You have five minutes to convince a Bernout femanon to vote for Trump.
About to fill out my absentee ballot and as of right now I'm voting Jill.
I live in a swing state btw.
You have five minutes to convince a Bernout femanon to vote for Trump.
About to fill out my absentee ballot and as of right now I'm voting Jill.
I live in a swing state btw.
Other urls found in this thread:
As long as you aren't voting for Hillary it's fine.
fucking a i love incest
pic related
just 4 months till my cousin is 18 lads :D
>Tfw this is bait anyway
Just do whatever you want, Our nation is based on freedom anyway.
vote for Jill.
If you're so low information and stupid enough to vote for Jill Stein, there's no saving you anyways.
Do you want to make America great again or not ?
That's your call.
that's terrible advice
Where are the jiblies and timestamp?
You are part of the problem
Look at the shit third world countries and tell me how progressive, clean and safe they are. No one buy whites will or even can do anything to help the environment or create a safe environment for women.
Hillary will invite those animals in for the votes and neither the greens or the republicans will ever be viable again.
We don't care.
Email field related.
Hillary deserves to lose for rigging the Democrat Primary.
Why do you need someone to convince you to vote for someone else, you can't think on your own?
>those tattoos
Do whatever you like, no one gives a shit what you think or do, and at this point you're too late - VOTE FOR HILLARY, SUCK A DICK
why does it matter if she's 18? do you live in commiefornia?
>Bernout femanon
vote trump or you'll end up like...
You're gross, and she is flat out disgusting
I'd fill her absentee ballot if you know what i mean
What colour have you dyed your hair this week you fat cunt?
go ahead and vote for jill
look into hillary's emails if you want a reason to vote for trump
He doesnt operate under a broad misguided notion that pouring an unprecedented amount of money into expanding the welfare state will somehow benefit our country. He doesn't go on the campaign trail and blurt out detrimentally misleading statistics about the wage gap and inequality in order to garner the unthinking-liberal-shithead vote. He's just-- he's got conviction. He values loyalty. he's got CHUTZPAH. He actually WORKED before the age of forty unlike the hunchbacked figurehead. He didn't come outta nowhere. He's been voicing his concerns for decades on end and he deserves this. It's this simple!
Also, tits or gtfo.
The Democratic Party will not reform and un-corrupt itself unless it gets this message, user. Do you want to be able to vote for your precious progressive candidate in 2020 or 2024 or continue to have corrupt as shit pseudoliberal capitalists running your Party all the way to the bottom?
You want to vote for trump, you are here to obtain a Fake Because.
Tits or GTFO
we like jill
Fuck it, you convinced me.
Your future won't be full of gang rapists prowling everywhere
>nuclear energy
What did he mean by this?
Wow, she's not even 18 and she already looks like a slut.
texas and no i could do it right now but i want to be safe user
im fucking my cousin i can wait :DDD
Trump is the only hope for the White race. We need to purge non-Whites immediately and only Trump will be able to get this started before the demographics of the USA make electing a White Nationalist impossible.
Because Trump will gut most of the Clinton powerbase. There's child porn and human trafficking ring inside their "charity". Wikileaks emails. They're fucking laughing at you Americans because they control most of the media. Do it. Vote paper, vote Trump.
porn star.
Having a future isn't enough? You'll be lucky if your country survives, even with a Trump presidency.
Disgusting. The equivalent of buying a hooker. Only this time she's your cousin you fucking degenerate
Have some dignity man
Trump has a solid voter base. Hillary doesn't, Hillary is relying solely on people voting against Trump. As long as those voters abstain or vote 3rd party Trump wins.
stop trashing my pornfu
Trump is anti-war, anti-corruption and supports Americans ahead of serving foreign agendas. You're free to do as you wish, naturally, but Donald Trump is the best chance we've ever had at a non-partisan candidate, despite him running on the GOP ticket. Both sides loathe him, which can only mean he's not playing within their comfort zones. And that's a good thing if you're someone who's concerned with setting term limits and helping to rid the government of corruption and corporate interests.
Outsider that'll take the country in a better direction.
Why aren't you voting for H?
>Bernout femanon
According to Hillary you are a basement dwelling loser.
More wincest
If you want gibs, just think of who will give gibs if work fleeds US.
If you want jobs, just vote Trump.
Post your fucking tits or try your thread again without being a useless, vapid, attention whore.
This is the interenet, Noone gives a fuck if you are a woman unless you are a sex object. so start being a sex object or quit being a fucking woman.
>11% gdp
>no proofs
get the fuck out
>Trump is anti-war
There's nothing wrong with war against ISIS as long as no White American blood is spilled doing it.
