*blocks your video rental*
*blocks your video rental*
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw browsing the horror section as a kid
Never got to rent the fucking things, but I think that's why I like the genre so much now. The covers were cool as fuck.
Would Michael Fassbender be able to take him down?
yep, right between pinocchio's revenge and lake placid
Oh my fucking God. You're taking me back
this movie always peaked my curiosity, but by the time i was old enough to rent R movies by myself, the local ma and pa place had closed down, and blockbuster had only the new shit or popular old shit like freddy and jason
I was literally the opposite, would avoid the Horror section like the plague, the first plan of action in a new Video Store was to find the horror and plan my kino hunting route accordingly so I'd never pass it.
Don't mind me just scaring the shit out of you with my holographic evil face.
max cringe
Fuck, I loved that shit. I used to have a stack of old Goosebumps cards that did the same.
What's the film that has a tiny black hand against a red background?
Why was everyone on tv such a pussy as a kid. Always talking about how they pissed their pants at the horror section or were traumatized by a slightly spooky scene in a kids show.
>Rent me, pussy
I was 8
Ah yes. The old "I was 8" diversion. Nice try!
As a kid I found this cover disturbing. It is supposed to be a comedy
Man fuck my video store
The assholes at the counter always had chucky dolls and I was terrified of chucky so I would be pissing myself rushing through the store trying to get as much shit as I can and leave in record time
I fucking hate chucky so much
Thanks for the nightmare Hollywood Video
I don't think I ever experienced a blockbuster, I lived in a very very small British village and if we wanted to rent a VHS we went to the local post office / convenience store thing. I was still living at home when I went to college and by the time I moved out for uni there were very few left, I don't know if I've even seen one in person. I think the closest thing is hmv and I've only bought a few things from them (random indie crap on sale for 3 dvds for £5 or something) - I don't see the point in buying them when I can just browse in store and download / stream at home.
this, my parents wouldn't let me rent them but me and my brother would spend half our time in the video store just reading the backs of horror VHS boxes, telling eachother how scary they sounded
>go to blockbuster
>See horror.com video across the room
>Immediate chills and go as fast as possible to video games
That was a dark time.
I remember renting this crap as well
Fucking Christ it was fear.com. I'm so retarded.
There is still some in the US.
>Hastings closed
>Hollywood Video closed
>Only results that come in Google for "[my town] video rental store" is a redbox machine
I didn't realize things were so bad. Stay in your room as a neet for a few years and everything fucking changes.
>movie cover always spooked me hard as a kid
>imagine it to be some super gory movie about mutant bugs killing people or somthin
>finally watch it a couple years back
>is not gory at allexcept the skin wearing part nor are there any murdering mutant bugs
>I fucking hate chucky so much
Likewise. I was so autistic and anxious about accidentally seeing the movie on USA or whatever network that I would always get the section of the newspaper that showed what was coming on TV that week, and make sure it wasn't coming on. If it was, I made sure to be far away from a TV just in case I might accidentally see it.
I'm honestly surprised I don't have even bigger problems with anxiety today.
The first time I fingered a girl was when this movie was on in that background. Too bad she has since gotten horrendously fat
>Would go to 'Bond Street' video store every weekend with my dad
>straight to the horror section
>pick out the next vhs of the nightmare/halloween/evil dead series that we were watching at the time
>horror section in the same room as the porn
>try to walk out and accidently glimpse the porn covers
>clerks who genuinely loved movies would give us horror recommendations
>he'd get beer and a 'grown up movie'
>i'd get dr pepper and m&m's
the type of nostalgia where you absolutely believe the past was better than the present but you'll never get it back
Fuck I love Jack Frost. The sequel isn't half bad either. I bust a gut when the mutant snowman killed the topless chick swimming in the pool and then cracked open a cold beer.
Horror and sci fi section is where I always went first
What the hell, I didnt realize anyone else had memories of that cover. Full Moon Features were on their A game when it came to distribution, I guess.
*scares you just with the cover*
This boxart used to fuck me up
Funny how most of the time the cover was scarier than the actual movie
This is the only thing I miss about video stores not being around anymore. Being able to pick the things up and flip them over to look at the box art was great. Looking at a shit image that took two mins to make in photoshop on a screen sucks.
Lol this is the first one I thought of when I saw this thread.
I thought this was the most badass thing growing up and wanted to watch it so bad and then one day I rented it and it sucked.
>tfw I never saw Urban Legends
>tfw I never saw 13 Ghosts
>tfw I never saw Hellraiser
>tfw I never saw Blair Witch Project
>loved reading the back of puppet master movies
>never got to rent puppet master
>still havent seen puppet master
Ive probably read the back of more horror movies than ive actually seen.
I'm only 20 and this type of shit is already starting to hit because shit from early/mid 2000's I used to do and enjoy isn't even a thing anymore. I thought this shit happened in middle age not in my prime man it hurts
watch them you fuck
Not missing much, if you caught the boogeymen dvd you saw the best part
13 Ghosts was actually pretty underrated for being a shitty teen horror flick. The amount of thought the writers put into each of the backstories of the ghosts n shit is pretty cool. Cover used to scare the ever loving fuck out of me in Blockbuster though.
The DVD had this extra that showed all the backstories.
It’s funny, I was terrified of Chucky as a kid because his video covers scared me. Then years later I actually sat down and watched the movies and laughed. I wish I actually had watched them as a kid, then I wouldn’t have been scared.
The American cover of fear.com and every single Chucky cover made me avoid those sections in either the rental store or the record store I visited every single weekend. Damn you took me back.
I assumed Fear Dot Com would be terrifying based on the cover.
Never got around to watching Killer Clowns from Outer Space.
