Is this Seinfeld of this generation?
Broad City
lol fuck no
yes, it's a revolutionary concept for a sitcom that has enraptured the nation and will be talked about for decades to come. great thread op.
Where did Jewish humor go so wrong lads?
abby is best girl
If anything is the seindfeld of this generation its Sunny
I'd put myself through the agony and future embarrassment, to fuck them
Disgusting kikes
Post moar
Episode where the jewess wears that leotard is hot as fuck
Seinfeld never mentioned pegging or hiding weed in your vagina.
>Is this Seinfeld of this generation?
>Both shows are almost entirely jewish
yeah, checks out
Gross khazar mutt
Yep is the one
I wanna suck fat Jewish tits.
It's textbook (((modern))) humor. It checks all points on the society destabilization list:
>their typical toilet, shit, and fart jokes
>le wacky NYC misadventures
>general cosmopolitan filth
>"white" when with other people, but jewish when alone
>bi/homosexuality, sexual deviance
>incest (but only for the white people)
>awkward Trump/Hilary insertions
It was great until this season. I really hope the next one is better. Also Abby needs to put the weight back on. She was hotter when she was thicc
First two seasons were pretty good.
Sunny is the Seinfeld of this generation, not this unfunny kike garbage.
>ugly jews do gross shit: the show
I would betray you all and the entire white race, to suck on those khazar milkers repeatedly
you can join them in the camps
What is up with this shit??
They are both de-thicc'd!
I am not watching this show until they regain their former thiccness
there will never be another show with the cultural impact of the 90s sitcoms.
hollywoods hegemony over american culture is over.
It's actually very funny. I like to get stoned and watch a few episodes at a time. Not even a feminist.
No, but pic is related.
Came here just to post this. I'll see myself out
nudity when?
Oh, of course... in 20 years, when Ilana & Abby are on the edge of the abyss of irredeemable oldness.
See: Sarah Silverman
I still vapped though
>I would hammer left with the force of a thousand suns
I WILL join them in the camps!
>I regret NOTHING
>you can join them in the camps
from the looks of them, they have already spent a few days in a concentration camp
Eat, Ilana! Bring back the khazangas!
Kek, couldn't be more accurate.
Abby is a literal 6 and id vote Clinton for a chance to smell her pitted out t shirt
Is that vaping and fapping at the same time? I gotta try that
>white self-loathing
you're no better than the sluts who bang blacks
>implying you didn't already for for Hillary
>implying you aren't already < 6
>ugly jews do gross shit: the show
Yes, I agree
I'm glad I don't have your crappy taste in women.
Seinfield was a show about nothing. This is a show about nobodies.
Seinfeld was a sitcom about normal life that happened to feature a lot of Jews.
This show flaunts the Jewishness in your face
Take that back
Let's not fuck around here, mate. I would betray you and your entire family to your deaths, to be balls-fucking-deep in that khazar pussy. Over and over again. I regret nothing and would feel no guilt at all. Stick that in your white supremacist arse and smoke it.
I think that's one of the jokes
They're not exactly ugly, but they're not traditionally attractive either. They have the kind of semitic lascivious that serves only to snare horny good goys with low standards.
>le funny troll/jew continues
Don't forget the entire premise is
>yes millennial women, it makes you feel good to have casual sex
which is just some vague PC notion unless you actually know the types of women who have lots of casual sex and see how utterly utterly miserable and JUSTed they are.
You think this is a fucking GAME?
ARe you a retard?
what does 'JUSTed' mean?
The fuck is up with all these man-faced roasties?
Are you one of those guys who knows all porn actresses and shows up to the conventions to take a picture with them, and then proclaims that you're dropping them when they do a scene with a black guy?
When Mel Brooks retired.
I've seen almost 30/40 episodes as a kind of morbid curiosity and study on (((them))). There's only a few times that thoroughly and honestly show how JUSTed they are. The biggest example is when Ilana sees Lincoln, her former black fuckbuddy, in a real relationship with a well adjusted mulatto/black girl. Then she literally shits herself. Other than that, it's the standard "You go girl, experiment and fuck lots of guys with no remorse or consequences".
>They're not exactly ugly, but they're not traditionally attractive either
Traditionally, as in Nordic looking? That's a good look sometimes, but dude, that's not the only thing out there.
Lurk for 52 weeks before posting.
Yeah totally, because the only people who could possibly disdain you for your "khazar milker, I'll betray the race" memeing is a betafaggot with an ironic semblance of race-standards.
Do you think that when Hannibal Burress was alone, he would faptasize about being Ilana's f-buddy for reals?
I wonder who could be behind this post?
it means
>Lurk moar
>I wonder who could be behind this post?
Me, and I'm not a Jew, that's for sure.
I am circumsized, though
>Do you think that when Hannibal Burress...
khazar milkers
Wow, such a peoples' movement!!
Hell no not even in the same league. Seinfeld didnt try to be funny and didnt have a political agenda. Seinfeld is way more relatable.
>tfw hot li'l Zoe Kravitz was there, but I didn't even notice because I was transfixed on those Khazangas
I always say i'm pro abortion so the mistake of feminists and homosexuals can be resolved before birth. Abortions exist to correct mistakes after all.
>getting this mad
Right, in a good society, I'd be pro-life as fuck.
But right now? Abort almost everyone.
I mean they're obviously poking fun at millenial "activists"
>"You're a Jew! I know it! You have to be!!!
Please be a Jew... I need you to be..."
same bruh
They're trying to ban abortions for Down's Syndrome, but leave regular abortions.
So, in your mind, if someone likes something other than Aryan chicks, he must be a Jew?
You do know that Jewish guys ADORE Aryan girls, right?
Quiet now, we're jerking ourselves off here, stop getting in the way.
>Seinfeld didnt try to be funny
what the fuck? they re-wrote their scripts multiple times a day trying to be funny. are all white people this fucking stupid?
They have the perfect bit of gravity to them...
i would literally convert for ilana
The things I'd do to this Jew
>hahaha aren't we just so wacky
>makes sure to have nice tits in every shot
holy fuck... hilarious!
>it's satire guys
Reverse eugenics! What could go wrong?
That's called being a predator and the prey are called "shicksas" even on normie shows they joke about this.
Are those pasties?
holy shit, please tell me this is some kind of edit
Hole's gonna hole
most of the white males on here are downies so that means we can abort all white males
nah it's just some basic stuff picked out to trigger you. it's not like that's difficult or rare.
>those weak ass tiny strap-ons
Those better be for warm up only.
When the infiltration phase was completed and the subversion phase began.
I want milk from the left and braaps from the right.