Have you ever felt this way abput a movie?
Have you ever felt this way abput a movie?
Fair criticism
>letterboxd reviews
>That entire review
Good Lord , some people take the b8 hard eh?
This shit really gets to me. People are so delighted with their bias.
Tango and Cash. I wanted them to smush penile erections together. Stallone as power bottom.
Where in the text of the Iliad do Achilles and Patroclus have a homosexual relationship?
it's a joke
troy is gay as fuck
This thread
>To homosexual for me.
>its a joke
clearly you haven't looked at her profile or been to Letterboxd
Mate do you not know how gay those times were? As in actual dudes fucking dudes all the time. It's a pretty fair criticism when you keep that in mind. Having a film about Troy be completely straight is ironically quite disingenuous and revisionist when you think about it.
The prevalence of homosexuality and pedophilia in classical Greece is overblown. It was accepted in many places and in a few specific social circles (Athenian noblemen, Spartan soldiers) actually encouraged, but most people were still straight and some even looked down on pederasty.
>these mental gymnastics
Kek. You just can't deal with the fact that you also prefer revisionist renderings of certain elements of history in your flicks because the reality of all that gayness gets in the way of your machismo enjoyment.
fags pls go
Show me in the Iliad where Achilles and Patroclus became butt brothers
I'm straight, I just find it interesting how guys get so nervous about this stuff and can't deal with the history behind their super-bro homoerotic machismo movies. That movie "300" was gay as fuck for example. And then these are the same sort of guys to bitch about the left for wanting to revise history all the time. Both sides are insecure dopes.
Sexual preference doesn't have to play a part in history you dolt. Why needlessly cover a great story like Troy in the seed of homosexuals just so a faggot like you can point out how gay they were. I don't need to see them fucking anyone in the movie.
I bet you think Lesbos was full of girl-on-girl.
>don't mess with my strong man cool dude LARP movies it's the only thing I have left
weren't they cousins tho?
Sparta was the gayest city in Greece but using 300 as an example of historical authenticity is pretty stupid and shows you have no idea what you're talking about.
>conceding that there was *some* of that shit going on necessarily means you think it was full of it
What is this yes-no binary shit?
>but using 300 as an example of historical authenticity
Read the post again.
Ill record myself plowing your mother from behind while wearing a scream mask and nike flip flops.
Ask him. He's the one who objected to the statement that classical Greece wasn't uniformly gender fluid and prevalence of homosexuality greatly depended on who you were and where you were.
Hot bant, dork.