What's some good nuclear war kino?
What's some good nuclear war kino?
Dr. Strangelove
Probably not what you're looking for though
The Road wasn't about it but might you like.
The War Game
Dr. Strangelove
A little dark. I like feel good nuclear war kino.
These, plus
>The Day After
>When the Wind Blows (animated)
>On the Beach
>Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie (not about nuclear war as it's a documentary but it's got great test footage and is narrated by Captain Kirk)
Threads. Shows how absolutely fucking catastrophic a full scale nuclear war would be
seconding fail-safe. threads was trash.
A Boy and His Dog.
Holy fucking hell, based user.
This book was amazing and I had forgotten about it.
Bert the Turtle is pretty fucking kino.
Miracle Mile
when the wind blows
which nuke is this? do we know?
threads is possible the best nuke kino known to man
>nuke can be heard before shock wave hits
Never watched Fail-Safe, but Dr. Strangelove is one of my favourites. How does it compare?
Brazil's "O Ultimo Programa do Mundo"
>which nuke is this?
The one in the OP or the one you posted?
Because the one in the OP says right in the Webm.
It's not funny.
Sounds like your precious bodily fluids have been contaminated by soy, you faggot
i saw it on a big screen last week, it was great
Was about to post this. Very under rated
>Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie
Trinity And Beyond
[Moscow Symphony Orchestra intensifies]
How are those "tendrils" formed?
I think I've read that they're some type of smoke grenade used by scientists to measure wind direction after the blast.
Russia is breaking the economic sanctions now because usa and friends nukes have actually expired, turns out these things have a tiny life spam that ended almost 20 years ago, they are just overpriced husks now.
Whoever holds ACTIVE nukes will be able to use it unchallenged.
We might be able to witness it soon, some of you very closely .
Yes, it's not a part of the nuclear detonation.
>honestly thinking the united state military just didn't know their nuclear warheads would go off and would not update them
learn this from Sup Forums did you?
A lot of thsee movies have it that there is conventional military events followed by tactical nuclear followed by strategic. Surely anyone with a brain would know it's time for gtfo when even conventional forces of superpowers meet
>That horse near the building at 2:41
Yea this isn't accurate at all.
>A little dark. I like feel good nuclear war kino.
then you don't want nuclear war kino, you want a jim carrey whacky comedy.
>usa and friends nukes have actually expired, turns out these things have a tiny life spam
> life spam
my sides.
(slowly) they perform maintenance on them.
Their is a reason why supercomputers exist.
Way too small to be horses. Thems dogs.
Russia can do whatever it likes because it owns the president of the united states.
lmao, it's a weapons cache
Absolute bomb porn, its on Netflix.
It was a SCUD depot, lots of rocket fuel/ordnance
Thanks user, I'll have to check this out.
Yeah, not nearly bright enough to be nuclear.
non arab potato view
Fail-Safe is filmed as a televised play rather than a theatrical film so the production values arnt the same even though they came out in the same era.
Fail-Safe a very serious political drama that drives its characters to go against everything they've ever known and make the hardest decisions of their lives in a 2 hour struggle to save the world. for being so dated it is still very edge-of-your-seat and the ending is one of the darkest you'll find outside of Steven King's The Mist.
its my favorite nuclear war movie, no fancy special affects but the performances and the way the plot twists its characters into tough corners is quite enthralling. the 2000 remake with George Clooney and Richard Dreyfuss is also very good; the black and white televised play format stays the same and there are a couple tweaks to the plot that actually improve over the original, plus Harvey Keitel is great in it.
Miracle Mile is extremely underrated, its a top-10 nuclear war movie but also a great period piece of late-80s Synthwave aesthetic.
threads is incredible, watch that
God damn, that shot starting at 0:31 is wild. They just sort of casually shuffle off the street and even then there are a couple of people just standing there looking at it. And then as soon as the shockwave passes they all just shuffle back out into the street.
there was the one video of an american test where you can clearly see the silhouette of a dude going to a truck parked next to a structure about a half second before the whole place is incinerated.
I've gotta see that one
fuck how much environmental damage does that do on open waters? I'd imagine every fish within like a 20 mile radius probably died from the shockwave that caused
>explosion begins
>first thing towelhead can think of saying is "allahu ackbar"
They are used to high powered VBIED's going off on the reg I guess anymore.
>pleb: Dr. Strangelove
>contrarian: Miracle Mile
>patrician: Threads
>ascended: Dead Man's Letters
One of the only movies that has truly horrified me. This is as good as it gets OP.