when will your stupid elections be over so we can talk about something else
When will your stupid elections be over so we can talk about something else
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Try living here mofo!
after the new president is in office for a month or two it'll probably die down
not if it'll be Trump
Don't you have some rapefugee to suck off?
>t. never been on pol during an election year.
daily reminder...
For real, its just fucking annoying now
No, it will be 4 years of consecutive happenings once Trump is in office, Kek
Actually a good question. What will we do, after the TRiUMPh?
Regardless of the result, there's going to be riots.
Also, once our elections are over, the spotlight is going to be on the wasteland that was once your country.
you should rather worry about your african monkeys
Hopefully soon. I'm tired of all these kike-loving newfaggots from /r/the_donald
We're going to have to constantly have NatSoc threads here after the election to drive them back to their cancerous shit hole.
devolve back into Sup Forums tier shitposting that only Sup Forums transplants think is good.
Sup Forums without a mission is actually pretty shit. Sup Forums on a mission is fucking hilarious and somehow influences the world.
The niggers are already in the states, you are importing yours.
>discussing a dead movement for failed bootlickers every day
>I like Hitler, me too!
>lol he was so right, I'd suck his dick right now!
>me too!
>see you again tomorrow?
>of course!
sounds terribly boring even for skinheads.
>Hillary has led polls for months
>still believing Trump is gonna win
which is worse?
having lice, or deliberately giving yourself lice.
the outcome is the same, but one of them makes you a fucking retard.
brexit happened.
Like what.. you sound like every boring newfag trying to be relevant
brush your teeth retard
We still have Brexit and the French election.
November 9 you lazy fucking kraut lrn2google
It's only going to get worse, whoever gets elected.
Shitstorm will last weeks and possibly hit other boards in the process.