shaving my shoulders
i'm getting it all shaved off
Shaving my shoulders
i dont get it? why would someone shave his shoulders?
Because when you become a man user you'll grow hair all over your body. Some is not aesthetic
Shoulder shaving is degenerate.
but homer doesnt have hair all over his body
>Because when you become a man user you'll grow hair all over your body. Some is not aesthetic
>tfw gaining hair all over my body
>losing it on my head
Worse, it gives you shoulder-ingrowns.
Is this sudden surge of random Simpson threads meant to tire out the Sneedposters or something
are these threads just honeypots for you know who posters now?
Mods are really cracking down on Sneed
RIP in peace
Yes. It's a trap for sn**dposters
is this unexpected influx of simpson discussion a clever ruse for some sort of Sneedian shenanigans?
And they can't help themselves
Got one
the best thing is that mods know it and let the thread up
I'm just waiting for sn**ds to report to mods
Stop stealing my images.
Then how come I don't have any chest hair and my pubic hair is patchy at best.
because you're a low test faggot
I recite this song in my head whenever I'm shaving my face for some reason
But shaving it only makes it worse best is to pull it out or laser it.
Well how do I get high test?
happens to the best of us, go bear more
genetics bro
The opposite. sneedposting started as a way to tire out the random simpsons threads.
yeah but now mods are using simpsons threads to bait sneedposters
Exercise more
I unironically shaved my shoulders for the first time this morning.
Getting these really coarse hairs (quite sparse, only half a dozen per shoulder), but they're super long and curly.
Why would exercise increase my test? I mean I'll do it but why does it?
stop fapping
do more exercise
I think I fap too much much anyway (4 times a day). Alright I'll do it. I don't really know where to start though.
But the first thing I'll do is delete my porn. I'm serious, I want a real beard one day.
actual cringe
>hair on nipples
>hair on shoulders
>hair on fingers and toes
>hair on ass, ESPECIALLY on ass
>hair on stomach and chest
>hair grows back in 24 hours when shaved
>shaving just makes it grow back even thicker
What I would give to be ottermode again.
>4 times a day
not compared to posting that literal dementia-tier meme
Okay it's high and I think it's killed my desire for real sex. But is it really that bad.
formerly ottermode?
I've got my body shaving routine down to about 20 minutes every Sunday night.
>using the multi blade jew
are you me?
this shit gets stuck in my head all the god damn time
>body shaving routine
Do white people really do this?
You freaks deserve to get shot.
Why not? It's perfectly socially acceptable. It's simply a standard of personal grooming. To what extent you take it is entirely up to you.
I mean I do a quick trim with an electric razor that takes a few minutes, but 20 minutes to shave your entire body seems a little overkill.
Oh no. Not my entire body. I mean I shave my neck (to the extent it needs it), my shoulders, chest, and pelvic region butthole and crack included. I just trim my frontal pubes. I start with a hot shower to open my pores and soften the hair. Then apply quality shaving cream to one spot at a time. Shave gently letting the razor do the work for me. I usually need to squat over a mirror to get at my butthole very very carefully. Then when it's all over I jump back in a cold shower to wash off excess shaving gel and close the pores. Lastly, after drying off I apply a quality aftershave balm. Let dry.
Good to go for another week.
I literally have a single hair on my shoulder.
good thread op
Is an eye eat dee?
none of it is unaesthetic except facial hair and crotch hair
ban me i dont give a hoot
Does anyone have that image of Bart pulling on Milhouse's seat belt, but edited so it's killing him?
Yeah. Wait until you hit 25 and all of a sudden there's hair on your shoulder tattoo that you never thought would be there. Shave my shoulders more often than my face.
That's a myth. Shaving it regularly is fine. Hair grows back naturally