>Killer Clowns from Outer Space.
Legitimately great film.
I rented this movie expecting a dinosaur/Killer-Croc creature, not the Wilkins Coffee guy.
This is a legitimately great movie.
got this downloaded but havent watched it yet
I remember being so scared of the Child's Play 2 cover.
best box art coming thru
Mate I'm 31, have a wife and kids, shitty job and a mortgage. I no longer do anything enjoyable besides jerking off and never have the time/energy/money to do anything i used to enjoy. I have no hobbies, no close friends and no social life that doesn't involve my kids/family.
This. Except occasionally I down a six pack like last night and am filled with regret the next morning.
>ruins your safe trip to the video store to get Beethoven or Fivel goes west or some shit
>loved going to a local video rental store to rent all sorts of horror flicks on vhs
>eventually it closed down
>then it became a second hand-clothing shop
>then they bulldozed the whole building
>now its literally flat ground surrounded by nothing
Its like somebody tried their hardest to erase it from existence
I miss blockbuster man
>walk past the porno section on purpose to pretend to be getting to the action movies
>always remember this
This is why I want to go war when I'm young , learn how to fight for what I can believe in and maybe sustain injuries or die.
If I die Young, I leave a pretty corpse and die for something worthwhile instead of being some 80 year old shitting himself to death. If I live, I have something to reminisce about and pass on knowledge of my experiences to new generations.
this is your brain on greatest ally
the guy who made this normally directs softcore gay porn
>He thinks I'm dying for (((Israel)))
Yeah no, who exactly do you think I want to pass my knowledge onto exactly? Give you a big hint.
Are you British?
If you are you're a faggot.
If you're not its a bit more understandable, as those two are a well known comedy duo famous for crass, slapstick physical humour, but if you didn't know that it could be seen as odd.
It's LENTICULAR, buttface. Ain't nothing holographuc anout a VHS cover.
Same here. You think you're in for the ultimate Jason movie and then you watch... that.
The horror covers scared me so much as a kid.
>Thirteen Ghosts
Both this and OP's film have been released by Vinegar Syndrome on blu ray
This is one of my favourite covers
>visit fear.com to see what it actually is in 2018
>literally just huge text that says 28.6% CHANCE OF TRUMP PRESIDENCY. DON’T FEAR, VOTE.
>title of a movie about a website that kills you
>hasnt been updated after the trump victory because the owner probably killed themselves
absolute kino
Am I the only one whose parent's let them watch pretty much whatever they wanted?
IT was literally my favorite movie when I was 4 years old. Yes it scared me, but not to the point of it being a problem.
My dad let me watch R-rated action movies like Terminator, Robocop and Predator, used to just think of them as any other superhero type stories.
I always just found horror movies boring tbqh, maybe because I could watch them young so never grew up thinking they were something special I only got to watch later.
I didn't get to watch anything, but did see a fair few R-rated movies as a kid, including Conan the Barbarian
Does she have a name?
All NOES VHS covers were kino.
Same, my sister made me watcha bunch of horror movies when I was a kid so after a couple of years I just watched basically everything with the rest of my family.
What did the mean by this?
not British
The covers were usually the scariest part of the movie. As a little kid I avoided the horror section at blockbuster not necessarily because I was scared of what I saw, but because I had nightmares all the fucking time and seeing those things would guarantee nightmares. It was a subconscious thing
oh man, I used to see that at my video store when I was a kid, shit was pretty fucked up
t. Slovak
the 13 ghosts cover spooked me as a kid. local grocery store also had video rentals and they had the cover in the window. fucking hated going there on saturdays
>that fucking IT cover
Never again lads
Things are changing so quickly its hard to keep up, even faster than before. All from the worse too.
What was the horror movie with the vhs cover of this big nosed creature with googly eyes glued on it?
That stupid thing haunted me as a kid.
I remember having a near panic attack when a trailer for Child's Play 2 came on TV. It was one of those situations I was so scared I couldn't even turn the TV off; just sat their frozen like I was about to die. Killer dolls absolutely scared the fuck out of me as a kid.
>be kid
>looking at horror movie cases at rental store
>see Carnosaur
>mom won't let me watch R-rated movies
>grow up thinking Carnosaur is some lost dinosaur kino
>mfw I finally watch it as an adult
>Am I the only one whose parent's let them watch pretty much whatever they wanted?
My mom didn't give a fuck what I watched. Let me rent whatever movies I wanted no matter how crazy the covers looked AND I had HBO, Showtime and Skinemax in the fucking 90s with my own VCR and plenty of VHS tapes to record that sweet, sweet cable porn.
Side note: She also let me snag some porno mags when I was like 14 from an apartment because the tenant never returned to collect his shit.
>>horror section in the same room as the porn
Local rental place before Blockbuster opened up had the softcore porn videos right next to the games section.
We were browsing the Megadrive games when one of my friends turned around and said there's some weird videos on the shelf.
Of course we all grab a different case and start looking at the pictures before one of the women working there took them off us and told us we shouldn't be looking. They moved them all to the back after that I think.
Luckily we found plenty of magazines by the train station and in the woods
That place is now an Indian restaurant. When we first went there we got seated right where the games and porn was. It was nice.
>in the woods
I still dont understand why there used to be porn mags in the woods and bushes. I mean, of all the places...
>every vhs horror movie ever
my family video only had the one where she has the sucker, pic related also used to get me because I saw it so young
My theory is jealous/controlling girlfriends or wives made them get rid of it and none of them wanted to have it seen in their bins so they took it out to the woods for the next generation to find.
Stream it im sure its somewhere. Also, cool poster/cover. Makes me miss video/dvd rental
*conquers your eyes"