what does Sup Forums think of this? (personally, I hate it)
What does Sup Forums think of this? (personally, I hate it)
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It could have been a lot worse
what do you like? give 5 examples
It's more Ash kills deadites fun, it's far from perfect but it does the job
Also Bandy is cute
the original evil dead trilogy
the blind dead quadrilogy
I'm still on season 1 and it's pretty decent.I like Pablo
How do you hate it? If anything I can see not liking it but hating it? Its a tv show.
Went to shit as soon as they brought on this terrible new showrunner
i love it, good mix of comedy and gore
I've liked every episode so far. Some of them feel off, though. I guess you can only stretch the concept of a guy vs. a cabin/book so far. Ash is starting to become dumber and dumber. Hopefully it doesn't continue. They're starting to feel Flanderized.
The pilot is PURE KINO, and it's directed by Raimi himself. Rest of the series is fine by me. It's more Army of Darkness than Evil Dead 2, but I like it.
>The pilot is PURE KINO
it's ok
Could have done without the lame sidekicks.
>The pilot is PURE KINO
Cringe. You're either a Redditor fresh off the boat, a 13 year old boy, or both.
I thought it was seriously lacking charm or something. I only did some of the first season, the black chick was so awful
Black chick dies horribly and isnt in the whole show
Honestly everyone except Ash, Pablo, and the jewish chick are inevitably going to die horribly.
>tv hates something
a daring synthesis
A few years ago I thought to myself "I wont kill myself until Ive seen more Ash"
Then the show was actually greenlighted and stuff and I was very careful trying not to die. I had a minor car crash and that scared. I wanted to see more of Campbell as Ash.
Then I saw the pilot, and I loved it.
Then I finished the first season, and I liked it.
Then I finished the second season, and I didnt mind it.
Then I saw 3x01 and I didnt really like it. Its just the same thing over and over.
Ash is whacky, Lucy is still around, Pablo is a nice, charming guy, Jewish whatsername is a stronk womyn, some important character that'll be a part of the plot this season, kill demon of the week with a one liner and thats it.
I keep thinking that My Name is Bruce is the missing link between the movies and the series, most of the humor seems to be rooted in that style rather than the OG trilogy.
if you liked the movies you like this, unless your just a contrarian faggot OP
I love it. Probably my favorite show on television right now since Happy! ended.
Love the gore, enjoy the comedy, and most of the characters range from bearable to good. I love how goofy Ash is, and I hope it does well enough to get greenlit for more. That being said, I would like to see a more daring plot in the near future.
she's italian, not jewish (or that what they say anyway)
not Sup Forums, just a faggot OP
Bit odd, but i like it
its getting canceled
they should've aired it around Halloween
they stareed to expand the lore with that sumerian knight blabbering, but then they killed Desmond off. wtf.
stfu parroting bitch. it had always rates like that.
the show's great!!
its on Starz though, idk anyone who has that station, should be a netflix gig
Yeah, I was surprised that he died so early, but I think trailers have show more of him, so he might be around longer as a deadite.
Looking forward to what they can do with what's been established. Very curious about Pablito's Mexican Magic and what that might do with the plot.
whats there not to love?
Where can I see the pilot?
Lots and lots of gore. And based bruce as ash. Its pretty good
I really love the serie. S1 was good and S2 better. S3 seems to be consistent.
I still fear that they are making Ash a bit too retarded but even like that its its hard to not like him.
Also i really like Pablo too, i hope they wont make him suffer too much.
The supporting cast is just absolute dogshit. What a waste.
the season 1 pilot? probably on netflixs too
I like it well enough. If nothing else it's ten half hour episodes per season. The half hour format would improve many shows.
50% drop averaging less than 200,000 viewers
its fucking over
I just checked Starz, it's not there.
what else fucking Sup Forums is even watching now? it's the best show in air. seriously. The fucking walking pleb?
forged in fire
It's it supposed to be in that screenshot, or the page that you linked? Because I'm not seeing it.
>ep101 el jefe
the pilot
I liked the first season. Liked the second season less. Couldn't be bothered to watch the third.
Let's face it, it's not the type of show that can go on for 7 seasons.
I'm in the middle of watching the first season for the first time and I noticed that the humor kind of moved away from the slapstick, corny humor of Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness. I understand why they went with that direction since Bruce Campbell is an old ass man so he probably can't do a lot of that type of physical comedy anymore but it's still kind of a bummer. Regardless, I'm really enjoying it so far. I liked that they remembered to make Ash a bumbling idiot. My problem with a lot of the comic books based on Evil Dead is that they portray him as too much of a badass, more like a Han Solo type character when he is really supposed to be a buffoon that you laugh at not with.
the pilot is the first episode, you dingus
No it isn't, dumbass.
I wouldn't have posted anything if you had said "first episode". But you said "pilot". Those are two different things (90-something% of the time).
season 2 has more slapstick humor, so i think s1 is more ED2, s2 is more AoD.
not like there is anything better to watch
i'm sure "90-something% of the time" everybody means pilot = s1e01
if you mean the pilot, as what uma thurman spoke about in Pulp fiction, i doubt those ever get out of the studio, if even are still made.
AvED s1e01 is legit "pilot", it's even longer than the rest of the episodes, and directed by Raimi
I watched the first episode and was incredibly disappointed by the use of cgi i don't get why rami loves bad cgi
That was pretty good. I was impressed.
>People aren't tuning in because they don't like all those focus on the annoying side characters. What should we do?
>Add more side characters
Why do they do this.
Yeah it's ass from S01E02
I liked the first two seasons, but third wasn't very good.
I haven't been tuning in because I don't want to pay for Starz.
I love that it's a practical effect
I never got into it as thought he was replaced with a stronk female lead instead.
atleast he's white. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand he's dead.