this movie was really good
This movie was really good
she has a very sexy nose
it really isnt
Good movie and hot actress.
I haven't seen it but it looks degenerate and sucks.
This is a very attractive female
what's wrong with her nose?
she is cute but the nose seems fake.
Overintellectual garbage presented as a parody of 50s films. I wanted to see erotic kino not some commentary about lust and femininity.
it looks 60s to me
Her nose seems fine to me.
interesting take
cool rug. i wonder if it was made just for the movie
It's not
>dat herd mentality against retroussé noses, literally the best kind of nose there is
How does it feel having shit taste?
>b-but muh 4chins told me that they were bad
>l-let me post a picture of a pig, which has a completely different nose shape (flat at the front vertically [not even angled like the best retroussé noses are], nonexistent bridge, the only similarity being the 'tip' which is barely an analogous between the two completely different shapes)
get rekt and get some taste faget
Looks like femishit trash.
>How does it feel having shit taste?
My apologize - let's put it in this way - I like the nose but I doubt that a britbong has that nose.
If is legit, even better.
Apparently it was handmade for the movie.
>she made all the costume herself
>she knitted the rug herself
>she did all the sets herself
>she made all the props herself
>she wrote all the music herself
>she wrote the screenplay herself
Truly, Anna Biller is The Ultimate Auteur, alongside the likes of Shane Carruth and...I don't know who else can claim such singular authorship over their films.
A masterpiece.
Such a divine comedy. Demy would be proud.
>Looks like femishit trash.
Biller is a second-wave feminist, not third-wave. She also goes on crazy twitter rants, it's funny. She's a bit loopy.
Also it took her like a decade to make everything before she started filming. I think she first posted on her blog about working on the movie back in 2007 or something.
Hi Sup Forums!
My next project will be a “Bluebeard” movie, about a woman who is married to a dangerous, possibly murderous man. In Hollywood’s golden era, they were called “woman in peril” pictures, and they included sophisticated thrillers, juicy noirs, and Dracula pictures. Many great directors tried their hand at them, producing some of the great noir, thriller, and horror classics.
I have always been obsessed with the woman in peril genre, from Hitchcock’s SHADOW OF A DOUBT, to Cukor’s GASLIGHT, to Ophuls’ CAUGHT, to David Miller’s SUDDEN FEAR, to the Hammer film HORROR OF DRACULA, to heady sexual thrillers like MARNIE. These films were plentiful, from the lowest budget b-movie to the glossiest Hitchcock thriller, and were popular because of the enormous public interest in the hidden violence of men and their danger to innocent women. This interest continues today, but around 1960 the point of view shifted to that of the killer, starting a wave of serial killer films that started with PSYCHO and PEEPNG TOM and that still make up a large portion of the horror fare today; but I love the idea of making a serial killer film in the style of the classic women in peril pictures, for modern audiences.
I had been looking for a novel about a sociopathic man who torments his wife, and I found the perfect novel (as yet a secret)! What’s interesting about the novel is that it shows a strong woman, who never was interested in love before, being caught up in the web of a sociopath so deeply that she loses all of her free will. In terms of the research I did for the script, this is accurate: no matter how strong a person is, they can’t outsmart a sociopath or get them to change their ways. The only way to survive is to make a clean break. Sociopaths often love-bomb women with their charm and sex appeal, so that women become sex-addicted and confused. The typical victim of a sociopath is a person with a good heart who is trusting and loving, who sincerely believes that the sociopath can be rehabilitated. It’s this trust and love that causes the victim to stay longer than another person – often, tragically, long enough to get killed. It’s a fantastic part for an actress, as she must switch between different kinds of awareness as she tries to negotiate her love, trust, sexuality, and suspicions.
The male lead is also a great part. In so many movies that feature violent men, their violence is expressed only on the surface. But this character is a very interior character, mercurial, moody, and complex. Although like most men he tries to repress his feelings, they come out in various ways through rage, attempts to control others, and exultation when he is winning. His violence is not expressed in action scenes, but in his face, his voice, his manner. It’s like all of the great parts written for sociopaths in classic movies, from Jack Palance in SUDDEN FEAR, to James Mason in BIGGER THAN LIFE, to John Cassavetes in ROSEMARY’S BABY.
I wish more movies had this much thought and planning going into them.
I want for the visuals in in the film to remind me of classic films with similar narratives and atmospheres — both the stark, high-contrast black and white gothic horror movies and the lush Technicolor thrillers from the 1930s through the 1960s. All of these films contain a gothic atmosphere – castles, mists, rich velvets and brocades, shimmering light, blazing candles in giant candelabra, heavy baroque furniture, ornate mirrors, women in long nightgowns fleeing from handsome, brooding men. There are also dozens of Gothic romance and horror novels from that period that feature these sorts of images on their covers, since there is something primal and fascinating for women about stories that feature a beautiful heroine and a dangerous, brooding man. (Although the setting for this film is Gothic, the characters are modern characters rattling around in a Gothic setting, as many characters in horror movies are).
