What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
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she didn't even know what it meant. It's just something that pretentious hipsters said to sound deep.
I don't understand, he doesn't look turkish to me
she thought he was a schizoid fag
They were both jews.
Going no where and full of anxiety.
Who is Kafkaesque? I've never-- I don't know him.
It's a great line. If you don't understand it, the problem is with you.
it was really jewish
Would you?
yeah id do the weird long faced hard body girl yes
Is it true that she was mistreated on the set of the Shining
Yeah Kubrick bullied her hard. Look at the behind the scenes tapes.
large vibrating egg
Those titties are pretty nice. Maybe not 10/10, but nice. I definitely would.
even now!
i.e. jews being jews
This. Woody Allen loves to stuff his films with pseudo-intellectuals due to his own insecurities about being perceived as one.
She was cute in a unique way until the Shining broke her.
I want an oily Olive
probably means that it feels her with anxiety or something. Both books I have read of Kafka are about how the character can't do what he wants to do and feels like shit about it, plus no one surrounding the characters cooperate with them so the characters feel like they are going into an spiral of madness because no matter what they try they never move forward. Everything is full of issues.
I bet that's what she felt like when having sex with him.
She says after she means it as a compliment so no.
post one if you are so great, protip: you aren't