Was he right?
TJ Kirk said Lara Croft should have had bigger boobs. Somehow a dozen media outlets decided to criticise him for this.
Was he right?
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She should be less ugly too.
it's nu-Lara, she doesn't have that huge boobs anymore. However her face is off.
It's remarkable that one man's opinion is being used as supposed evidence of horrible sexism, almost like there's an ulterior motive at play
He shouldn't have done that with the banana desu
Her tits are literally the only defining part of her character. People know Lara Croft because she was the first video game woman to have huge 3-dimensional melons. That is the ONLY reason anyone cares. It's like if you cast Flash Thompson as a short frumpy indian nerd
That's some quality marketing from those "news" outlets
This thread is some quality marketing too.
>the absolute state of journalism
nobody cares about this fucking movie. give it a rest.
have a (You) for using fat smoker. this meme is so rare now
I don't understand why anyone keeps making vidya adaptations, most of them suck, the only ones that are good are "passable" not really masterpieces. I don't even know any female gamers who like Lara Croft.
I assume the Jolie ones were profitable, anything that has ever shown profit will inevitably be remade.
He is wrong, the face is also too ugly on top of no boobs
no really that profitable, probably barelly broke even
1st one with budget of 115M grossing only 270M
but 2nd one was disater, with 150M box office.
whether or not lara's tits flop, the movie still will
The movie is shit but I can honestly say I probably would have bought a ticket if they had some big tiddy bitch playing LC
Spooky, it's like they all receive the same signal, like a hive.
Tomb Raider needs to just die
seconded, not gonna see it now
oh what could have been.
No respect to the source material is why these garbage movies will remain garbage movies and fucking flop. I kinda enjoyed the nu-Lara games from Enix humble bundle but this movie can go fuck itself.
Stop being mean to her please
more like Gemma Arterton-Boviney
lara croft only had big titties so we knew she was female. due to the low poly count models, you couldn't tell if a character was female unless they had giant breasts (this is the same reason that characters like tifa and most early league of legends champions had giant breasts). lara croft's breast size was a functional necessity, not a conscious design decision, and it has nothing to do with the character.
>2018 """"journalism""""
i deleted my reaction pic folder but imagine an image of one or more people laughing at this
>you will never see this shot from behind
It became her character you dumbass. Similar to how an overflow in integers made Ghandi a nuke warlord in Civ was carried over to his character in latter games.
Even nu-Lara is busty compared to whoever they made portray her here.
>yfw you wake up the most hated man on the internet
bullshit, Lara had big titties coz they fucked up scaling. she was obviously female with very feminine body shape, thin waist, wide hips
look at wireframe, and evn with very little plygons is't very feminine
>due to the low poly count models
>so they add move polys
Nigga you dumb
No, she had big breasts because the devs thought it was funny.
stop pushing that disgusting coalburning slut
It was because Brits love big breasts and also breasts sell lmao.
>and we aren't having it
in other words
>small breasts make girls look like boys in every medium
They also claim he has something to do with Hollywood. I'm fine with them sticking it to the hollyjew, just wanted to point out how retarded they are
Michael Fassbender pls.
Oh yeah?
On the contrary I think Lara's whole appeal was that she was a female counterpart to Indiana Jones. Indy was a handsome, fit man who always had the collar of his shirt popped out to show his sweaty hairy chest.
The female equivalent to that is a toned, voluptuous woman in short khaki shorts and a tight tank top which is exactly Lara's character. That's what she's supposed to be. Not an ugly dwarf. Might as well put her in a wheelchair too
>tfw you'll never get a film adaptation of Stephen Hawking's Pro Wheelchair
When did Logan Paul turn into Frodo?
That would be an important step towards proper representation and inclusion of differently abled folks.
no, it was never part of her character design. it was to compensate for the technical flaws of the time. claiming big breasts are her design is like saying a car was designed to ride on a half size spare tire.
did you retards ever play tomb raider? you know you could move the camera right? how do you think people would know lara croft was a woman if the camera was right above her? if the poly count was too low to see her subtle features, then people would rely on more obvious features
the poly count didn't change, they just made the polygons bigger dumbshit. the wire frame is literally right above your post.
nope, only at certain camera angles using old 3d technology
and those parts of her design (shorts and tank top) were intentional. the breast size was not. it was a necessary functional addition to circumvent flaws in their technology.
