Are the FBI confirmed to be beta Sup Forumsirgins?

Are the FBI confirmed to be beta Sup Forumsirgins?

God I hope so.

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This mentally ill freak makes my skin crawl. I want it to go away.

Everytime I think I know what actually happened during gamergayte, they say something confusing like that

Being mean on twitter demands FBI prosecution?

Fucking retarded tranny.

They won't go away, they'll just hang around for at least a week or two

From a lightpost, probably.

Sure, Mr. Wu. I'm series Gamergate was a big deal to the FBI. You should probably be thankful they didn't look into the fake death threats and police reports, libel, doxxing, interfering with contracts, all that stuff.

Gamergate dindu nuffin wrong.

Why does Brianna make everything about her?


Were any actual crimes committed during gamergate? In spite of all the "death threats" talk it doesn't seem like any of the SJWs actually filed any police reports... odd.

best course of action is to ignore him. he wants attention because he's been irrelevant for the last 2 years.

Holy shit he just wants to keep Sup Forums bullshit from two years to feel special. Literally nowhere cares about Gamergate any more outside of that one subreddit.

He's right, though.

>at least a week or two
>From a lightpost,
Gross, think of all the diseases.

video games are shit.

Pls no bully FBI.

I myself recorded over 9,000 separate counts of aggravated shitposting and assault with malicious memery. Briana Wu is right this is a travesty of justice.

candidate that makes law and order for all central to his platform gets support from the people upholding the law
>really makes you think

>holding women accountable for their actions makes a man a beta gamer

Go kill yourself, burger OP. Truly, kill yourself.


It's a joke.

>prosecuted for gamergate
>mfw I'm blocked by "her"

Considering the fact that most of it was likely falseflagging and Brianna Wu was caught falseflagging herself on the steam forums for her game, probably not, or it was just people saying vague shit like "Kill yourself" and that was being interpreted as death threats.

It's not that the FBI are exactly on our side. Most of the senior officials aren't.

It's the field and office guys ranging in their mid 20's to early 40's that are fighting the shitposting war with us and they in numbers make up most of the FBI.

There are other Alphabet agency bros that are still in the shadows because their respective AlphaFag leadership is in bed with Globalfags, ya dig?

suck my dick

my favorite crazy punching bag
wu dump now

his dad is hustler magazine creator larry flynt

literally wu?

>LOOK AT ME I WANT TO BE RELEVANT!! Remember goobergate??? I was there!!! FOUGHT AGAINST THE FAT VIRGINS!!!

This guy is the Nikki blonsky from the movie hairspray of trans game developers

mother of god.

This made me laugh.
How did these fucks make it out of school?

> Sup Forums has been an FBI honeypot since CP was posted here openly
> FBI agents accidentally got redpilled
> FBI agents turned Sup Forumsacks saved America 10 years later

>he doesn't want to push some cush with Nikki Blonsky from the movie Hairspray

he also left a dangerously ill scottie dog out in the rain in winter while he sucked dicks at a glory hole

trannys are usually narcissists. who else sits around all day obsessing over their body image like they do?
>IM a girl
>I need to use the bathroom of MY choice
>MY brain is more like a womans no rly
>MY gender is MY choice
see a pattern?


He was a diamond dozen

his game is shit too

Can confirm.

>best course of action is to ignore him. he wants attention because he's always been irrelevant.


>pic related. Brianna is such an attention whore that he can't help but become a woman.

The lengths they are ready to go to rationalize and justify to themselves their obviously flawed opinions. KEK

She is probably busy tweeting tho

So much truth yet it will be lost in the mass of posts.


>who else sits around all day obsessing over their body image like they do?

/fit/ here, I do


>grow wide because you can't grow high

Manlets never learn

>typing of the dead on the inside
Why'd you give up the gay lisp for the reviews?

this schizophrenic kike gets more and more insane

Christ alive.


> Gamer gate
Holy shit it is retarded. They never had an active investigation under their jurisdiction.


Fucking transmisogynist bigot. Gamers are dead.

when you think about it, these guys have been at the frontline of every progressive freak out and have taken a lot of heat. They've seen all the lies and the complacency of the democrats. No wonder they're pro trump

>Trump was running for office three years ago


Ugh that freak gives me the heeby jeebes, good thing he's an irrelevant fag

this is so retarded I can only laugh

>shitposting and mgtows chimping out
>a federal offence
What did it mean by this?


