So is it good or bad...

So is it good or bad? Critics hate it for some reason and I'm looking into whether it's for some political reason in which case it's probably great like Bright was but I don't wanna waste 2 hours on it if it sucks. Anyone watch it?

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Worth it for her.

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Waifus aside, is it better than say Only God Forgives?

yeah. there's an actual plot for one.

I thought it was great.

yeah guys I don't want to waste time on it if it sucks, I'd rather waste time refreshing this thread instead of watching ten minutes of the fucking movie

I sort of want to watch because I like both Yakuza and Jared Leto, but the reviews turned me off a bit. I'll give it a try though, reviews are not really trustworthy these days.

t. brainlet

>great like bright

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Bright > Outsider > Mute >>> Cloverfield Paradox

its fucking good

Thanks Sup Forums gonna watch it and see how it is just needed some confirmation it wasn't a shitshow like Mute

It was pretty good, Iliked all the Japanese actors, especially Asano for like ever. Leto sounds like he has throat cancer or like he's had the wind knocked out of him through most but it sort of fits.

My only complaint is that the 'outsider' angle kind of means nothing after a certain point.

what the bright is going on in this thread.

It wasn't clever the elves were literally the superior race

>Bright > Outsider

So it's trash then?

If Jared Leto was replace by Steve Seagal the character wouldn't have changed a bit. It's like it was written for him. All his dialogue is deep raspy one liners.
Japanese actors were realy enjoyable though.

>Anyone watch it?

I thought it was good but I would have liked some more depth/background to the story.

It wasn't shit, but not a classic either. It's OK.

Leto and Asano are good, qt is a qt but the plot is nothing special, setting it in the 50s didn't add anything.

It's baffling how 99% of everything Netflix produces is shit and the rest mediocre.

How the fuck is that possible? I don't get it.

It's a reimagining of the last samurai and it's fucking great.

>setting it in the 50s didn't add anything.
It adds heaps, the central theme is all about the wider influence of american style corporatism and how it destroyed the old japan.

I found it kind of addled and a lot of questions are raised
>why is basically the whole yakuza fluent in English
>why did they let this random white guy they are paying a courtesy to inflame shit by whacking a dude in the face, and actually promote him for it? If it was a good move to fuck him up, why did everyone else just sit there and do nothing?
>why was the soldier Leto ran into such a fucking retard?
>why did the bad guys offer the chance to join them and kill their leader and then just let them live when they refuse?
>why didn't the bad guys kill Leto for bursting in and murdering their quisling?

Why, of all movies, did you pick this as a comparison?

>why is basically the whole yakuza fluent in English
It's postwar Japan, it's a necessary business skill to get your hands on Army surplus.

>why did they let this random white guy they are paying a courtesy to inflame shit by whacking a dude in the face, and actually promote him for it? If it was a good move to fuck him up, why did everyone else just sit there and do nothing?
He stood up for himself after he was insulted, he didn't inflame the situation, the guy he hit was a lackey who offered insult and was corrected for it.

>why was the soldier Leto ran into such a fucking retard?
He was dumb.

>why did the bad guys offer the chance to join them and kill their leader and then just let them live when they refuse?
Killing one guy attracts a lot less attention than a slaughterhouse. These people aren't a shadowy, police owning conspiracy, they're racketeers, extortionists and thugs.

>why didn't the bad guys kill Leto for bursting in and murdering their quisling?
The same reason Nick and his buddy had to give up fingers after Nick killed the guy in the Warehouse. Orochi murdered their boss, literally stabbed him in the back. The leader of the other group could either let him kill Orochi, or prevent him, and then deal with the rest of the group fucking with his business until they get to kill Orochi.
Orochi offered much greater insult than Nick had by killing a man in a fight, and so his restitution was much greater.

>It's postwar Japan, it's a necessary business skill to get your hands on Army surplus.
I don’t really buy it, maybe it is useful to have some English speakers but both gangs felt the need to have an American to smooth things over and that doesn’t explain why random sister and uneducated quisling speak it
>The same reason Nick and his buddy had to give up fingers after Nick killed the guy in the Warehouse. Orochi murdered their boss, literally stabbed him in the back. The leader of the other group could either let him kill Orochi, or prevent him, and then deal with the rest of the group fucking with his business until they get to kill Orochi.
The film emphasizes that they are the untraditional new blood, why would they grant any consolations to a gang they just did their best to eliminate when they have all the cards?

Why bother having Orochi kill the boss when they had a dude with a rifle waiting, and then protecting him so that he can get away, only to let him be killed by some hothead? And then they let him get away, why? So the rest of the gang won't try to avenge him too? If they really believe the gang they just decapitated is still a threat that needs placating then why let them all go? If that is the case there is no resolution to the film.

