Why do you guys love her so much??
Why do you guys love her so much??
So loved that her rallies are practically empty
Clinton supporters don't have time to go to rallies because they're busy at their jobs.
>has to show photograph from the lowest possible crowd angle, in order to hide the fact that her rallies are empty
How do you say... "Sad!"
Too busy to vote too.
Just working away at their jobs.
CTR is not a real job.
Thanks for that CTR, sure taught me!
But in all seriousness, do you really think all those people at trump rallies are fucking unemployed? No, I'm sure some are, but the vast majority take time out of their busy lives because the man has that kind of pull.
It's pretty awful that we have to work ~3 jobs, in order to net the same we were making from 1 job, pre-Obama "economic growth"
>the sheer amount of delusion in that one headline
forgot my pic
Those burgers don't flip themselves, amirite?
Jesus Christ it argues that people like her negatives because it gives her complexity
Shes running to be the most powerful person in the world not to be a character in literature
>survey monkey
... lol
I love the comparison between the level of education and the income.
What are you talking about, user? Look at all the people at her most recent rally!
This can't be real. This is the biggest troll-article ever. The content of the article is even more hilarious than the picture.The definition of corporate propaganda. Save this article and present it to your kids, anons, this is a gem.
>not trusting the fortune monkey
Don't you mean busy looking for the jobs they destroyed?
>widely loved
Oh wait, they were serious?
>chimamanda adichi
the fuck shitskin name is that
sounds like a fucking pokemon
Mrs. Clinton, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?