The email:
The woman:
The "spirit cooking" ritual:

In the Ritual, written in blood:

"Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk"

"With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. EAT THE PAIN"

"Fresh urine sprinkle over nightmare dreams"

"Spin around until you lose consciousness try to eat the questions of the day"

They pour blood over a child dummy in the corner of the room.

WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?

What on God's earth are these sick people into?!?!?!

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you see the evil shit we are finding in wikileaks?!?!?

But trump said pussy.

There is a very similar ritual within Thelema. Interesting.

What the hell is Thelema? Isn't that Alister Crowley shit? He is a Lusiferian.



Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law




More degenerate kikes...nothing to see here

When I saw the emails talking about "pasta" and "sauces" I got chills they were talking about kid body parts and fluids.

I made it go away. Stop bringing it back.

Expose the evil or it will consume us


Link for CF, State dept and foreign donor criteria for accepting money


Wow its fucking nothing

this is actually real
jesus christ

That 'mineral pillow' is made from snowflake obsidian. You can buy stones like that in hippie shops but that is quite a big block and it's been shaped for resting your head on. Quite an effort really. They must have ordered an uncut block and made it themselves or commissioned someone to do it.

The principalities of darkness in high places.


Theres nothing to worry about, Abramovic is only a performance artist. While the blood, morbid themes, and satanic anti-christian overtones in her art may be disturbing, they're purely superficial and aesthetic.

I once read an article about pedo rings that talked about the codes they used.

A 'snow white' is a pale girl with black hair.

'Strawberry cheesecake' was a red haired girl. They had loads of specific terms for different looks.

All this pizza pasta shit is for sure pedo code.

Am going to try this ritual now, will be back with results.

>tfw ancient Canaanite and Mesopotamian gods are real
>us jokingly worshipping kek has actually hindered moloch's grasp on humanity

I want off this ride


>What on God's earth are these sick people into?!?!?!


The obsession with abortion (child sacrifice) the weird elite cult orgys (sex Magick) are all a mirror of Moloch worship.

Most mystical and religious teachings came or were influenced by Ancient Egypt. Kek is a powerful god.


I fucking TOLD you all that they are goddamn blood-drinking KIKES.

This is high level kike bullshit.

What amateur work, its pathetic.

They should leave the Meme Magic to the professionals.


Podesta is a fucking Italian cook. Remember the Risotto recipe?

You people are getting ahead of yourselves with this pedo shit and reading too much into it.

you won't actually do this, i hope

>Look in the mirror for as long as it is necessary for your face to disapear dont eat the light

What the actual Fuck!?

While I think most of this new stuff is a smokescreen, this Marina is into blood majick and hangs out with an aids-freak who works for Hillary Clinton.

Meme magic is the opposite of Satanic rituals with little children sex slavery

WATCH THE VIDEO!!! Podesta is into some EVIL shit!

Warning: the video is FUCKING EVIL!!!

But for reals each batch has been getting worse.

I can't even begin to imagine whats going to be in the next batch

It is all over for you, KEK Worshippers.

We have true magick on our side - you stupid, laughable cunts here think that double numbers on a post counter equate to actual fucking spells.

Absolutely hilarious. You will all perish in the unending fire that will pour from MOLOCH's golden wings when he sweeps the earth clean of your idiocy.

>"Fresh urine sprinkle over nightmare dreams"
Children who are abused often become bed-wetters.

Further, children who are abused A LOT tend to smear themselves in shit and piss to keep away their attackers. Jews of course, are not deterred by such minor details.

Revelation 21:8
there is no such thing as "good" magic

Go rub your cum in breast milk, rape children and sacrifice unborn babies.

Your gods power is failing. Has been for about 18 months now.

Jeb Bush summoned Kek when he called Trump the "chaos candidate".

It would seem that Kek is not personally empowering, unlike Moloch, Kek is transformative on large scales.

You see the child dummy in the corner int he video? It is all starting to make sense. These people are child sex traffickers and Luciferians

All magick is good when it assists in destroying your enemies.

