>Eric Trump said on Thursday that former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke deserves "a bullet."
>"Ross, it's disgusting and by the way, if I said exactly what you said, I'd get killed for it but I think I'll say it anyway," the Republican nominee's son said after host Ross Kaminsky of 630 KHOW Denver radio suggested Duke deserves a bullet to the head. "The guy does deserve a bullet. I mean, these aren't good people. These are horrible people. In fact, I commend my father. My father's the first Republican who's gone out and said, 'Listen, what's happened to the African-American community is horrible and I'm going to take care of it.'"
Are Trump and the GOP Black America's greatest allies now?
Eric Trump: David Duke "Deserves a Bullet"
wtf is this shit how could he
It's must be a silver bullet because Duke is a Werewolf!
Eric is a moderate.
bumping this because based Eric is correct.
David duke is a faggot.
Classic cuckservative
Duke should be running for president not Trump
hmm, thats too bad Duke is pretty based.
Eric should listen to an interview or two of his
>integration is a choice as well as segregation between any tribes
christ its almost like common sense
racism is fun to joke around with but if you genuinely believe all blacks are subhumans then you're an idiot.
David Duke is controlled opposition
He's right. Racism deserves the death penalty.
duke stinks, he has only taken momentum away from trump, he should know better than to interfere with trump
duke literally does nothing to make us more appealing people like richard spencer and jared taylor are much better for the movement not that i disagree with dr duke.
I hope a nigger kills you and rapes your wife.
fucking leaf
t. Shmuel Kikenbergstein
Everyone knows David Duke is controlled opposition.
So Eric is correct.
shut up nigger
David Duke is our Obi-Wan.
He knows Trump must hate him but he's the hero the white race needs.
duke is awesome, but political poison. this is what must be said at this time.
Eric is correct that racism is bad, or just that Duke should be shot?
wow wtf i want to culturally enrich the black community and make them act civilized now
>I hope you get murdered and your wife gets raped
>b-but blacks are the r-real subhumans, n-not me
What you expected?
Two of his siblings married kikes... Of course his family is full of kike shills
That Duke should be shot, of course. Racism is good but currently it's political suicide to say that publicly.
He's not racist though. He wants the right of self determination for all people.
the only ones that get culturally enriched in a race mixing situation are the whites
>says racism is good
>advocates killing racist advocates
The mask is slowly coming off.
Ironic that a britbong cuckold faggot would speak such words.
no you fuckwit
david duke really deserves a bullet because he tried to promote trump with his kukluxklan shitty newspaper
lile trumo = kukluxklan he did a decent amout of damage there
I only liked the trumps because of Duke. I'm not sure if I want to associate with these people anymore.
Listen faggot, I can dislike niggers while also disliking David Dukes washed up ass. For every good thing he's done for white people he's done 12 bad. Fuck him.
>Only Duke
All the stormwienies deserve one
Yeah it's like there shouldn't be people normalizing pro-white advocacy and whites should just cuck out of ever saying things the way they are
I didn't say Eric is correct about everything. He's correct that Duke should fuck off.
The point is that he tries to cling to everyone who actually has a realistic chance of reducing white replacement in America. With the very negative connotation to his name he pulls these people down and therefore hurts the cause more than he helps. And he does it on purpose. That's why people suspect he is controlled opposition and want him to fuck off. It's a fairly simple argument and it's not contradictory at all.
>Distancing yourself from a dried up racist ever not being a good thing
If only the Democratic party had the decency to distance themselves from their racist roots.
Shut the fuck up nigger
what bad that isn't just kike MSM hating on him
>the guy who married his daughter off to a kike is legit and our savior
>the guy who's been fighting for white nationalism for decades and has redpilled countless white people is a plant
lmao nu-Sup Forums is such cancer
>The guy deserves a bullet
Fucking kek, I love this new age of politics.
Based Eric fuck these racists giving Trump a bad name.
The fact that he makes everyone who believes whites should be proud of their race look like fucking idiots? He's literally bottom of the barrel trash, and he panders accordingly.
This! It's not too late to change your minds, trumpets. Jump ship immediately.
I'm still saying vote for Trump just don't throw out the guy who actually has the white man's best interests at heart. And that's Dr Duke.
Duke and the KKK are being absolutely fucking retarded by not hiding their powerlevels. If they want Trump to win then the best thing they can do is fuck off until Trump wins, then they can go Super Saiyan God for all I care. If they can't even learn to read between the lines then they in fact need to take a bullet through the fucking head.
Anybody who gets in the way of a Trump victory is an enemy.
