Devout Catholic regarded as prudish in Hollywood

>devout Catholic regarded as prudish in Hollywood
>called out predatory producers and directors and casting couch whores
>famously strong personality who bantered with the best of the guys (John Wayne considered her the only woman he'd ever really been friends with)
>did most of her own stunts
>unpretentious and professional
>waited until marriage to lose her virginity at 21
>stayed in that relationship for 10 years trying to make it work despite the guy being an abusive alcoholic (he eventually divorced her)
>never got cosmetic surgery unlike most actresses
I challenge you to find a purer waifu. also I just rewatched this movie, so fucking good

Attached: Maureen O'Hara The Quiet Man.webm (1052x768, 2.58M)

Eva Green

Attached: french pepe.png (514x424, 15K)

Lucy didn't take any shit, only from her husband unfortunately.

and she was in two of the greatest John Wayne films. McClintock and The Quiet Man

Rio Grande was pretty good too though the least of the cavalry trilogy

imagine being john wayne in this scene

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 332K)

you guys have any tricks for making good quality webms longer than a couple seconds? the OP was the first one I made. using webm for retards

kinda shit but here you go

Attached: The Quiet Man stockings.webm (656x480, 2.87M)

think I'm getting a handle on it. it's an artform, at least with this size limit

Attached: The Quiet Man scene.webm (656x480, 2.85M)