Brexit has failed. Our plans continue without fail. The end is nigh for the mongrel hordes of isolationist nationalists - the ones that have spat upon our grand schemes for humanity/

This is some sick shit...
Those poor kids. God will have his vengeance:

"It would be better for him to have a millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble." - Luke 17:21


>This is high level kike bullshit.
fucking kek'd aloud

I know that.
I believe in Yeshua (Jesus).
I also follow Torah.
This applies:

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." - Ephesians 5:11

I am just doing my duty exposing them.

Is the liquid blood and seminalienable fluid? Blood and feces? All the above?
Fuck these Satan worshipping faggots

Dude, moloch is a a basic bitch, the nigga ain't even as good as shit

MOLOCH and MINERVA are on our side.

What do you have?

Two of the most ancient and powerful deities to have ever graced the minds and souls of man are stronger than ever.

Meanwhile, the Cunt of Christ is rapidly waning - soon to be destroyed by the rabid hordes of Islam.

Oh look, it's this faggot again.

Spells are nothing but willpower. The smoke and mirrors hoodoo shit is just a crutch.

I have sacrificed many frogs and accompanied many friends to abortions after convincing them that their life was better without child.

I have proven myself to my god and he has granted me his grace.

What do you have except worthless frogposts and hoping for two consecutive numbers?

In the video, a very large snake (python or Anaconda) can be seen writhing across her face. There may be more than one snake as next to her head in another shot the snake is very thick. She seems to be wearing a flat colored egyptian headdress, something like pic related. it is also possible it is one of those super old Russian or Prussian hats. It's hard to tell.


Have you even read the Hermetic texts? Indulged yourself in the ancient rites and knowledge of Hermes Trismegistus?

I think not.

I'm always so perplexed with how simplistic and fucking boring these talks are.

>People with this much impact on our country.
>Need to yammer stupidly back and forth in a state of moderate confusion with dumb ideas as if they don't understand what's going on or what the impacts of their actions are, simply waiting for someone with an actual brain to just fucking tell them what to do.

I've had more in-depth and complex conversations from much more capable people in the break-room of fucking Wal-Mart.

nigga stop it's embarrassing

My dick can be only so hard for what's coming

>many friends

Classic retarded American. She's a fucking artist, you ignorant shit.


Looks like regular wholesome jew art, she has interviews with Tate and everything

fool, there is nothing that con stop the LORD


"So the angel swung his sickle over the earth and gathered the grapes of the earth, and he threw them into the great winepress of God’s wrath. 20And the winepress was trodden outside the city, and the blood that flowed from it rose as high as the bridles of the horses, for a distance of one thousand six hundred stadia." - Revelation 14:19,20

>What on God's earth are these sick people into?!?!?!

just Satan shit, you wouldn't understand,

freedom of religion!

Tate who?
Post it.

>Blood-drinker personal friends with high-level aids freak and denier of Democracy John Podesta
>it's just art bro

You're too late. We already know how this shit works. I've read plenty, and many magicians will straight up tell you what I said before moving on to describing any rituals. Kill yourself.

inb4 MolochPUNCH.png

tfw you saved all this and you don't know why

Just because it's old doesn't mean it's correct. That's all BELIEF. Sacrificing etc has no fundamental power inherent in it, that is only BELIEF. The only active ingredient is focused conscious intent.

Freedom of Religion does not mean you can abuse children jerkoff.

Hillary is running a child slavery sex ring!!!

this is just edgy artist bullshit, means nothing other than that the artist is a pretentious poser who has convinced others to buy into the lunacy because the others don't know better

Don't you know (((Tate))) art?

It's not art.
Let's expose this to mom and pop America and let them decide who they want running the country.

Shut up, Leafy.


Just an artist. A weird one, but they can get away with it.

She's as kike as kike gets.
And if you know kike, you know all about blood drinking and sex with children.

guy's its just a satanic ritual


Confirmed as Satanist HERE:

>How far is too far?
>*looks directly into camera*
>Who creates limits?
>*emphasis on "who"*

The fuck?!

She just wanted to cook blood semen and milk for Podesta it's totally normal bro everybody does it

Nigga you don't shit about hermeticism gtfo faggoty I doubt you even know the meaning of the name 'Trismegistus'.

These people are not smart. They are just devious and have no morals.

Aw sick I got dubs too

Kek confirms my statement

Hermeticism is sorcery and you will not inherit eternal life if you practice it no patter what you think you know. I have read corpus hermeticus and can tell you it is a hypnotic trance induction.... and it apparently worked on you.

