>"Man Katy Perry Kissed On ‘American Idol’ Says He Didn’t Like It"
>"Man Katy Perry Kissed On ‘American Idol’ Says He Didn’t Like It"
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>falling for the blatant American Idol marketing scheme
the answer is already in the catalog
It's like a fucking Renaissance painting
Katy looks bad
20 years old and saving his first kiss
>faggot soy
But Katy tricked / manipulated a shy nervous inexperienced guy into a sexual encounter.
>fuck her too
Katy is such used fucking goods at this point. It’s only natural that a wholesome dude would not want roasted skank germs on him.
What a fagtron
Good spacing and use of greentext, fellow r/T_D poster.
>A washed up thott is so desperate for attention she throws herself at people
She's way past her expiration date isnt she
getting her tits out on a kids show was the beginning of the end
It’s easier to read and I’m a phoneposter too so eat shit
Imagine the herpes sores on those lips, I wouldn't want her near me either
The guy wasnt uncomfortable in the sense of feeling sexually assaulted, he just felt awkwardly surprised. Nonstory blown out of proportion by sjws and by the anti-sjw sjws here.
Can u imagine how much flak she would get if she released this today?
Bush era was a different time...
>he didn't like it
You'd think Katy Perry would be a good kisser by now.
Bitch is hella cock hungry.
Jesus christ look at ther fucking make up.
kissing boys, touching necks. what will she not do?
Soyboys BTFO ten years before it was cool
holy shit did katy perry start the soy boy meme?
He's 19 and Katy's 33
IMAGINE if the genders had been reversed.....
The way you used green text does not make anything easier to read and it makes no fucking sense you reddit faggot
>what will she not do?
sing without autotune
Women get away with a lot of career ending shit if the genders were reversed
I wouldn't like it either. She's fucking all used up and gross.
I'm amused how consistently tryhard Katy Perry's media team is when it comes to pushing pictures of her feet for footsexual click bait.
>telling anyone else to eat shit
Eat shit phoneposter
She's been caking it on since at east 2008.
That gave me a big smile, they were just kidding around. She wouldn't do it if he wasn't game.
>all the nu-males here getting outraged over this and trying to shame older women for wanting to fuck younger men
>this is the reason we won't have more desperate teachers throwing themselves at students
What went wrong? She was literally perfect.
the ravages of time and haircuts
killed a nun
I'm not in school anymore, why would I care? If I didn't get hot teacher puss then why should anyone? Take it away!
White women age like literal garbo.
deep brainwashing
Was it an MKUltra?
man kisses girl without consent: loses job
woman kisses boy without consent: ABC uses it for financial gain
It's almost as if men and women are different.
care to explain how that is relevant? why is one ok and the other not in this context.
It's okay because men and women are rightfully held to different standards.
today I learned Katy fucking Perry was the one one behind the Soyboy meme all along
>that's just how it is
no explanation
>that thirst
Jesus calm down Katy.
t. Anglo
Ma’an ... she must have reached the certain age range that everybody call out “Aunt” !!! But she is still the babe al’right (笑´・艸・)
Cause other men dont give af about something like this happening and thus wont give the societal pressure to make it unacceptable, on the other hand women do care and would unite behind a women claiming she was sexually harrased this way.
That's part of the sociological reason. The biological reasoning behind it has to do with men have higher sex drives then women, as well as women being more neurotic then men as well as men being physically stronger then women.
>this is “prime” katy
ayy lmao