>With the very negative connotation to his name
Just kikes hating on him because muh holocaust
You can't normalize pro-white advocacy if you can't even say "white"
Duke being frowned upon is 100% kike manipulation of public thought
Sauce other than KKK NAZI RACIST articles about him?
David Duke is the creepiest white dude I've ever seen. Seriously look at his face and eyes, that's not normal. As expected of a former Ku Klux Klan figurehead with the rank "Grand Wizard".
Dis, David Duke is homophobic as fuck.
David Duke is fucking controlled opposition.
He knows there will be negative attention if he endorsed Trump but he does it anyways just so the media focuses on him. He's a scumbag.
>muh white pride
Fucking southerners are not even really white. Half of them are like 5% cherokee or nigger
Duke is an FBI plant to discredit Trump/right wing
I agree with Eric, Duke hurts the cause.
Duke is literally shilling for Hillary by not hiding his autism for blacks and being so pro-Trump. For the sake of a Trump victory he needs to be assassinated.
I don't give a shit what you think faggot. Feel free acting like Duke is some saviour. When he dies, no one will notice.
I never said it wasn't, but people in the US have been so conditioned to associate anything and everything related to David Duke with evil. People will not even listen to anything he says because of it. Duke's been in the scene for over 30 years and got jack shit done. Now he's tainting the names of upcoming white advocates and nationalist moderates. He can go die in a fire.
t. Stormfaggot
Niggers are untermensch but the KKK are faggots
seems like the places with less niggers were keen on "freeing" them
funny considering dislike for negroes is a function of intensity of contact with them
But Trump's been getting maximum levels of hate from kike media with or without Duke. And Duke is having tremendous success in redpilling more normies now probably more than ever.
I love it when Sup Forums contradicts itself
Absolute cucks itt.
Duke is cancer to our movement. Even stormfags know that. Well done Eric.
>one of the most successful humans in history
>decades of varied experience in management roles
>philanthropist, businessman, politician, author, tv star
David Duke
>some faggot who got famous because he was racist
>eric trump trying to act hard
people in palm beach call him shitter cuas he craped his pants at a party in aspen and cried about it
Trump is better than Hillary, but he's still a fucking Jew lover
He just isn't in bed as much with one form of Jew, the international one, like Soros
They're all the enemy of the Europeans
Duke needs to fuck off and stay out of the spotlight, which he isn't fucking doing since we're all talking about him. Like you said, Trump's facing enough shit as it is already, last thing he needs is some autistic faggot making things worse. Again, Duke needs to fuck off or he needs to be assassinated.
lol calm down bro no one gives a shit about him
Sup Forumss number one fucking priority is the election of Donald Trump. If Hillary wins, the SJW's and Virtue Signalers will gain untold amounts of power, and the straight white male will become an endangered species. By not hiding his power level and being an absolute faggot Duke is directly assisting Hillary and the SJW swarm. He's a fucking traitor to our cause and deserves death for not playing along.
That's literally what Eric Trump is saying himself.
Eric could have said that without going full SJW "Shoot that horrible racist shitlord David Duke" and pandering to "the black community" like some democrat.
I agree Duke should have just kept quiet but then so should Trump's skype loving kids who are sounding more and more like cuckservatives.
You do realize that that was exactly what people have said about Trump, right?
>deserves death for not playing along.
>That's literally what Eric Trump is saying himself.
Except that's literally not what he's saying.
kek, really?
Thank fucking god somebody in power said it. I don't think you can get any bigger disavowal than saying that they deserve to be shot. Duke is a colossal cocksucking controlled-opposition faggot who needs to fuck off and die before he taints the progress we've made on fixing the nigger problem any more than not keeping trump's name out of his mouth already has.
Read fucker, this isn't the time to chimpout over bullshit. If Hillary wins SJWs will literally be un-fucking-stoppable and Sup Forums may very well be forced to shut down. We have to stay focused on our objective, and faggots like David Duke directly interfere with that.
People were being PC faggots because Trump was being a meanie, but Trump himself proved them all wrong and has continued to appeal to the masses. However, Trump doesn't need Duke out there giving ammunition to Trump's critics. Trump knows the balance and knows what he can and can't say. David Duke doesn't, and looks like an absolute autistic faggot whenever he opens him mouth. If Duke supports Trump then he needs to shut the fuck up and stay in the shadows until Trump wins, then he can go all out for all I care.
Again, if Trump loses all is fucking lost.
That is not Sup Forums's number one priority is. You have no idea how Sup Forums works. You have to go back. You have to self deport.
And? Neo Nazis are a bunch of degenerate faggots.
