>The currently serving FBI agent said Clinton is “the antichrist personified to a large swath of FBI personnel,” and that “the reason why they’re leaking is they’re pro-Trump.”
>The currently serving FBI agent said Clinton is “the antichrist personified to a large swath of FBI personnel,” and that “the reason why they’re leaking is they’re pro-Trump.”
>The FBI doesn't like criminals.
Gee, what a surprise.
The FBI wuz Russian n shiet
B-but muh Russians.
No shit.
Tell people that it's really important to do their job well. Then pour bureaucratic bull shit all over their work, watering it down. All this time, expecting them to be happy.
That's classic set up for a mutiny. If this was a sailing vessel comey would of been thrown overboard months ago. It's the digital age, so this is the only recourse.
This is good news. When Trump wins, it shouldn't be too hard to turn them into the new Schutzstaffel. Lot of eggs need breaking for the MAGA omelette.
Which is exactly why on January 20, 2017, Obama will issue Hillary Cilnton a presidential pardon so she can start her term with a "clean slate".
Screenshot this.
daily reminder that the FBI is openly revolting against comey and nothing comey can do will satisfy these guys
so many reputations ruined this year... glad i stay out of it
wtf I hate Comey now.
Pardons don't protect from impeachment.
Da white man is bad!
t. white man
She can still be impeached
Well, yeah, men actually do their work with passion.
Nothing new here, and The Guardian pretty much comfirms it.
Don't blame the weathermen for covering shit up. [[[You fuckers]]] are half the reason the circus is on again. fucking raised George Smiley from the dead.
>some colleagues openly discussing voting for the republican nominee
How radical.
>a corrupt black woman is trying to stop white men from maintaining lawful order of the republic
>trying to make this into a race/sex-essentialist thing
Wtf I love race wars now.
>obstruct the FBI's investigation for 4 months so they can't start the investigation before the period when the DNC could still change candidates
>complain when they're forced to start it this late into the election
>scream that the FBI is full of Russian insurgents
>when that backfires scream that the FBI is full of Trump supporters
>when that backfires scream that the FBI is full of fucking white males
Desperation is a hell of a drug
She has be convicted to be pardoned you retard of a leaf.
Every fucking time.
Jesus could come down from heaven, heal all the sick, cure world hunger and if he smiled at trump he would be the devil to these people.
If Whitey Bulger could bribe the FBI then the Russian mafia/oligarch/intelligence apparatus could. FBI works with Russians on counter terrorism even one of Trumps insiders was a Russian double agent with the CIA in Asia
Sweet. The FBI has standards. If you want "diversity", look at the fucking ATF.
HOW IS SHE STILL WINNING? I THOUGHT THE NYPD ARRESTED HER?! Doesn't it suck she's going to win? It's hopeless. The votes the whole election none of it matters. She can murder children and rape them and nothing would be done about it. This whole jail meme is never going to happen. She is going to win and there's nothing we can do. No matter what happens or what is proven she is still going to win no matter what and it sucks
>HOW IS SHE STILL WINNING? I THOUGHT THE NYPD ARRESTED HER?! Doesn't it suck she's going to win? It's hopeless. The votes the whole election none of it matters. She can murder children and rape them and nothing would be done about it. This whole jail meme is never going to happen. She is going to win and there's nothing we can do. No matter what happens or what is proven she is still going to win no matter what and it sucks
HOW IS SHE STILL WINNING? I THOUGHT THE NYPD ARRESTED HER?! Doesn't it suck she's going to win? It's hopeless. The votes the whole election none of it matters. She can murder children and rape them and nothing would be done about it. This whole jail meme is never going to happen. She is going to win and there's nothing we can do. No matter what happens or what is proven she is still going to win no matter what and it sucks
HOW IS SHE STILL WINNING? I THOUGHT THE NYPD ARRESTED HER?! Doesn't it suck she's going to win? It's hopeless. The votes the whole election none of it matters. She can murder children and rape them and nothing would be done about it. This whole jail meme is never going to happen. She is going to win and there's nothing we can do. No matter what happens or what is proven she is still going to win no matter what and it sucks
It's almost like they're under the scrutiny of the entire world and driven to do their job.
