OK anons, earlier today someone posted pic related on here, saying that there is a connection between pedowood, the clintons and some sexshop in MA... Well, here I am and it looks like a fucking villain office complex, please keep this bumped, I will deliver
OK anons, earlier today someone posted pic related on here, saying that there is a connection between pedowood...
Wow, It's literally fucking nothing
Looks def pedp hq
There are so many monitoring devices on the ceiling, there is no other building in town as tall and as filled with antenas and speakers
Wtf are those?
Escape pods
Found the CP store, it's closed and it doesn't have anything saying what are their hours, also windows are completely opaque
Googled "Antennas for sides of buildings"
Cell towers?
Looks like they changed their name
Well then go do what needs to be done then
Check for secret tunnel entrance
Maybe location too, Ryan is closed. I'm going to go to the lobby and ask for new Millennium
There is a field of really tall Grasa next to is and a "us army core of engineers" building area close by the entrance to the complex
The Jews must work here
Search around the wikileaks for any of these names... SPECIALLY the (((charities)))
keep it up user.
pic related? is it possible for you to take a picture from the sides rather than straight on?
scan the wifi networks around you, search the first/last names in wikileaks
Fuck that, go down the street to Organix Inc. if you want to see shady govt. shit...they make synthetic cocaine and THC analogues there.
So aparently there is no central lobby, which is very strange. None of the doors on the outside lead to a lobby. I'd like to check out essentials on the weekend, but I have drill (natty guard, can't go), any Massholes around that want to check it tomorrow earlier?
Looks most like the one in the right.
These are milspec antennae for Secure satcom
>same type on local FBI field office
Shill thread trying to split from
Like what happened last night: The Cheesy Shill, or how I learned to hate stuffed-crust pizza.
A fruitful investigation of #CrookedHillary and #JohnMolesta connections to child molestation and sex trafficking quickly reached 8 threads, until suddenly there were several hyped happenings such as "MSM user"[1] and "SMOKING GUN"[2].
By "PEDESTA/PIZZA PAC GENERAL 9"[3] the investigation had been split across multiple threads, and the remaining discussion inundated with codeword fixation[4] and beanie babies[5]. Shills are trying to make the investigation all or nothing, beanie babies are everything or they're nothing. Everything might whatever, don't let shills decide for you.
By the next day the pedo shills had failed to suppress investigative threads, but they have still succeeded in splitting threads with atleast 3 concurrent going ("Knowledge Bomb. Celebs & Child sex rings. Anonymous5"[6], "Lolita express"[7], "CHEESEBAY ELITE PEDO RING GENERAL - POSSIBLE PEDOSTA CONNECTION"[8]), each being targetted with the distraction techniques mentioned above.
Did you suddenly develop Parkinsons while taking that photo?
You can do it bro, I'm checking wikileaks now
Wtf... Why would a random office complex need high tech military security... This is spooky lads, I actually think there is an unmarked jeep following my car as I look for doors
Not a shill thread, I didn't even know why could happen here, I could have found the actual CP store and asked for pizza, who knows. Why don't you go post your stale pasta in the "how can white women even compete" threads
I'm disappointed it didn't turn out to be a real happening but I'm getting out of here before that jeep does something.
shit tonne of things that look like this ontop of mi6 m8.
Does Todd Stern go by an alias? maybe an LLC I am not seeing his name in any of the county assessor files for the hawaii counties...?
Bump up.
Are you in a heavily Jewish neighborhood, op? I mean like a Hasidic neighborhood. That vehicle wrap is a serious red flag.
Zoomed in + I'm not going to do a fucking Hollywood set up while snooping around a posible pedophile den
Right next to essentials
>I'm disappointed it didn't turn out to be a real happening
Shill splitthreading defeatfagging.
is the original threadline of pizza.jpg email.
those are microwave or other wireless point to point antennas.
point to point comms. could be microwave antennas for high speed trading facilities, or secure com links.
get a line of site from those antennas on a map and search for the other point(s).
>some sexshop in MA
whoa what where is this sexshop?
Atom deactivaters
Lnb receivers are what is on theveryone's building
So because it's microwave communication, it sends secret CP through the air and can't be intercepted unless something actually comes between line-of-sight
>whoa what, I don't need to drive to Rhode Island to suck dicks through holes in the wall???
i suppose i could pull down the gis data and do a line of site analysis. i can select each parcel that is directly under the line of site. that would reveal ownership name and can be cross linked with other data.
just need to know what side of the building the antennas are on
Are you wearing a wizard cloak?
what side of the building are the comms on?
wow 7 capchas
building in question
See OP
Pic related
This is the only building outside of Boston that I've ever seen with these. There are like 4 Buildings as big as that one in the whole town, it's very small (density wise)
Bump. Stay safe user
Fuck, wrong pic
NP m8, if I "commit suicide" at least it was for the good of the Nation
those comms can travel 50 miles plus. they just need unobstructed line of site to operate. will need to know how tall building is too. number of stories should suffice.