Duke has done nothing, the MEDIA has propped him up as a strawman, while never actually reporting on his real views or statements
The KKK itself is a massive media created strawman that hasn't existed for 80 years
Faggot, Trump is literally our guy. He Trump loses, we all fucking lose. Is this a new CTR tactic or something?
>People were being PC faggots because Trump was being a meanie,
This is what Duke's critics are doing
>Trump himself proved them all wrong and has continued to appeal to the masses.
This is what Duke is attempting to do. Take Trump's methods, take it farther, to where it needs to be.
>David Duke doesn't, and looks like an absolute autistic faggot whenever he opens him mouth.
A national candidate can say some things, a state candidate can say others. Doesn't make either less valid.
>If Duke supports Trump then he needs to shut the fuck up and stay in the shadows until Trump wins, then he can go all out for all I care.
Again, I hope you realize that they said this about people with Trump's positions, but rather they told them to wait for people like Romney, McCain, etc. to win.
>Again, if Trump loses all is fucking lost.
Why are you discounting the possibility of civil war?
Still, this is almost an okay rationale. But it means nothing, because Eric didn't say it. He said to shoot Duke because he's a horrible person.
>oh no this guy saying what everyone thinks is controlled opposition
>le god emperor
try reddit
>not understanding blacks Don't integrate
Sup Forums's "number one priority" is to gain white supremacy. Trump is just a means to that end. There are others - accelerate everything to the point of a race war, fully redpill the populace, etc. Our movement is more than a man.
It's to prove a point, you dense cuck.
Do I see a flag with 50% White talking shit?
Go save your Nation, you fat cuck.
Nope. Not Sup Forumss number one """"""""""priority""""""""""
care to try again?
Stormfags unequivocally BTFO!
The fuck is this, 2013?
Alright, "enlighten" us newfag.
If Hillary wins your goal is set back decades, because you're insane if you don't think Hillary will manage to weasel out of all her crimes as POTUS, even despite based FBI's actions. Here's the harsh reality, if Trump loses Sup Forums loses and may very well be ground into the dust, along with the other Sup Forums as well. There will be no civil war either, that's nothing more than a meme.
If Trump doesn't win, it's over for real. So Duke needs to stop being a faggot and fuck off so Trump can win.
Race war is literally the last resort, not the first, because the keyboard warriors who are agitating for it the most are the people who will die first when the bullets start flying. Duke's sabotaging the last possible chance America has for the white race to be preserved without needless death involved, and he damn well knows that. He can die in a fire for all I care.
Duke is from being white was not considered racism. He's just being a normal white guy.
Not being afraid of speaking what he think should not be punished with death
t. 2016 newfag from reddit
And what if Trump wins? Nothing more than a crutch. Sure, nonwhite growth may decelerate, but it'll keep increasing until it's not possible for someone like him to get in again.
>There will be no civil war either, that's nothing more than a meme.
Why do you have so little faith in your countrymen?
>because the keyboard warriors who are agitating for it the most are the people who will die first when the bullets start flying.
Wait a minute. You think we shouldn't be saber-rattling for race war because we would die quickly?
How nice of you. Unfortunately for that narrative, though, some of us care about more than just ourselves.
Here's an interesting tid bit:
No niggers = no home invasions
You should realise how insane it is that in a first world country there is a risk someone will just break into your house, with you in it, and fuck your shit up.
David duke is a cuck.
All Trumps kids are married to jews. I'm pretty sure they hate anyone calling out their control. People can shill all they want for Trump but the truth is he is more of the same or worse
You are literally a blind sheep if you actually think the straight white male will retain ANY power whatsoever if Hillary wins. President Hillary won't be indicted or impeached, she'll manage to find a way to escape all her crimes, and will kill off or silence all the FBI agents who stood against her. She'll literally become a queen, with her cucked subjects and Hollywood and MSM to spread her propaganda. She'll be fucking untouchable, and you are delusional if you think otherwise.
Trump MUST win this election for the sake of the straight white male.
If Trump wins he can prevent a complete disaster. Read above.
>If Trump wins he can prevent a complete disaster. Read above.
But for how long? Keep in mind that you won't be able to solve changing demographics with racism-lite.
And again, why have so little faith in your race? We've beaten worse odds before, and Hillary making power-grabs may awaken a good number of whites.
>David Duke is fucking controlled opposition.
Nice try CTR. Trump is controlled opposition, Duke names the Jew
>once thier destruction is complete they will realise they are doomed
Are you retarded?
No shit, but that's not Sup Forums's ultimate purpose like you first stated. Hence the newfag tag I gave you.