Like, their "for real" job. Not getting in front of a podium and saying hillary dindunuthin at Obama's command, so she can repeat it constantly at a convention.
reality has a trump bias
that's when we get nuked over her retarded no fly zone in syria
personally i wouldn't complain about instant nuclear death but even if she doesn't go full retard and poke the bear, assange will be suicided
> Muh Russians
Seriously wtf is wrong with Americans? Not even Ukraine has such a massive Russian spy infiltration paranoia and I know I'm Ukranian
Well, since you're fucking retarded, let me educate you. This will turn America against Trump.
What is wrong with these people
And "america" is going to get thrown in jail and raped by billy bob for the rest of his life.
>FBI works with Russians on counter terrorism
and that's what we're doing now :^)
>FBI is with Trump
That's it I'm with HER now. No way am I siding with the justice of the land
We're gonna need a bigger trashcan.
No she doesn't. Look into Ford pardoning Nixon. He wasn't charged and Ford gave him a blanket pardon.
I'm sure better sources exist, but it's fact. He can (and probably will) give her a pardon for his eight years.
Pardons don't protect from impeachment.
Unless you're planning on reintroducing some of your famous commie atheism on the middle east the terrorism isn't ending soon
Personally I don't I can see the ramifications gamed. This is walking a razor.
t. (((white man)))
No, actually a lot of FBI people are going to lose their jobs and go to federal pound-them-in-the-ass prison. We have laws against this, you dumb shit.
Agreed. I'm honestly going to be quite angry if he does. I think she should be impeached immediately if elected. She lied to congress, under oath. Bill Clinton was impeached for the same.
wtf I want to work for the fbi now
>Sources say
I bet it was RUSSIA !!!!!
This breakdown is interesting because given that an agency like the FBI is going to HEAVILY favour people born in America over immigrants for employment, Asian Americans are massively overepresented
A liberal retard would look at the current Asian American population of 5.5% and assume they are being oppressed since they are only 4% of the FBI
However many Asian Americans are immigrants or have parents who are immigrants (which I assume makes someone a more likely to fail the security tests). Since the FBI probably doesn't employ teenagers, any Asian American currently working for the FBI would be old enough to be alive in the early/mid 90's, when the Asian American population was just 2.7% (1990 census), not sure how many of that 2.7% were born in the USA, but we can easily assume a significant (10%+) amount were not
If only I took him seriously, he could have settled the great debate
The FBI is pissed because political corruption is going unchecked, so you're going to side with the corrupt politicians.
Fuck off.
It would be quite amazing for an outgoing president to pardon an incoming president. It's never happened before and would set a terrible precedent, though I think the same about the Nixon pardon (with some obvious reservations about his actual role in the plots).
former hillary supporter here
why can't trump just not be a jackass? why does he have to be such a memelord? if he wasn't such a fucking jackass more people would vote for him. this is bullshit, america loses with either of these fucks
No he wasn't. Lrn2conlaw
You'd think if Obama was willing to pardon Hillary, he'd have done it by now.
Bill wasn't impeached?
Wrong actually. President Ford pardoned President Nixon, and he was convicted of nothing.
> Shitlery shitting MUH RUSSIANS on twitter a few days ago
> It was actually the FBI
> mfw you know understand why she went full MUH RUSSIANS on twitter 2 days ago
> mfw you understand why the Obamas have been quietly distancing themselves
IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW. She knew where the leaks came from. She tried to cover her ass by lying even more through conspiracy theories.
Folks, keep digging!
The rumors of pedophile activity and child slavery are too numerous to be ignored. Finding the smoking gun on this subject will completely destroy Clinton and the Democratic party forever.
But there's something greater at stake. The very survival of our nation.
You might think you were just trying to help fight for Donald Trump, but now you're literally doing GOD'S WORK. You are champions for the smallest victims, those who cannot speak for themselves. Innocent children who have become victims to these inhuman, satanic monsters.
This is your best chance for glory. If you bring these monsters to justice surely God will reward you.
