H-haha h-haha ;_;
H-haha h-haha ;_;
>tfw 3 years until I turn to full wizardry
Should I just hire a hooker?
27 here, I'll stay a virgin at this point
I missed out on the best part already
Fucking losers jesus
pls no bully
Hookers are disgusting
>tfw been a virgin for so long the shame has melted away into acceptance and I don't even lie about it anymore
Atleast it's better than being a cuck.
>tfw never be a 40 year old virgin
Watching movies would wreck me if I had never had sex. Being reminded all the time ever romantic or sexual scene. I don't know how you anons do it. Lots of cool movie guys fuck hookers. Just get an expensive one and every time a movie guy bangs a hot prostitute you could be like yeah I did that shit too bruh.
Hookers don't count
A friend jokes that at least I had some pussy when I was given birth to.
I laugh along with him but I was actually c-section birth
Is it acceptable at this point, to just go and rape a girl. Im 26 year old virgin and feel like that is my only option.
losing your virginity is one of the easiest things you can do
losing it in a fulfilling way in another story
if it tortures you that badly, make an OkCupid account and match with a 4/10 (takes a few hours)
have some boring ass banter for two days and meet up, you'll probably fuck the first night if you're not a hambeast yourself
the worst parts will be she's probably got some body hair, doesn't smell good, isn't good at kissing, and becomes too clingy
have fun
turns out that actively trying to get laid in real life works better than calling everyone who won't have sex with you a roastie. You faggots are a pathetic disgrace to the Y chromosome
I'm sure the jury would understand
Crass and unfunny Jewish garbage.
that's the problem. what the fuck is the point of losing your virginity if you lose it to some below average hambeast? I think I'd rather pay money for a decent looking escort and lose it that way.
You can still say that you had your benis in a women before...
I watched this because I thought it was gonna be some romantic feel good movie for grills, but in reality it was KEK the movie, atleast he ended up shoehorned with best girl
How do you get pussy when you are older? I'm talking in your late 30's.
Stopped reading there, fuck that
Reminder that these incel losers ITT are the same one spamming Sup Forums shit threads and call you a cuck, soyboy, nigger, roastie, etc
doesn't really matter, especially if you are a wizard or close to wizard. The only thing that matters is getting it out of the way.
Do you really think anyone still speaks, or is even in contact with the first fuk!
My first fuck was when I was 16, was an 18yo tall ass mixed race grill. She was like 6 foot, became a model later. I couldn't stand her, she annoyed me to death. just fucked her while I was drunk, dated her for few months then dumped her
The only threads I ever make are about Buffy or Xena, or sometimes Farscape
its almost a badge of honor for me at this point wizardry has taught me that even chad gets fucked over no one is safe in this new age.
I hesitate to say that I'm "proud" or anything, but I look at friends and family dealing with relationship bullshit and it fills me with Schadenfreude
just bee yourself :^)
I've had sex with so many hookers that I don't think I'll ever be able to get in to a serious relationship, because that's that the kind of thing I want my wife to know and women always find out.
if I have sex with a hooker what are the chances I'm going to get an STD?
if anyone ITT is 40 id be surprised
There's an easy way to lose your virginity
>Get Tinder, alternatively register to a legit fetish site like Fetlife
>Find the ugliest most desperate slutty fat girl you can
>"hello there m'lady do you want sum fuk"
>Fuck a man
>fat girl
what if thats muh fetish
It’s all pink in the middle breh
>its almost a badge of honor
It is.
How do you faggots reach 20+ yo virginity without ever actually doing anything about it? If you ever really tried to get laid, and I mean a good honest effort, you would. It's not a fucking rocket science. That's what you were born to do. Literally your one purpose in life is to fuck and you didn't even try.
Oh, user...
We were too insecure and had low self confidence, and we were awkward as fuck unlike the well built chads
>watching this movie as a kid
Hahaha this is hilarious, not realistic enough to take seriously though
>watching this movie 10 years later
Holy fuck......it's so realistic it's scary
Yes, it helped me. Although, you've already missed the train on normalcy im afraid. Maybe you should just wait and obtain wizard status before doing the deed, it is a rare feat that can at least give you a sense of achievement
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Bro that was me when I was 14 too. Except I actively went out and shook those insecure thoughts, gained some confidence, and tried to become less awkward. I grew out of that phase of being a shy lonely nerd, why can't you? You're spending more effort convincing yourself it's impossible than if you were to just do something about it.