Hey, Sup Forums, opinion on this bad boy Niki?
>Pic related says: "I ain't give a fuck"
2nd pic shows 6 stories. so the antennas are at least 70 ft off the ground.
Maybe it's shooting it to the Hilton Woburn/Boston?
Exactly 6, and it's the first thing you see on the highway, it's built on a large hill
Respect to OP for actually going there, absolute mad man m8
on it
I wish I wasn't a Wage cuck, I'd go to essentials at 11:00 and ask for battletoads and cheese pizza. I was actually planning on doing a periscope as I checked the porn store
Thnx m8
do i spy a happening?
>actually read your post
Damm, sorry user if I'm splitting threads, absolutely not my intention, I just wanted to be part of a happening. It's not like I'm LARPing as a MSM fag, I actually went to the place
Maybe. I will be free next weekend and I'll go to essentials again, I'll make a thread it anything happens
>implying there will be a weekend after the elections
>implying the nukes won't go off on the 9th
Are you wearing luggz
are you a young hot chick?
Just knock on the door and look all kitty eyed
Nah, milspec stuff looks the same as commercial telecom stuff. Fractal antennas, like in your cell phone were the last real advancement in antennas. DARPA even have a RFQ for antenna designs that have a lower radar signature and less damage prone than stuff on humvees/mraps.
It's when you see a radome (fiberglass geodesic dome) and/or a metal container on the roof (a scif for telecom equipment) which are a tipoff. Search for rooftop shots of embassies to get an idea of what their setups are.
Yup. You can see if they are a registered cell tower by looking at one of the cell tower GIS maps: opencellid.org
if its significantly higher then the rest of the areas elevation id be looking much further. find something that intersects at that elevation along those lines. some of them could be decoys.
>Sup Forums traces a spook version of VIDEODROME to its source
This shit is WAY too crazy.
My buddy just suggested that those antennae might be a jamming array
Wew, I forgot to hide my reflection... Good thing it's blurry.
>Kitty eyed.
>pic related
Go inside, otherwise it's worthless.
lets swat them
good idea on registered cell tower lookup. will take a look. may take a few hours to pull gis data and run viewshed analysis. looks like every fucking little city has separate gis.
wish me luck anons.
We used these at an oil company I used to work at. Idk to much about them. But ours were on a tall building downtown that we paid them to use. They were able to communicate to our oil fields that were 45+ miles away.
Maybe, somebody paid them to put them there. I was told before that companies will do that a lot if they don't own a building that has good altitude and line of sight.
Also check captcha. OP for shits and giggles check 800m west of the building.
I had perfect signal and there was lots of WiFi signals.
I went inside.
Place is locked up, 6 was supposed to be the sex shop, only thing related to sex is essentials and it's unmarked (no number anywhere)
That's really hard to tell user, there is way to many tiny Hills the same size as the building one
Doing the real work here user. Thank you.
800m/1km is a church called Genesis and right next to it a factory complex (pic related)
yes. they could be repeaters. very common in hft setups although most of the big boys are using lasers now.
regardless they are comms.
Lol probably nothing, but how funny would it be if either of those had the same comms on them.
Nowhere near the building. But it's weird that it showed up with a search for Millennium
Maybe Mr. Nigger, I couldn't find a happening, but some anons are looking in the wikileaks for charities that are listed in the building.
This reminded me of pic related, it's right next to the building, if they wanted a front y
to build a secret entrance it would be here
Clearly OP is not a faggot get out of here shill
Those are standard ATT or Sprint antennas.
west cummings park woburn
Guys, what if op got vanned and it's really the CIA posting that he found nothing. Trying to get us to abandon our quest because we got too close too quick
I am heading there with a few friends soon. Likely tomorrow afternoon. Will lifestream.
6th floor co listed as Genesis staffing
proud of new england yankeebros gettin on the scene doin the sleuthin
building owned by Beltway Inc. Beltway commonly refers to the fucking swamp that is DC.
No i'm a faggot it's gemini
Fug, I guess I'll drive back since there is low chance of happening. Thank you all for being my insurance of me not wanting to kill myself (just in case the clintons...)
Are there any Hawaii anons that could goo look down that peephole in the ground? That place has WAAAAY more potential for happenings
No central lobby isn't that strange for offices of this type. I have worked in one previously and my wife works in one currently.
not sure if relevant but one of the companys listed gemini staffing, hires medical lab rats
oops lined wrong one ^^
bumping. good field work, user.