God speed dear Anons. Remember, you are doing God's work. This is the most important thing you will ever do in your life.
Whatever your motivation, keep it up. You're going to be heroes. This is your great war. This is your shining moment. You will be able to tell your children, and your grand children, that you helped take down one of the most evil people in American history.
This is a glory you will cherish for the rest of your life.
God bless you all.
One is a criminal and the other is a big meanie. The fact that you ever supported this hag says it all.
Obama doesn't like Trump and obviously won't support him, but he's not going to shit all over his legacy to save Hillary's ass either.
She can still be impeached leaf. Even presidents aren't invincible.
Yes he was.
>Siding with the oppressors
We didn't make the rules we're just supposed to sit back and follow them man. Are you alright with that?
>Takarada's face is not an option
Shiggu diggu
Id also like to mention that while Obama is "endorsing" Hilary in office, doesn't mean he's always liked her. During his run he talked a lot of factual shit about Hilary and his disdain for her.
Comey played them like a fiddle.
>Comey: Hillary is innocent with the current evidence we have
>Comey: Oh we found new evidence, the case is re-opened and Hillary is the devil
>Media: Wtf I hate the fbi now
Hell yes Trumpland
FBI = Trumpland
DOJ = Shillaryville
I choose FBI
>(((Binyamin Applebaum)))
the poll was made within the first few episodes
Do you have any laws against being so stupid that you believe Hillary Clinton?
like Bill did for Mark Rich
>US has laws preventing public servants from using their position and/or uniform to advocate for election candidates because they are supposed to be an impartial entity serving its constituents at large
>US has laws preventing military personnel from using their position and/or uniform to advocate for election candidates because they are supposed to be an impartial entity serving its constituents at large
>US does not have laws preventing it's president and commander of the military from using his position to sway voters, thus turning his office into a partisan tool and directly conflicting with its constituents
i mean i guess you guys didnt need it because before you guys had an ape in office it hadnt been turned into a political lobby but damn what are you doing, claps?
Let's take a detour downtown and maybe you can help us out on some funding questions Mr. Appelbaum
How does one get a job in Trumpland?
There is going to be a Civil Coup.
maybe she shouldn't have treated soldiers, cops, secret service, fib agents like shit.
karma's a bitch.
the more important question to ask, who is powerful enough to protect an incompetent ass hat who may be the most corrupt person ever to weird that kind of power?
who could ever vote for this thing?
so now we murder children at birth?
behold, judgement comes
yeah, well, the FBI is in theory supposed to exist to root out corruption and criminals, it makes sense they'd despise a criminal mob boss like Hillary
the FBI is going to put these criminals away
Imagine the out rage if he tried that
They won't have enough time though.
THIS IS WHY FBIANON NEEDED US. He wants us to dig deep in the leaks, he wants us to help.
Someone post the FBI user thread archive
He already is, if he's the Christian Jesus.
Only Muslim Jesus, supporter of jihad, is the real one!
and now they are fucking accusing the FBI what's next CIA? IRS? at this rate soon enough they will denounce themselves
Not true. Bush pardoned himself and cheney before he left office for any future war crimes
Uh no fucking shit. Any special operations group, whether it's law enforcement or military is primarily white males.
It has nothing to do with "muh racism", it's because white males are the primary applicant.
Are these the same people who ask why there's not more transgender Mexican Green Berets in the Army or why Delta Force doesn't recruit African American midgets?
Why are people so god damn fucking stupid that they care about the diversity of something? Is it effective? Does the product you buy work? Why do people give a shit?
They never complain about too many chinks in IT either
Because they hate the authority white men represent, so jews work to degrade that image and get others to deride them.
>Implying he's a fed
Every. Fucking. Time.
Are you slow or just stupid?
I never imagined this level of butthurt to be possibly senpai.
>Daddy, daddy will you take me to Trumpland this year for my 10th birthday?
>Of course I will, son. Maybe you will even work there one day.
Hey at least Trump and Clinton aren't Russian. Putin controlls the media and commits cronyism . The fact is the ignorant drunk Russian public deserve it. Don't ever deal with a Russian they will screw you. Worst people in the world.