What is Sup Forums's opinion on this show?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on this show?

Attached: 300px-TheSimpsons.jpg (300x166, 12K)

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Greatest show on television up until Season 10 or so.

I'd say somewhere in season 11.

I own Seasons 1-9, I feel like it starts dropping off pretty hard at 9 so I haven't watched 10+ in a long time.

it's is and has always been unwatchable


Who's going to say it first?

What, that it jumped the shark when Maude died? I think we can all agree on that one.

This, I find it incredibly boring and just not funny

I really don't understand how this is possible. Different people have different tastes, sure, but have you seen episodes in seasons 4-6? In what world can the nuanced, layered jokes and the deep character moments be seen as boring or unwatchable?

bart just really pisses me off

What about him? I feel like people usually complain about Lisa, if anything.

I hate the awful comedy and plots that center around him and I also hate his constant nudity

Constant, really? I feel like he's nude like three times in the first nine seasons.

very funny show...

I like mainly the old seasons, and within that, the halloween episodes

Gonna acquire some seasons, where's the cutoff? season 1 to what?

oh wow, I see Sneed, are we posting memes? here's mine

Attached: A-1400315-1266496119.png[1].jpg (500x500, 32K)

9, IMO. Judge for yourself whether you want to keep going after that.

That's not a meme though

Early season 11 was when the quality really started to dip

It’s sad to see it to keep declining in quality. They should have canceled it years ago.

Watching Season six atm, actually. The writing is outstanding, what a shame how terrible it's gotten since those days

meh, it Started off really good but quickly dropped off in quality arouNd season 10/sEason 11.
i still watch zombiE simpsons though, wouDdn't cha know


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Absolutely based mods.

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Jesus finally

This is bullshit.

i really liked that one episode
i know you know which one i mean

How autistic are you?

Yeah Bart Gets An F is fucking hilarious hahahaha

Bart After Dark? Yeah, me too.

Family guy is like 90% copied from the simpsons

Attached: familyguy.jpg (653x367, 244K)

Is that the episode where they buy a farm and create a tomato hybrid plant

Go to 9 at least. If you still liked that try 10 then try 11. But after 11 you probably won't want to try 12



God i'm so happy sneedposters are getting banned left and right. Their autistic rage, imagining how they slam their fists down saying "HOW DARE THAT FUCKING JANNIE BAN ME! HE DOES IT FOR FREE!" and reset their router, only to be banned again due to their crippling addiction to posting sneed.

Hop in dude

>Simpsons threads are becoming tolerable again

Attached: 1507491685954.gif (496x366, 2.19M)

When You Dish Upon a Star is the OFFICIAL end point of the show

There's lows before it, but that is the first episode that is from top to bottom complete shit. It is THE POINT The Simpsons becomes a bad show. Prove me wrong.

People started mass reporting sneedposters. Jannie had to do some work. Mods did too. A third of the current bans are for reposts and spam.

Imagine these autists, hobbling to their router, visibly straining and barely managing to unplug a little cord then hobbling back to their computer(because phones are for soyboys amirite) then slamming their keyboards in rage as they are booted again. All for this. It's insanity if I've ever seen it

Correct opinions

Just remember the first sneed poster was a 15 year old kid who hated old simpsons.

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Attached: STOP IT.png (770x208, 54K)

Is Bart Simpson alt-right?

idk how this isn't a sign of a sneedposter's insanity

>Tumblr landwhales not knowing what a vpn or proxy is
Imagine my surprise

>insecure attention seeking faggot

the rangeban is next for you friend

There are like 50 deleted posts in this thread. You'll only see a small sample on the Bans page.

Rangeban doesn't work on either of those honey

If you want a good laugh

that blows. I'd love to see more of them honestly so I could see how truelly insane this one person is.

I'm suprised they havent' rangebanned him, since he just admited to using a vpn for ban evasion.

You clearly don't know what a rangeban is
Lurk moar

Objectively one of the GOAT shows during its 90's run

>one person

You should try swallowing buck shots as your next trick!

Can't slam the Sneed.

haha thats hillarious

We also had this

illegal memes

How new are you?

Did you just assume their gender?

>mods gave up at the end and deleted the thread


Well if it's a her spamming it then this just proves women aren't funny

Attached: bart braaaaaap.jpg (259x194, 12K)

>Lmao if I'm exist they'll think I'm one of them
Learn how to not type like a woman before you attempt to pretend you aren't one

Seasons 2 and 4 are excellent.
Some good shows in many other seasons, even in recent years.

There was some decent discussion happening too.

wow, you must be new here, and to internet forums in general.

Neocon Bart

>Lmao if I'm exist they'll think I'm one of them

Attached: images (1).png (227x222, 6K)

>so mad that your retard brain stops working

Attached: 1403575923304.jpg (313x286, 71K)

>rangeban one person

>515 matches

Attached: moe.jpg (532x343, 40K)

Every time a woman tries to type like a man it comes off contrived, and it's really apparent with the anti-sneed poster

got em

>Lmao if I'm exist they'll think I'm one of them
What the fuck did he mean by this

Every time a woman tries to type like a man it comes off contrived, and it's really apparent with the anti-sneed spammer. It doesn't help that she's very new to Sup Forums lingo as well

Not to mention the abundant ignorance of board memes and mechanics, see

Here's a lil piece of advice, slick. Learn how to not type like a mental midget before you attempt to pretend you aren't one

I've been watching it since the very beginning
I was 8. I thought to myself, I swear to god
>when this show ends my childhood is over

It keeps going.

But anyways. It dipped after 11 or 12, then came back around 16, then dipped around 22 then was strong again till around 26-27. It's just dipping again but will be back. The show goes through cycles because of writers coming in and out. new writers come in might suck or need time to get in a rhythm after good writers leave. Or shitty writers come in and just drag the series over a couple of years.

Overall it's been pretty solid

>still typing like a woman
Come on sweetie it really isn't that hard. Just pretend that you aren't a vapid hole sneething over your little shipping thread getting derailed and the male words will just flow right out of you

this except for I also own season 10 and I'm missing a few episodes in season 8 because my CUNT sister doesn't know how to take care of dvds when she borrows them

The Simpsons! Haha!

>new to le Sup Forums lingo
>Makes generic did you just assume my le gender joke
Jesus, fuck off reddit. Only a woman would use "Sup Forums lingo" to look cool

they make methamphetamine

>Using your words
So, you admit you're a woman?

>this sliding scale
A few years ago season 8 was the cutoff. In a few years time people will be saying everything up to season 16 is gold

Comfy Simpsons! Ha Ha! Soooo comfy!


Comfy /reylo/ general

Based mods

>I've been watching it since the very beginning
Me too, I thought I was the only one.

Never missed an episode. And I think every single ep has been watched on a total of only three successive TVs

Everything after "The Principal And The Pauper" should not be counted as canon.

So... season 9 ends the show.

>no one continued this

This is accurate. It starts to drop off a bit in 9 and 10 but not considerably, and then 11 is a real mixed bag, but still not a disgrace, and with a few really great episodes. Everything after 11 is unacceptable and just different degrees of trash.