I'm forever doomed to be an outsider to this world
I love LARPing as a virgin in these threads. Its funny like The Thing threads.
>deluding yourself that the shame is gone
That's only true if live life like a hermit. As soon as you're around other people and the topic of sex comes up, your type freezes up like a deer in headlights and cries to god for change of conversation.
>tfw just hit my 2 year mark as a wizard
I can slide things across surfaces with my mind now. I can only imagine my power when I hit 40.
33 years old. It's not that big a deal, and sex is highly over rated.
Yeah if you can afford it. Sex is no big deal. People put too much of a weight on it. Ask her to show you how to bang also. And then afterwards youre not longer a virgin. End of story. Go to a bar go online go to tinder ok cupid anything.
>I missed out on the best part already
oh fuck off. I didn't have sex till I was 21, and sure I missed out on teenage love, sex is still great
All virgins over 25 should be riled up and sudoku'd
Worthless beta freaks
>lost virginity to a slut that cheated on me, manipulated and wasted four/five years of my life, and probably gave me an STV
>finally found someone that I have a genuine connection with
>feel dirty and gross because I squandered my first time with someone else
Don't fret, apprentices. Sex isn't worth it just to do it. It's much better to wait until you find the right person.
lol u mad, chad?
>projecting this hard
So what exactly do you do in those situations?
Not him, but I just LARP as someone who has sex.
Sounds fine to me. You're entitled past the age of 25. Go nuts kiddo.
What about around people who know you? Don't they start getting curious why you've never had a gf?
Thanks for the advice user.
>mfw lost my virginity with 1 minutes of sex at 26
Thank God. I don't care what anyone says it's a huge burden off me.
I guess my life is very compartmentalized. I don't tend to stay in friendships long either so that helps
Lost mine at 16 with some bimbo. I Wish my first time wasn't with her.
Imagine if this was real, jesus christ how embarrassing that would be haha
same user
not worth it
nope lost my magic
Just six more years and I will be a king. I actually got pissed he got rid of his collections in the movie for some thot.
I wanna know the same thing, but at 40+
Yeah, that's gonna be me in less than a decade unless I decide to be a gay/sissy bottom or find a woman who loves pegging losers like me or some shit.
He had an ok job. I am unemployed working on a shitty piece of paper that adds some letters to my very common name
Is this meant to be cringey? Because it is.
It was so stupid and so not worth it.
The central thing is that /he was actually happy/ in the beginning, and his life was a net loss at the conclusion.
>tfw just barely managed to get a cute virgin teenage gf at 20
almost missed the cutoff. i know im technically not a teen anymore but mentally im like 14 years old so it feels like magical innocent teenage love to me.
Is it weird to not care about sex?
After having multiple gf's I find more enjoyment in shitposting on a Friday then trying to woo myself into a wet hole.
I keep telling myself I'll wait for the right girl, one I really click with, but I don't think that will ever happen.
I've found now I only get sexually attracted to women after I form a strong emotional connection with them. And I hate all the whores I interact with
Because I can't just mindlessly fuck someone. I have to have feelings for them or I can't get it up. And since I encounter so few women I feel that way about and who feel the same, it's easy to not get laid.
>and the topic of sex comes up
Nope. At my age. In my 30s. People only talk about work, kids, or some vacation they want to take or some video game they finally managed to find a few hours to play. No one talks about sex, because sex already happened
Lost mine at 14 with some mexican ONS, worth it at that age.
Sex is great and I'm addicted too it now at 31, have been ever since. I don't know what everyone is on about.
>I've found now I only get sexually attracted to women after I form a strong emotional connection with them. And I hate all the whores I interact with
I'm like that too, don't do like me and miss an opportunity with an 7/10 sweet christian girl because you don't "click" with her the first time
it's been 8 years and not a single girl was interested in me after that, I'm 27 now
I was never a virgin, I've been fucked from the start
I don't get how you guys can be virgins. Getting laid is piss easy. I have never approached a woman and got laid several times.
Personally, if I ever get to the point where I'm considering paying a hooker just to lose it, I'd rather kill myself.
>I have never approached a woman and got laid several times.
You one of those lucky cunts that got molested by their qt babysitter or something