It became her character design you dipshit. I already gave you a similar example with Ghandi's character in Civ where a technical flaw was well received and adopted into a character's mythos. Fucking neck yourself.
>and those parts of her design (shorts and tank top) were intentional. the breast size was not
Why include big breasts on the cover art and other promotional artwork for the early games then?
What the fuck is up with Journalism attacking random Youtubers?
Then what would be the point of giving her revealing clothes if she was never going to be well endowed? If her breasts were never supposed to be "big" then why did they keep her breasts the same relative size for almost all the games?
The answer is because it became part of her character. She was supposed to be a sexy badass and the big boobs went into that characterization. It doesn't mean you're wrong about the first game
Well he is right... both body and face are not really up to the task.
Wonder Woman had the same problem except Gadot not only did not meat the physic to role but she also did not portray her attitude either. Diana just isn´t like that.
I know femminist want to retcon everything to match this political period and whatnot but Diana was created on the 40´s. Sure, she has evolved but it doesn´t have to represent the current idea of what a strong woman is.
Same goes for Lara. I am sorry if you feel now that the character was objectified and had sex appeal when it was created but you will have to just deal with it.
Also Angelina´s Lara > Vikander
She looks nothing like Lara and not just because of the boobs, horrible casting.
because it would be pretty fucking jarring if the character on the cover bore no resemblance to the ingame character model. people still talk about the chrono trigger cover art and how marle is shooting fire when she casts nothing but ice spells ingame.
it is a developer's choice whether to incorporate past non-design technical shortcuts into a character. i already gave multiple examples of other characters and developers using breast size and a technical shortcut for cuing femininity. the femininity itself is the character design, not the shortcut (breast size).
Youtubers are taking away their relevancy.
Because Youtubers are replacing journalists. Seriously just think about the world of YouTube movie reviewers. They get millions of views and make decent money off it when you compare the amount of education theyve recieved or how little time it takes to make a video. Then take your average college grad new York Times movie reviewer who barely eeks out a living in the city and no one reads or responds to their work.
They feel threatened by Youtubers so they go after their platform in any way they can but they shouldve learned with PewdiePie that it usually has the opposite effect. Just gives them more views
>it is a developer's choice whether to incorporate past non-design technical shortcuts into a character.
No fucking shit.
Did you play any tomb raider game before?
Or did you miss the fact that Lara is busty in every iteration even the new reboot.
And that's a good thing.
The way I see it, if you're gonna portray a character on the big screen portray them right, at least on a visual front. Imagine if they did a Duke Nukem movie and they casted some skinny faggot with brown hair. People would be up at arms.
Or get a fitter titty-cow so the depiction of athleticism has all the verisimilitude. Plus Lara with a northern accent would be adorable.
Nu Lara isn't a titty cow but at the same time she isn't a fucking runway either.
This kot is right.
>asshole known for controversial opinion spouting
>gets vilified up for tweet joking about some irrelevant video game movie
The dude has said WAY worse shit than that in the last month alone. It's baffling that this is the one thing they focused on honestly.
Muh sexism
Bodyshaming is such a hot topic now. See the lard ass that got offender when a UK cancer research has the guts to say facts like Obesity is found to increase risk of cancer.
"Tomb Raider Fans"
Do these even exist? They know people only like these for the tits, right?
>it was to compensate for the technical flaws of the time
So like all video game characters of the time?
My sister liked nuRaider.
Tomb raider games are decent time wasters.
this is demonstrably false. the new tomb raider has a modest breast size compared to the previous games, and especially the early games. the actress in this movie has a comparable breast size to lara croft in rise of the tomb raider.
old games were GOAT
The Last Revelation was a game for months and months of playing
The titty cow approach was a marketing thing - in game you spend the vast majority of the time staring at her arse. Toby Gard said he used to get quite embarrassed about how Eidos's marketing people portrayed Lara.
