Why don't you have a 4k tv and player yet Sup Forums?

Why don't you have a 4k tv and player yet Sup Forums?

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that cover is awful


Did they get rid of that horrific green filter?

Is this bait?

No. They added an extra obscene green tint to later releases.

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Because it matched the tint of the actual Matrix in the sequels.

1080p is fine. I don't need 4K with no extra features other than quality increase

which releases? I have a DVD of the Matrix from 2000 and I dont remember it having the filter.


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This. I don't have a desire for 4k quality right now.

>The Matrix
>Jurassic Park
>Blade Runner duology
>not having dolby atmos and a 4k tv with HDR
>not watching kino in the best possible way

I feel sorry for you plebs.

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i got a 4k tv but no standalone player. I use the ones on my PC and the TVs built in media player

every release after Reloaded came out

What movie is that playing?

That apartement is nigger tier.

It's a penthouse condo you fucking pleb. I own it.

>he doesn't watch his movies from 360p YIFY torrents
Good times create soft men

why are you bragging about your tiny little tv?

Make way pleb

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Is this just the first film? Not the trilogy? They're cheeky cunts if they expect me to pay £25 for a movie i already own 3 times

No point in 4k players and videos, everything's going digital now, physical media will be dead in a few years.

Why are you proud of owning this? Calling it a penthouser mongolo-mansion didn't make it any cooler. I already said it was nigger-tier, and you jumped back in to declare your ownership.
>how embarrassing.

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It looks like shit faggot.

4K is a meme. Unless you have a literal home threatre, you can barely tell the difference.

People just remember it wrong, the Matrix always had a green tint to it, even in the theaters. Anyone saying it was altered is just being a contrarian.

>People just remember it wrong

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>small tv
>IKEA furniture exclusively
>watching TV with all that light coming in
>not having a plasma

i watch movies for free on streaming sites in 720p :)


What is this 2005?

>btfo but he will still try to spin this

Nice photoshop faggot

anyone with the original DVD knows there isn't a greenish tint.

I'm fine with the tint being added to later editions, though. It ties in thematically with the story, but it wasn't there originally.

It had a slight tint but they really cranked it up in the later releases.

High quality images, lad. No version of the film ever had Matrix scenes that looked like they do on the left. I have the original DVD release of The Matrix and the Blu-ray version, and they look identical color wise. Reloaded and Revolutions are indeed greener than the original film, but this is the same in the Blu Ray boxed set.

It’s a curse to always be right

Penthouse condos with terraces don't have overhang from the roof like that.

I own it on VHS and can tell you that you're are 100% wrong.

Waiting for HDMI 2.1 to become a thing.

>Impying a flawless alternative to plasma exists

No because unless you actually have a huge ass projection screen 4k is not that much of a bump in image quality.

I'm saving my money for oled so I can finally see movies with proper black level.

Because the oldest working DVD I have is 4 years old but I still have VHS tapes from the 80s.

Fuck the jealous plebs, I think you've got a nice setup. I think the TV is a bit small tho for the setup tho.

But i do? Woth HDR and Dolby Vision capablities as well

>Post a 1080p led tv.
>Pretend it's 4k because you can't tell a difference on a screen that size.

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What are you even talking about. Post your trailer instead, Cletus

4k isn't relevant unless you have like a 90' tv and a room where you're sitting like 15ft away from it

Looks like Equilibrium

What is OLED?

>in the best possible way
>no projector

4k is noticeable at 55 inches
>t. owner of 55 inch LG B7

You seem upset. Not all of us are in the market for an 'economie penthouse/apartement'

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If you haven't upgraded to 4k you are hindering your Kino experience. Therefore, you are a fucking pleb

I've downloaded 4k rips and they look almost identical to 1080p ones on my monitor. Waste of time and space.

I have a 65" 4k Itv bought in Dec and an XB1X.

I went to Target today to buy Justice Leage for my first 4k BR but there wasn't one. Pretty fucking disappoint.

>videogame posters
You almost had me.

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Do the new releases still credit the directors with the original names? Just wondering.

>Kino experience
Opinion discarded.

What Kino 4K releases are you guys waiting for?

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It's so sterile.

american psycho

Kek lame attempt

Good question.

Hateful 8. It's totally there since Tarantino insisted on the whole panavision shot-on-film gimmick. That said, at the moment the only place where you can watch it in 4k is the russian version of the 4k streaming service VUDU. Lame as shit.

I have a 55" Sony X900E and an xbox one S.

The first 4k Blu Ray I watched was BvS. I wasn't as blown away as I expected, but maybe it wasn't the best example. The actual vs. fight in the rain at night looked really good though.


>I went to Target today to buy Justice Leage for my first 4k BR

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>not watching kinos solely on your 1st gen ipod

I looked hard at the 55" B7 but I wanted to move up to 65" from my old 55" lg. But the 65" lg oleds are all $2k plus.

I was also worried about screen burn because I watch a ton of apps like Twitch and Youtube
that have static menu images on them. I Settled i on the top of the line lg regular lcd instead after returning the top rated Sony 65" x900e because the screen was to fucking bright and it doesn't come with discreet backlight control which is mind boggling.

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the horror

>4k in a small TV watching it from 10 meters away.


Not bad, but seriously throwout those gay ass posters.

That's a 4k tv? I thought they needed to be 50 inches minimum.

I saw this movie when it came out. The left picture never had a yellow wall.

4k tvs start at 39 inches

whether ones of that size are any practical use, well...

You wrong nigga

That's a really weird and bad looking comparison picture, I don't know what that person was thinking.

The color change happened though, it's not some debatable thing.

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