>Why wont the FBI imprison people for not liking shit game journalism?
>Wow I cant believe the FBI is revolting against Hillary for breaking the law, threatening them and getting away with it!

Fucking libtards. Do they really blame fucking Gamergate for everything?
Do they really think GG was something the fucking FBI was supposed to spend time on? Do they really think Hillary dindu nuffin?

if the FBI were truly for team trump, they would of snagged hilldawg in the bag the first time.

>Brianna Wu

lol this tiggered tranny's Steam release failed miserably and this is all John has left.


Actually some stuff what happen there, as serious death treats, doxing and similar would demand something like that. But it was done by various groups and peopel and various types of targets, (as pro gamergate were more often target of serious stuff). It was just tinny part of drama.

Also board owner of one Gamergate boards on other Chan apparently have friends in FBI because he owns gun store what FBI use and he used those connection to scare groups of spergs during serious GG infighting.




I think he's transhuman. He moves like an old Disneyland animatronic.

Are people still talking about this shite?

Trips of Truth

but what does it all mean?

That's because when a member of color of the LGBTQAIP+ community reports a microaggression, the cis-heteropatriarchonormative capitalist Islamophobic police actually don't investigate them because they are usually busy lynching young black heroes in the street for laughs.

Check your fucking privelege.

Yeah I'm sure systemic corruption at the higher echelons of government is the same as your internet shit flinging goobergate nonsense

Larry Flynt should have been shot in the balls.

There were bomb treats at gamergate meetings and guy making them was arrested. He was troll who tried to play both sides.

every time i read this all i can think is "what the fuck kind of shit forum is forcing a subject line on every single post?"

...why would the FBI be involved in gamer gate?

Boston December isn't even that cold.

t. Bostonian

>the pathetic trans omega comes himself to Sup Forums to promote his own tweets
can any human being get lower?
slit your wrists already

Sup Forums was right about everything. It was all a scam.

he literally says a "cold boston december [night]"


>muh gamergate


I know. I read it.
I'm saying he's a lying faggot.
Boston December isn't even cold.

If I can go get a pack of butts at 2a.m. and see some homeless guys sleeping comfy next to their carts, I'm sure a furball pupper would be fine.

He'd been better off saying January or February. That's the cold ones.

GamerGate was Stalingrad
Trump is Eisenhower
We're in June 1944
Next year is going to be bad for the pedonazis that fraudulently rule the West

Referring to Bryan Wu, of course.

For all the LEOs who found Sup Forums with us, and especially Sup Forums, I want to give you a salute.

I understand how much your career can hinge sometimes on internal politicking, and I can only imagine the pressure some of you guys have.

But you guys give me faith in the system.

At any given time, one of you could be in the right place at the right time to be able to tell us the TRUTH.

I know you will DO THE RIGHT THING when it matters.

Gamergate was literally SJWs having a meltdown because autists from Sup Forums told them to fuck off from video games while shitposting on twitter. All you need to know is it resulted in the greatest episode of Law & Order of all time, partially contributed to the the fall of Gawker before the Hulk finished it off, and lives on as the boogeyman beneath every SJWs bed.

It was more than that. It was the first defeat of SJWs. It was the inexorable march of social justice losing its momentum in the vast, snowy plains of online gaming, where ruthless anons were not prepared to surrender. It was the beginning of the counter-attack.

40% suicide rate. Just hold out brother

I would add that while it's not the first time autism was weaponized (I believe that would be Sup Forums trying to punish cat killers), it was the first time weaponized autism was inflicted on the powers that be.






I spammed smug lolis in feminist hashtags, and apparently 1st degree smuggery is a crime according to feminists.

Holy fuck they are STILL salty as fuck about that?
Wasn't that back in 2014?

>still being butthurt over gamergate
Move on Brianna

>Sup Forums is now the FBI

Let's take a detour downtown and maybe you can help us answer some funding questions we have, Schlomo.

Is that faggot still attention shoring over gg?

I was stuck in OCS while the entire gamergate and fappening went down.

biggest regret to be honest.

>1st degree smuggery

You should be put to death you fucking monster.