The reason I call it a “Bluebeard” picture is that any story about intimidating men that women have reason to be afraid of is a Bluebeard story, after the fairy tale of the same name where a woman marries a wealthy man only to find that he literally has six dead wives locked away in a secret chamber. In modern horror movies, most often the villain is a literal monster (an axe-wielding psychopathic maniac, a masked goon, etc.); but in classic films, the monster was often a woman’s husband or lover, shifting mercurially from dream lover to monster and back again as he went through his different masculine moods. The heroine’s dilemma in these films is to figure out who the man really is. She must decide if she is horrified with him because of her own irrational fears and emotional immaturity, or if he really is an abnormal monster, a killer, someone to flee from.
streaming this nao on
just started
In classic movies, psychological violence, covert eroticism, plot, mise-en-scène, design, music, color and lighting, the nuances of actors’ faces, and montage often took the place of graphic sex and violence, so that movies reached a pinnacle of emotional intensity through the application of cinema art. I am excited to apply some of these techniques to my own film, which I feel will enhance an already gripping story.
I want to make this film because I have a yearning to see more quality films for women, like the ones that were made in Hollywood’s golden age. I’ve noticed that the Bluebeard story is a very powerful one for women, because most or all women have a core inside that’s afraid of men – often the same men they are attracted to – which is what the Bluebeard fairy tale is all about. Women devour serial killer movies and true crime literature, for instance, partly out of their desire to “know” men and their dark sides, and thus to be armed against them. Since women tend to be attracted to dominant men, they know they are in danger any time they are deeply attracted to a man, and they tend to project all of their fears onto the man they love. This film will appeal to young women who are interested in darker romantic themes, and also to cinephiles, classic movie fans, and horror fans who are interested in seeing something especially visual and cinematic on the screen.
Thank you!
I'm interested to see what her next flick is going to be like. She seems very dedicated.
You should go for the atmosphere in Hitchcock's Vertigo- vague uneasiness, fog, older architecture, you seem to have the 60s glossy visual down well, although I initially thought The Love Witch was a softcore porno from the box cover
show those juicy tits please
>You should go for the atmosphere in Hitchcock's Vertigo
dont fill her pretty little head with goals she'll never achieve
nice larp
witchy pusy
she's fucking based. all she does on twitter is thirst over dead actors from the 30s, recommend obscure pre-code films and argue that there aren't stronger female voices in film... which would be triggering to the alt right if she wasn't also actually making great art all by herself that's still full of sexy, objectified women.
she's the best American female auteur working today.
This movie had some kino shots.
Lots of kino shots, costumes and all that but the occasional modern technology was incredibly jarring. Seeing how much work was put into the aesthetic, it was a giant mistake to leave in a lot of modern ugly stuff.
she used black tights as a lens filter to get that diffuse grain, just like Hitchcock did. absolutely based.
I'm alt-right and I appreciate her films. You can't deny great art.
I wonder what she would do next. this sounds like it took her a long time
>literary minority american director
>shes kino
>never heard of her
Good going there hollywood. Fucking retards. Anyway gonna watch that witch movie now.
How erotic does the movie get? The witch is qt.
wow she used her panty???
>argue that there aren't stronger female voices in film
Either you're talented or you are not. Don't look to change the Hollywood machine, it only exists to make profit, instead put your movies out there. If you're good enough people will notice.
I think it was done on purpose. The modern stuff didnt seem to show up till the police station scenes. (though maybe Im mistaken)
It was clearly to represent the modern world intruding on the 1960s new age witchcraft world of the movie
well I hope you appreciate that she thinks it's perfectly fine to objectify women and that alone doesn't mean you can't make feminist films. she thinks women are hot and is proud to show them off in her films. she was raised on Herschell Gordon Lewis and trashy 70s "pink" cinema. I think she's keeping Samantha Robinson for Bluebeard too.
She has a conspiracy theory where Hollywood types tried to sabotage production on The Love Witch. She's completely sincere about it.
It wasn't a serious movie, dumbo.
>TFW you'll never have finger sandwiches at that tea room
Very erotic
it's not a conspiracy. she just thinks the crew hated what they were filming which would make sense if you look at the aesthetic and performances in isolation. they're not in fashion and harken back to the melodramas of Douglas Sirk and such. in the wrong hands that style can be parodic and wooden.
