Tonight at 9pm
Rerun of first episode now
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b-but professor Goldstein said black people built America
nah this show is pretty redpilled for (((history)))
Who /Idaho/ here?
I think there's been a change of management over at the HC (Disney)
is it comfy there? or is it all indian people throwing up everywhere
I hope so. This show is a pretty big breath of fresh air and there is no sneaky revisionism or white hatred. A uniquely pro american show
>no more Hitler's Secret Super Weapons of the Arcane: Halloween Special
watch the recent knights templar doc. Most redpilled thing I've ever seen on US tv.
it still exists on the american history channel
Tell me when Rollo cones
The worst was Ancient Aliens. That show was straight nonsense.
The recent shows I've seen on HC seem to have changed their tune. They're pretty much stating as fact Hitler relocated to Argentina.
in a spaceship
No. It's become much more serious.
The Knights Templat doc, straight up said the SS turned into the CIA.
Also directly tied 'secret societies' to the Bushes and Obama's cabinet. Among other things.
I couldn't believe it.
>the SS turned into the CIA
then why does the CIA hate white people?
Why doesn't History make more shows like Vikings? it can't be that expensive to produce at least one more show right?
I saw the templar show and it sucked cock. but i keep hearing about this documentary can you give me a link to info about it?
yeah, not the show. This:
oh shit never saw this.
it's good. They even mention baphomet and shit. I was shocked.
Long story short, it basically states that the ((())) we know today evolved from KT.
that sounds crazyh
I think they're slowly trying to de-brainwash the American public.
of all things the history channel
I guess the logic is you use the tools that where used to brainwash the public to de-brainwash them.
dunno if they have history in the united kingdom but they are literally teaching them how to make swords
Yeah. The bongs are having issues getting bullied by TV inspectors. They could probably use it.
Bumping it's starting
Bretty good stuff
The script for this was written by Jews
Nah this shit good