You have to make him change his mind by showing him one movie. Which movie do you pick?

you have to make him change his mind by showing him one movie. Which movie do you pick?

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (854x478, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone needs to upload the full video to liveleak

already done

how many people have to die before hiro deletes Sup Forums and /r9k/?

Attached: 264.jpg (480x360, 43K)

he was already into anime, he was too far gone.

fake and gay

thank you

only you

>Sup Forums
I'm for this idea

Why would he do that to his mom?

an hero than

VERY fake and gay

seems like another attempt to take down/discredit Sup Forums

Attached: 14453526565790.jpg (250x241, 7K)

Alice The Vampire Slayer

If you delete Sup Forums the posters are going to ruin the rest of the site even more than they already do.

What needs happen is for Sup Forums posters to be rangebanned from the rest of the boards.

That's a big gun...

I hope you people aren’t over the age of 16.


welcome to Sup Forums newfags

>seems like another attempt to take down/discredit Sup Forums

was what the 'some of you are ok don't go to school tomorrow' thing was too.

for you...

>Put up a tarp
>Spray your brains all over the roof anyway
Just plain inconsiderate.

itt: Shills shilling a '''suicide'''

Attached: 9ndex.jpg (90x216, 4K)

Fake. No smoke from the gun, no shattered glass or disturbed blinds. No sirens before the supposed ambulance and fire department show up. Also what's with the random people talking over the video

who was in the skype call? fake btw

oh it's totally real

yep. false flag

Nobody of you could possibly be this retarded. A billion dollar movie couldn't fake it better.

its not real, sorry. faker than the isis vids

When will this slut start doing anal?

I could make that video in 20 minutes with after effects. Shit bait. Video is fake and gay.

yeah, because anons cant have interest toward politics and tv and whatever at the sametime


Why did he do it?

fuck off shill


13 reasons why


Attached: checkem_1.png (584x484, 226K)

lol it was livestreamed you retards