99% of tomb raider fans are dudes and they all agree about Lara having to be sexy. Just because TJ said what everyone else was thinking he gets shit on by 99% non tomb raider fans
I hate modern culture so much
How come people were so much happier in the 80s-90's? What happened
dont have that one, saved
>truth is autism
massquoting is autistic redditposting
go back
But that's wrong, retard. A game dev misplaced a decimal and they kept it that way on purpose. I'm searching for proofs but there's a lot of new articles about Lara's boobs.
>the actress in this movie has a comparable breast size to lara croft in rise of the tomb raider.
No way near. You can see Alicia Vikander nude in Ex Machina. Whatever is going on in this new film is all padding.
They're not huge, but they're still pretty big.
i've been here longer than most people (since the habbo hotel raids in 07). if you came here after me, then you do not belong here and must leave.
>movie lara crofts breasts are comparable in size to nu-raider
But they aren't. Vikander is completely and 100% flat chested. Nu-raider has C cups at the least
>the actress in this movie has a comparable breast size to lara croft in rise of the tomb raider.
Yeah. Fucking no. Or do you need me to post that picture of her in a bikini? Here have an ingame screenshot of Nu-lara.
>lying on the internet
lol did her husband, Fassy became her carreer adviser?
>accept roles in bad vidya movies!
That's not the same cat, but it's still worth saving yes.
...she isn't nude in the movie. she is wearing clothing. why would you use her naked breast size for comparison unless you don't actually care about being true to the character, but just for having fap bait?
jesus christ, isn't this exactly the same as when AVGN said that he wouldn't see ghostbusters, and there were media reporting on it like it was the end of the world
She's still fit but quite a bland actress.
She's ugly that all there is to it.
nu-lara is still hot though and isnt lacking anywhere. they literally cast a 12 year old boy for this movie. it'd probably be shit regardless, but they dont even have the sex appeal going for them now.
again, i posted the truth. the fact that you claim i am lying most likely means you came here after me, and must leave.
>...she isn't nude in the movie
She is near the end when she puts on the skin.
sory for mixing up cats
Because he's big with the alt right crowd who will be parroting his opinion on pepe twitter for the next few weeks and you can expect the other retards like Sargon and Paul Watson to be making videos about how the SJWs ruined Tomb Raider pretty soon spreading it even further. Plus his comments went big on twitter with people clowning on him for it, that makes it likely to get some media coverage.
Because even with padding, they are still small. Here is how busty Nu-lara actually is not as big as the older Lara's but still reasonably large. Now compare them with
so why wasn't she wearing shorts tho?
legs are not bad, and I like legs more than boobs
>being defensive about how long you've been on Sup Forums
post a 2009 Sup Forums meme you couldn't find on ed and I'll believe you
Because this is based off the reboot.
She doesn't even dual wield her fucking pistols.
i hate nu-raider, sucks all the adventure out of the series. like what is even the point anymore.
>How come people were so much happier in the 80s-90's? What happened
Because everyone enjoyed their own social cliques and didn't mind anothers'.
Then SJWs came
>because it would be pretty fucking jarring if the character on the cover bore no resemblance to the ingame character model.
did you even play a video game prior to 2004?
Misleading box-art was something you expected
Even worse, there's nothing sexist about having an opinion in regards to your sexual appetite.
If women don't want to hear that men like specific sexual attributes that doesn't make what they hear sexist.
Welcome to reality you stupid bunch of cunts.
Here you go. m.ign com/articles/2008/03/01/ign-presents-the-history-of-tomb-raider
>they are still small
which is not relevant, since breast size is not part of lara croft's character as we established
>not as big as the older Lara's
and as you yourself admit here
you are claiming that the actress being 1 cup size smaller than lara croft is bad, but can't explain why. we all already acknowledged that lara croft's breast size is not part of her character design, yet you still think the breast size of her actress matters for some reason.
>I'll believe you
the good thing about the truth is that whether you believe it or not, it is still true
you came here after i did, so you must leave
i cited the chrono trigger box art, and you think i wasn't playing games a decade later?