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Previously on homeland
Nathan Watson
Chase Hughes
> tfw you get bogpilled on 5chinz
Ryan Lopez
the longer i watch this show the more she disgusts me
Josiah Sanders
Luis Adams
I cannot fucking stand this actress for this exact reason
Caleb Long
Bitch ate too many tater tots desu
Andrew Rivera
>Saul I need you to believe me
John Thomas
my favorite qt desu
Camden Torres
Genuinely though how do people respond to this
Liam Myers
>they just look out for each other
>they are just smart
>you are a nazi
Ryder Gonzalez
>mfw "Sup Forums pole" has featured multiple times this season
Dylan Brooks
to what?
Jews are nepotistic people and they dominate media
it's a far stretch from that to ''joooz cuntrol errything''
Nathan Adams
Ethan Jones
It's so intended
Kayden Foster
>Control the primary source of information for the majority of people
>Control the banks, which generate absurd amounts of wealth and power
>Control Hollywood the primary propoganda industry for the United States of America, the strongest country on the planet
Hmmm, but nah, I'm sure it's nothing.
Ayden Cox
You jelly all your race has accomplished was 2 failed wars?
Adam Nelson
Everyone lost world war 2 but the Jews
Parker Phillips
Lincoln Martinez
Ryan Lopez
Elijah Ward
they don't control banks
check top 10 banks of the world and their CEOs and boards of directors
very few Jews
Levi Sanchez
Elijah Foster
I hate how arrogant that character is. I'd love tie her to a chair, flip it over and just fuck her for the rest of her life.
Jason Cox