How many seasons is too long for a TV show?
How many seasons is too long for a TV show?
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should post what she looked like in 2000
Before "feminism">>>>After "feminism"
Her ass and tits have gotten better as time went on tho.
9 is the limit a good show can last. Like seinfeld.
Britta was always the best. Annie dried up by season 4 and looks awful now. Mean while Britta is still a CUTE.
two seasons like the bongs do it, you americans always go into overkill
I absolutely love Gillian Jacobs. I love her.
a good show can run long, padding ruins everything
Depends entirely on the show. Frasier hit 11 seasons but that's the only show I can think of that I wasn't sick of by that time. 9 - 10 is generally a nice number for sitcoms.
5 - 6 is a nice number for dramas.
literally the only difference between 2009 and 2014 is the hair and the posture, she's slouched over
nothing should be longer than 6 seasons
No live action show should go beyond 6 seasons
8 Simple Rules was her peak.
same applies to animation
Post shows that disprove this faggot. At absolutely worst, Frasier was good for 7, some maybe argue 8, 9, even all 11, but no less than 7.
Nah. Simpsons, South Park and King of the Hill didn't get bad until around the 10th season mark
they were all shit from the start
Simpsons, Peep Show, and Seinfeld spring to mind.
OK user.
you are wrong.
>Peep Show
Dropped in quality after season 6. Not really a great example
Always Sunny
Three's Company
M*A*S*H is another one. It tailed off a bit in the last couple of seasons, but was still solid through 8 or so.
30 Rock had 7, with the last season being shortened. Worked perfect.
Cheers is a bad example. It's best years over once Diane left, and arguably it was all down hill after the first season.
>Is of a different person
Always sunny is the only correct answer. somehow still making gold.
Charlier work (season 10) should have been nominated for an emmy
Two bong seasons is like 12 episodes, or only a half of a burger season.
True but it was still decent until it shit the bed in series 8. Series 7 gave us the Nether Zone episode too.
I can't remember if the new years episode was 8 or 9 but I enjoyed that one and love the "Not the hootenanny. Never the hootenanny." line.
There isn't a single TV show that managed to stay good past ten seasons
I'll agree about going downhill after Diane left, but why after the 1st season? Were there noticeable differences?
And the 7th season was a big step downwards to be completely desu. Yes it was good, but not nearly as good as the 6 prior.
The correct opinion is:
Annie > Britta
Gillian Jacobs > Alison Brie
You mean after the 4th.
You rang?
Sunny did
The end of the first season is when Sam and Diane finally hooked. The dynamic changed significantly after that, rather like The Office after Jim and Pam got together. The unresolved sexual tension that fueled the early episodes got at least partially replaced by relationship humor.
On the other hand, the show's best ratings didn't come until later: it peaked either in S5 or S9 depending on whether you go by points or by overall rank.
Seasons 5 - 8 were pretty unwatchable
5 seasons is the maximum. After that the actors' looks and the story starts to deteriorate. Sure, there are very few exceptions, but so many series would've been better if they had been properly finished.
5 if it's average
7 of it's good
Curb Your Enthusiasm
But this show was never good
>TBBT has been on for eleven years
Holy fuck. It feels like just yesterday Sup Forums was making those greentext "AUDIENCE LAUGHS" posts.
>flip on to one of the newer episodes out of curiosity
>every character has 2 wifes, 3 girlfriends, 4 children and all the plot lines are ultra generic romantic drama
>oh but in one scene Sheldon will say "Star Trek"
There's a discernible dip in quality in 9 and 10 but it bounces back at 11. Finished at the right time in the right way. Even 9 and 10, despite being lower in quality than the earlier seasons, is still great television and better than pretty much all other sitcoms.
It's hard to put a set number on, especially since some shows don't really hit their stride until several seasons in (Seinfeld and M*A*S*H, for example).
In any case, very few shows end where they should: if they aren't dragged out too long because they're a cash cow, it's usually because they were canceled too soon due to under-performing.
>season 1
>season 10
>I love you Amy, my wife, who I have sex with regularly. You are much smarter and cooler than I can ever be banigger.
Standard progression for a white woman
They're all complete and utter normies.
>Fulfilling friendships and social lives
>Steady careers filled with achievement and recognition
>Long term relationships with attractive girlfriends
>Engaging hobbies
>Financial security
Normies all like Nintendo, Star Wars and board games now so there's nothing remotely nerdy or different about them except they happen to work in STEM and the rest of the shit cancels that out.
Raj still lonely as fug and sexless or did they finally go 4 for 4?
I didnt think it was possible to have opinions this bad
i would do horrible things to Melissa Rauch.
Anyone know if her movie The Bronze was any good?
She honest to god looks horrendous with short hair. Even my mom agrees. Why has no one told her.
>Mfw limmys show is only three seasons of six episodes each
I would say no show should be longer than 3 seasons, but there are exceptions. It's just that they are very rare comparatively and most things go on for far too long.
5-7 seasons are usually the strongest shows
However, they can go longer if they're entertaining enough. TBBT falls into this category.
Had to cater to the growing female viewers of the show. Now instead of it being about 4 nerds doing nerd things it's relationship nonsense., with some science thrown in.
>white women
>not even once
>hated the site
>Normies all like Nintendo, Star Wars and board games now so there's nothing remotely nerdy or different about them except they happen to work in STEM and the rest of the shit cancels that out.
meanwhile real nerds are basically mgtow virgin neets as always except we dont even have the comfy traditional nerd hobbies that comes with it.
>what is your excuse
Most Asian women don't look like that and the ones that do wouldn't fuck around with any guy on this site.
Never seen it but this is from Growing Up Brady (2000)
Damn, Garry Marshall’s wife looks like *THAT*?
He got a gf too, now Steve is the lonely guy and has become a more important character
3 seasons, and a 4th for documenting decline/ending the series.
Where the fuck is the movie?
The absolute greed of burgers
Yo hook me up with more Frasier memes somebody
I dropped it like 5-6 episodes into season 11 (the latest season). I used to watch it just out of habit and to have something playing on the background while I do other shit, but I just couldn't do it anymore. The show has been on a steady decline since season 4-5, when pretty much everyone of the original four nerds had a steady gf/wife except for the pajeet.
I could have gone for a couple of more seasons of Newsradio tb.h
>Anyone know if her movie The Bronze was any good?
Full frontal,so yes.