Rick S

Who would he vote for?

He wouldn't care since he is 99% of the time in alternate timeline

If you had the cognitive ability of somebody over the age of 14, you would be able to remember all of the times that Rick criticized beurocrocy and the concept of government. He lives by no laws but his own. He doesn't care about policy, or politics. In fact, he scorns them. So why the fuck would he care? Why would he fucking participate in a democratic process that he knows is rigged and Bullshit? Why would he care about a president for one country of literally trillions in the multiverse that he could impact? Your question is retarded. You didn't think at all before you asked it. I feel like you're the kind of autistic kid who watches Rick and Morty to be edgy, all the while the deeper complexities of the show go right over your fucking head.

Character wise he probably wouldn't care but the writers would sure as shit shill for Hillary in the B plot.


He wouldn't, but if he had to he'd either write in a meme or just run himself/have a proxy candidate run.

who gives a shit, this is a kid's show
you're a grown man and you're watching this crap


He'd win, drink, pass out and never get sworn in

Have you watched it? It's some of the best writing of any show I've seen. Very good.

>Calls someone autistic
>Writes a paragraph about the nuance behind a cartoon that runs on fart jokes and first year philosophy bullshit

Fucking lord you should have been aborted

In hindsight, that was pretty autistic. I'm suppose I'm triggered by people not thinking before they speak.

>all the while the deeper complexities of the show go right over your fucking head.

I should start reading posts backwards more often, clearly a bait post


Totally fair.
We all go full autist on retards sometimes, I think

he's a super villian

they don't vote

Damn, that's one top chuckle.

Are you impressed by paragraphs, user?

Since he's made for reddit, probably boynie.

100%. Real Aryan Men only whittle wood, and maybe collect coins.

the show was pretty juvenile at times i can't remember ever actually laughing at anything

the rick/morty dynamic and great settings were probably the only redeeming features of the show. you could delete almost all the characters

Abradolf Lincler

Trump if he had to choose, but I highly doubt he'd be lucid enough to vote even if he cared.

He'd pass out, get zapped to another dimension, come back, see the whole country aflame
>don't you wanna know who won the election Rick?
>oh you think i don't already know Morty? You think I can travel through time and wouldn't use it to have a peak and then cash in on some betting site? *buuuuurp*
>*dumb morty face*
>anyhow, Jeb Bush made me nearly a million Morty

the kid is reddit personified he'd definitely vote for bernie

however his redditness is also a very deliberate character flaw of his which is why rick being a total cunt to everyone all the time causes the drama and makes it fun

If you had the cognitive ability of somebody over the age of 14, you would be able to remember all of the times that you sucked dicks and ate cum. You live by no laws but your own. You don't care about good replies or (you)'s. In fact, you scorn them. So why the fuck would you care? Why would you fucking participate in a Bhutanese chess board that he knows is rittled with virgin niggers? Why would you care about one cock when there exists literally trillions in the multiverse for you to suck? Your question is retarded. You didn't think at all before you asked it. I feel like you're the kind of autistic kid who watches Rick and Morty to be edgy, all the while the deeper complexities of the show go right over your fucking head.

Bump niggers


A glip glop

This is why you're alone