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not gonna lie, this season is kinda boring. the only thing i look forward to is what old idol they will show from ghost island
I fucking love this show.
It brings joy to my joyless life.
Long live /surv/
there are a ton of qts but most are dull
except /ourgirl/ Libby
i still dont understand what the secret advantage does
wtf chelsea said something
water challenge and wrestling
my favorite
i feel bad for her. just imagine you tell all your family and friends that your gonna be on survivor just for the editors to fuck you over and not show you at all for 3 episodes
this shit can get brutal lol
any of yall watching bbcan6?
Was there ever a more brutal comp than the rugby/basketball one where James fucked his knee up?
who the fuck is bradley
editing has been god awful. i legit dont know half of these people
are livestreams free aye?
yeah but only canadians can watch it, otherwise you can just use a vpn
the final immunity challenge in thailand where they had to hold that pose looked painful
>not appreciating the season of asskino
What the hell was that fate tempting juju Kellyn did?
i do, maddy is my waifu
fuck, well there goes literally the only thing the episode was going for
this bitch got divorced and decided to ride the cock carousel
>get randomly chosen for cool shit
>be a useless boring cunt instead
Jenna probably has the best ass in the history of the show, definitely going to be my first fap of the season
Way to ruin the show bitch
>Jenna probably has the best ass in the history of the show
donathan is my spirit animal
Same user
You're right, Cochran is a bigger ass
agreed, those hips and butt are fucking incredible
you're a gay hick?
Yeah, but it's been days since user made a thread.
what even was the last good survivor season? cagayan?
the one where russell should have won
Not even a waifufag, but good God I want to hotdog that
Redemption Island was shit, man.
Nothing waifu-esque about wanting to fuck a hot woman
i want bradley to be rough with me
>another niggerball game
oh no they're terrible underwater
for as much as they've run this challenge, you'd think I'd remember SOMETHING memorable happening during it over these years
but nope, it's that fucking boring
watch it with the n-bombs!
Who the fuck even are half the people on this orange tribe
the challenges are the worst part of the show. they use to be unique and cool but now its just the same shit
Not as good as Amanda Kimmel, but very easily top 5, probably higher.
damn impressive comeback. never count out childish gambino
i'm almost never aroused by black girls unless i'm watching survivor
does anyone unironically tweet those hashtags?
if Jenna is voted out, i am dropping this season
See, all they needed to do was give the nigger the ball and they made the comeback. The other team just let their nigger stand lazy.
I don't remember Amanda having a noticeable was, she was just blurred out all the time in China
Top 3 is Jenna, Abi, Alexis
no one on malolo has had a confessional besides Kellyn
if i remember i will make one on eviction night. i think the problem with bbcan is the fucking feeds go offline all the time.
who is the biggest target of all people who ever played big brother or survivor?
fuck i didn't know a season had started
damn, jay, i got 3 episodes to watch
post link to stream
80% chance her kid is half black
Bradley can fuck off desu
>single mom
kek stephaniefags on suicide watch
>single mom
holy shit chelsea got a confessional
all the winners and rob c on all stars were pretty much fucked as soon as they got on the island
Post your top 5 user. Preferably with pictures.
bradley is going home and I am sad
Not the best picture, but abi's butt is in that top 5. She's got that textbook brazillian booty.
what are the leaks. what are the potential twists for this season
I'm not sure if Figgy is top 5, but she's got to be close.
Not him but, off the top of my head I'd add Alicia Rosa to my top 4
Ali from last season was good too
Well that shitty fire making challenge at the F4 tribal council from last season is coming back
Abi might be the best imo
yeah abi is very sexy
Don't know if I'd have Figgy in my top 5 asses, but she's top 3 dick sucking lips
Christ this garbage can't be watched anywhere on the internet
I hate you fucks
bradley is going home and i have no idea who he is with the exception of his name
Dats the good shit
is Steph's baby half black?
bradly must have said more during this tribal wtf he just took it on the chin
doesnt bradley have an idol?
lol what a dumbass
Dom does
Man that would have been pretty cool if he didn't fuck up so badly
curse status: not reversed
>No one flipped on Bradley
>Literally risking your game to protect Bradley
The absolute madmen
>silver spoon
>nah I'm good
What the HECK happened to survivor?
i thought he was meme-ing that it would save 2