement whatsoever is Batman Begins better than TDK

It's because you're a pleb. Just because Ledger gave a nice performance doesn't mean the rest of the movie wasn't a mess. Batman Begins is much more coherent

The bad guy burns a mountain of money with a chink on top of it for the lulz.

How was it a mess. You didn't like the change in format?

Watchmen was drivel.

No, I'd actually like to hear why you think DK is better than BB. I've never heard any one of you faggots tell that

I really like Shane Black but he shat the bed on this one, he redeemed himself with The Nice Guys tho,i hope The Predator ends up being good.

right number, wrong series

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there is no best marvel movie, they're all pleb trash

It's not an origin story. Great villain that gets a ton of screen time. Intense movie until the end once Dent gets in armored truck. Annoying love interest dies.

Who cares. I like all three. Unless you actually dislike any of the three, who gives a shit.

I dislike all of them. I know the plane scene by heart but I still don't like the movies. They're shit

What capeshit is better and why?

he shouldnt be allowed to direct

this movie is so bad even normies dont like it. "I want to see him in the suit, not snooping around a home depot"

YOOOOUUU’llllllllll Neeeeevrrrrrr seee ittttttttt comin

Come to think of it, you're probably right. So many awful movies.



Dredd. Because it has a simple, but effective story. The effects are very well done, it's really distinctive. It stayed mostly true to the comics, and didn't show Dredd without a mask. Karl Urban was spot on the entire time. It had a strong female without being in your face about it, nor did it turn into a love story. Mama was a nicely fleshed out villain, and Lena Headey was graet in the role.

>trying to give a character a solid conclusion in a movie series that has no end in sight

I like Dredd as well. It would have been great to see the dark knight trilogy under an R rating. Don't care about movies staying true to the comics. Pretty much every comic I read is trash and is just a great template for someone to tell a better story with. Don't care about sex of characters as long as it's believable.

>There are people who honestly believe Guardians of the Galaxy 1 isn't the best MCU film

>spot on acting
>wears a mask entire movie

are you fucking retarded?

>>There are people who honestly believe the MCU has good films

i liked first one a lot. i thought second one was bad though. couldn't get into it.

Captain america is the only good marvel movie

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>Shows tons of emotion using only his mouth
>It works
>Somehow this doesn't count as acting
No, you're the retarded one here

You should win an award with the amount of emotion you show while only using your mouth on my banana shaped cock.


Civil War>Winter Soldier>First Avenger

fuck off nigger, road to perdition, tank girl, howard the duck are better than any of that list.

I miss red skull

no user, only captain america. the rest of the marvel films are trash

It wasn't even the best Iron Man movie.

can someone please post webm of the dock fight from batman begins

There are more than 50 thread slots, fuck off