Seagal is a known asshole on set, everyone is happy to not work with him ever.

>great like Bright

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>why would they grant any consolations to a gang they just did their best to eliminate when they have all the cards?

It's not a matter of tradition or consolation. The gang that won that war were the new blood, they had abandoned the old honorable ways. Which meant they had no real Loyalty to Orochi. It was a calculated decision: I can let this guy kill a now expendable asset, and that will satisfy the Old Guard's honor and they will leave, or I can prevent it, and they will stick around, fucking with my businesses, costing me money until they get what they want. It's an easy choice from a pragmatic point of view.

>Why bother having Orochi kill the boss when they had a dude with a rifle waiting
For the exact same reason. The film heavily plays up the Old Ways vs the New Ways. The new guys are pragmatic, and they know the Shiromatsu are still tied up in old traditions. If they murder the boss, then the entire Shiromatsu gang, even if they lost the turf war, are honor bound to avenge him. If Orochi kills him, Orochi is a traitor, and they are honor bound to kill Orochi, a member of their own gang. Orochi killing him made it an internal matter within the Shiromatsu group.

In the end, the Shiromatsu lost, they lost their business and their leader because they were tied up with codes of honor. The other gang won, because they were pragmatic and did what they had to do to win. It's a remarkably even handed examination of traditionalism vs progress for a Netflix movie.

Man, this got me in the mood for Yazuza 6.

YAKUZA 6, bah.

>I can let this guy kill a now expendable asset, and that will satisfy the Old Guard's honor and they will leave, or I can prevent it, and they will stick around, fucking with my businesses, costing me money until they get what they want. It's an easy choice from a pragmatic point of view.
He didn’t let Nick kill Orochi. Nick killed Orochi, flouting their authority and demonstrating an unwillingness to accept defeat, and then they did nothing. If Orochi was expendable and it was all part of their plan, why protect him at the docks and why insist Nick get out of town (presumably Orochi's request)? And why not kill Nick for pulling that shit?

Okay so he kills Nick, what do the rest of the Shiromatsu do? Just take that?
Losing a turf war is just business, but killing a man for satisfying honor is an insult.

Sacrificing Orochi may not have been the plan, merely an option which ended up being the outcome.

It's great. A very stylish and well shot film based more on intrigue than answering questions and doing a ton of world building. I was pretty well enthralled with the plot just on a basis of wanting to know what happens to Nick and his path. Others might be salty that there's no disposition-laden monologuing all over.

At worst it's an 8/10.

>Okay so he kills Nick, what do the rest of the Shiromatsu do? Just take that?
If they are worried about that, they failed to extirpate the rival gang which was their stated goal

Post times you were like the Outsider.

>sitting in the cafeteria minding my own business
>wannabe chad walks up and asks me what I'm doing
>tell him I'm just eating lunch and reading my Japanese textbook
>he laughs and says I'm probably eating a soy lunch
>smash him in the face with a glass bottle with speed matched only by a pit viper
>spend five years in prison for aggravated assault

You just dont understand giri, bro.

>>why was the soldier Leto ran into such a fucking retard?

I wanna know why Leto didn't put on Huey Lewis and the News. You could tell he wanted to.

Critics seem to hate Netflix movies. I'm not saying they're all masterpieces, but Outsider, Bright and Mute are hardly 8% films.

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Why don't any of you retards understand how RT works? If 92% of critics think Mute was a D+ film (which it was), then it gets an 8%.

Are you dumb? These aren't the illuminati, they're pimps and racketeers. Yeah lets go kill 50 people like some big fucking action movie, surely that's not going to bring down the Police and possibly even the American military on the area.
They're businessmen, having cops and grunts all over you is bad for business. The Shiromatsu lost and the most expedient way to get rid of them was to simply let them satisfy their honor and leave.

I honestly don't get why it's so hard for you to wrap your head around this shit. Yeah, they could have gone and killed everyone, he could have killed Nick, he could have done any number of things. He chose to do the things that would cause the least problems for him in the long term while also nipping any future grudges in the bud.


Mute>Bright>Outsider>Cloverfield Paradox

All are average though.

Most people here understand the rotten tomatoes rating system. Its just a god awful system .

Big movie critics are working for movie studios. Netflix is fucking up the status quo. Now that they just tried something new with annihilation, watch the studios go on a war path.

They cant target netflix that hard because they are PC as fuck (too much) but movies like bright, mute and otusider will get shit on and critics and RT will try and sell to the public they are the worst thing ever. I hated mute but it 13%, go fuck yourself.

its old school story wise

rest is kino