(but thankfully all that was wooden was my diiiiiiickkkkk)
It wouldn't be the craziest thing to happen in Hollywood. Its probably not true and she is just out there. She sounds pretty wacky in her twitter. Not that i care anyway, her movies look good.
She's not the right minority.
Nah, I think the redhead gril drove a Beemer or a Bentley in the opening scene when she's being shown her new house.
are you arguing with my post or with Biller? I'm just pointing out what she says.
tfw no qt auteur gf
ive heard that too (not going through her twitter to find it though).
Why would the crew screw with her film?
I do appreciate that. That's the kind of "feminism" I myself can ascribe to, if you can still call it that these days.
>I think she's keeping Samantha Robinson for Bluebeard too.
Fugg I hope so. This was her "Star is Born" movie.
>this whole thread
WHAT FUCKING MOVIE IS IT? Why is there so many OP who dont even put the fucking name of the movie/t-show they're talking about, do they expect everyone to see everything?
She's in her mid 40s, too. Crazy.
>She's a bit loopy.
Great artist often are. Lets her go on her rants about penises and male gaze, as long as she keeps making kino idgaf.
reverse image search u newfag
Darude - Sandstorm
Lol looks sho she is dating.
Dude makes a living on how to be alpha. None of you nerds have any chance.
I love witches.
Would love for her to fuck me and drain all my energy until I die.
Biller obviously, and any other woman for that matter. Leni Riefenstahl was Hitler's main and most popular director making numerous films for Mazi Germany and she was a woman.
I think its The Love Witch if not then Viva
She only has two movies so its one or the other.
Do you think Samantha Robinson needs a Daddy? ;)
I have this nigga's book he did with 50 Cent
>no thicc asian auteur gf
I'm doing this life thing all wrong
What the hell does nazi germany have to with 2018 Hollywood.
The most influential and prominent director in Nazi Germany was a woman. In 2018 Jewish progressive Hollywood somehow women aren't represented enough.
>white father
>japanese mother
Truly the patrician combo
oy vey delete this
she was the only one female director and she had limited creative control. she was making propaganda. hardly artistic statements and hardly of her own volition.
>propaganda can't be art
um no, sweetie
>she had limited creative control
Or she filmed what she wanted, and that happened to be pro-German films. She was good friends with Hitler for some time, she could have left for Hollywood but she remained in Germany.
I am not kidding when I say that you should watch some of the Gucci runway shows under Alessandro Michele, they fit heavily with some of the aspects of the aesthetic you want to pursue.
she looks like she would be really good at giving handjobs
Love this fucking meme that I can't engage in the conversation because OP doesn't state the subject, so I have to actively search for the thread topic. Great fucking logic
>hardly artistic
nigger watch the fucking olympics documentary again I dare you.
what did she mean by this??
How new are you that you don't know what film this is?
Sup Forums went apeshit over it when the blu-ray leaked last year
complete creative control. Stalin and Lenin were much more artistically forward thinking than Hitler.
that's probably why he didn't even get into art school.
Scroll down.
Is she the Lana Del Rey of film?
>I have to actively search for the thread topic
it's built into the fucking website functionality
ur retarded
no more (You)'s for you
I browse Sup Forums every now and then, mostly AFTER watching something new and seeing if Sup Forums is discussing it.
>artistically forward thinking
And the commie exposes himself
>Stalin allowed creative control
And which Soviet female director had that control comrade?
Not that assmad Stalinist, but Larisa Shepitko (worked in the 60s and 70s) was one of the great female auteurs.
You don't get my point user. Look at pic related, is there any ambiguity of what the thread is about. Anyways I'll stop now, got shit uni exam to study, might see a good film at some point I guess and be late on Sup Forums 'news' as usual.
gee it's almost as if politics still matters in some cases.
what, do you think Hitler would've greenlit Riefenstahl's shelved BLACKED series too?
m8, you are not allowed to comment in this thread anymore after earnestly typing "Stalin was artistically forward thinking"
>assmad Stalinist
sorry you can't see that Soviet films are much more progressive than German films and Eisenstein had more creative freedom than Rifenstahl but don't shoot the messenger
>I want to make a movie that can show on an airplane
That's a bizarre reason.
>ywn bury your dick between those cheeks in that position
why live?
You do realize that Stalin did not rule for entirety of the USSR's existence?
And that Soviet cinema was under its strictest censorship under Stalin?
What does that even mean. Do you seriously judge a movie based on its politics above all else?
>Eisenstein had more creative freedom than Rifenstahl
Riefenstahl never had a movie shelved on the order of the dictator-in-chief ;)
he literally gave prizes to honor art:
sorry that you're too buttmad to appreciate great soviet propaganda!
No it was shit. Hot actress doesn't show full frontal nudity.