She's not even 18, and she looks, acts and most certainly is a complete whore.
Sorry if I'm not a kissless virgins fat ass and actually get laid
what's wrong with fucking my cousin
she's into it to, been talking about it since she was 15
dude thats my pornfu
Tits or gtfo
>That projection
She is a nasty slag. You have no standards because only trashy women will fuck you.
Nice job buckaroo
A vote for Jill is basically a vote for Hillary.
Thanks for (maybe) ruining my no fap to porn. She does anal, I left the tab open. Fuck
More wincest
>no ass
>no tits
may as well fuck a boy
>i would post a picture of my cousin im going to have wincest with on Sup Forums
Nice job buckaroo
Isis needs to be handled one of two ways: Seal Team Six 2.0, or Carpet bomb them into a sheet of glass.
check out her scene about the sandwich she fucks up
How new are you?
Because Trump would unironically be better than Hillary Clinton. She is under multiple criminal investigations, being investigated by the IRS, and her husband is a pedophile rapist.
Trump is anti establishment, you can tell because none of the big corporations who control out country from the shadows want him to win. He may be a 'macho' patriot type guy but he is genuine and he will drain the swamp. Also the MSM will be utterly done if he wins.
get a load of this newfag
You're fucking sick, but I doubt you don't already know that.
>mfw you make a pass at her and get rejected and then shunned by her and your whole family
Because she'll lose. Either Hillary or Trump will be President.
If Hillary wins, it'll ensure that the Democratic Party will continue to fuck all of your favorite candidates like Bernie Sanders for the next 100 years. That's why you're defaulting to Green rather than a major party right now.
If Trump wins, he'll put accountability into the major parties. People like Wasserman-Schultz may be prosecuted for what she did to Bernie if Trump wins. Political sabotage will be a crime. Hillary is above the law and hates when the law actually can do something about white collar crime. A vote for Trump is better than a vote for Jill, even if you like her more right now, since Trump will protect your interests more in the long run if he wins, whereas Jill won't win at all.
Here. Minorities commit disproportionate amounts of crime. Think it's just the USA? Think again. It's every single nation in the entire world. The entire worlds crime index goes like this:
Asian > White > Mixed > Black
There is not a single outlier despite there being billions of people in the world. Isn't that just a mathematical anomaly?!?!?
So, if you want your neighbourhoods to go to shit, sure, run your country like a charity. But don't be surprised when 30 years down the line every single straight white man revolts, turns his back in what used to be America, and leaves you all to fight your retarded identity politics again forever.
>posting a year old picture of some homo from the Middle East
>take the brown pill
hillary cheated DNC out of bernie and lied to dem voters. trump is the closest thing to a viable 3rd party candidate in years
trump and bernie have similar views on a number of issues that hillary doesnt
I'm saying I wouldn't fuck her, ever. I have standards. She looks like a fucking pig whore.
Learn how to read, you compete retard
Clinton's policies will cause massive demographic shift by importing millions of new democrats. Even if Stein or Johnson hits 5% it wouldn't matter, Hillary's army of imported voters will make sure nobody but the DNC's chosen puppet wins ever again.
checked and nope she's good to go
i've already "molested" her
The way to handle it is to purge all Muslims in White countries, glass the Middle East. and take the oil.
>ankle tattoo
I want to sniff Marsha May's asshole so bad. She's like 4'11" but has an amazing ass.
Trips of truth confirm that you and your cousin are fucking degenerates that need to be wiped out.
Learn how to convey a message in a less retarded format
fuck off nigger we are full
kill yourself
If you live in Florida i only need about 37 seconds.
i know, im 6'3", i like to pretend i have a chance with her based on this fact
sauce on that, sir
Dubs of danger spell incoming judgement of you sick motherfuckers.
If you work, Trump will be giving you a pretty decent tax cut.
It will impact your life more than any other promises and bullshit you hear from other candidates
He will also cut back the illegal immigrant flood
Look at Trump's five point ethics reform plan. It will shit all over corruption
Wow fuck this thread
Get me laid Sup Forumsros
well you obviously take something
>voting for a racist who literally assaults women
"trump or hillary?" should be your first question
No one on Sup Forums has ever had sex before.
That anonymous has probably been around much longer than you, tits or gtfo has always been a meme fems is shits user.
Women have only one place in society, making men sandwiches in their husband's kitchen
>wow you are really degenerate
Kek we should make a Sup Forums pickup lines chart
>your behavior indicates otherwise, I hope the people that the people who've sacrificed so much for you disown you and you realize the implications of acting like an immoral sub-human