Cake of Light is the eucharistic host found within Thelema, the religion founded by author and occultist Aleister Crowley in 1904. It contains honey, oil, and particular bodily fluids for the base ingredients, and is usually cooked in the shape of a small, flat wafer. It appears by name in two important Thelemic rituals: the Gnostic Mass and the Mass of the Phoenix. However, Crowley thought it was important for magicians to perform a eucharistic ritual of some kind daily (from Magick Book 4, Liber ABA, ch. 20):

A Eucharist of some sort should most assuredly be consummated daily by every magician, and he should regard it as the main sustenance of his magical life. It is of more importance than any other magical ceremony, because it is a complete circle. The whole of the force expended is completely re-absorbed; yet the virtue is that vast gain represented by the abyss between Man and God.

The magician becomes filled with God, fed upon God, intoxicated with God. Little by little his body will become purified by the internal lustration of God; day by day his mortal frame, shedding its earthly elements, will become in very truth the Temple of the Holy Ghost. Day by day matter is replaced by Spirit, the human by the divine; ultimately the change will be complete; God manifest in flesh will be his name.

Olive oil is considered a sacred oil by many cultures and religions of the world. It is also an ingredient in the making of Oil of Abramelin, and the olive noted by Aleister Crowley himself as "traditionally, the gift of Minerva, the Wisdom of God, the Logos.

The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; then of the priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what.

Michael Aquino is the biggest red pill ever.

You fall into the Oprah Winfrey scare-mongering.

>Cunt of Christ

I mean, I know hillary's popular but she's not THAT popular

Catholicism is the holy mixed with the profane. Paganism mixed with The Way.
Christian teachers will one day say this:

"21“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ - Matthew 7

Lawlessness is who will perish. Thelema's similarity to Catholicism proves this.

Deviation from God's eternal, holy and perfect law, the walk that brings life and the walk that Jesus walked perfectly, is sin. Torah = Jesus = The truth = the road to life.

Why else do you think there is fertility symbols in Christianity like easter (Ishtar) bunnies and eggs and high places (christmas trees are phallus, or obelisks) and womb wreaths.

All of these are golden calfs to YHWH and called abomination.

PLEASE someone send this to all media?!!


Can you c/p the whole thing? Wikileaks is banned here


He is the sonic fanbase of the occult world.

as are all satanists, worshippers of Set, and Thelema.

You should be aware that Crowley had a great sense of humour so i'd take anything related to him with a pinch of salt

I don't know how...

Can someone else do this for out friends in Turkey?

If there is nothing, then we can do anything.

Jesus is my aragorn

The Catholic Church is an abomination, they failed the test Jesus passed when he was tempted in the desert. When Satan said " worship me and all these kingdoms will be yours" Jesus rebuked him. Roman catholicism included all these rituals and practiced holidays on pagan days even moved the day of worship from the Jewish law of Saturday to the pagan sunday to accommodate pagans and spread influence. But this occurred much later in Christianity. Thelma was invented in the early 1900s and was meant to mirror Christianity to be edgy so if course there's a parallel

omg please tell me somebody already mailed this to ALLLLL MEDIA











Abramovic has long disavowed the importance of any so-called collaborators in her practice, preferring to refer to them as “meat vessels” or “inspiration-lackeys,” comparing their role to “the cheap latex gloves worn by heart surgeons during major operations: necessary, but ultimately destined for the trash bin.” Now, in the wake of a law suit from her former partner Ulay (roughly, “The Groaning Sea That Breaks Upon The Wilted Heart,” in Serbian), Abramovic is threatening a major endurance-performance to coincide with the opening night of Art Basel Miami Beach. Tentatively titled “Ululay(ting): I Scream Until History Obeys Me,” the piece will feature Abramovic viscerally engaging with audience members, each of whom will pay upward of $6,500 for the privilege, and all of whom will wear a 3-D printed silicon mask of the iconic artist’s own face. “Beginning at sunrise, 1st curdling ruptures of a scream will unwind frm my throat-canal,” Abramovic announced via Twitter. “For next 48 hours will continue screaming, back and forth, forever.”